Category Archives: Christian Schools

Contact me for Help Starting a School

Contact me for help starting a school. I have been doing teacher training and administrator coaching and owner consulting for more than 20 years. I was the one who wrote the book on starting a licensed childcare center as a mission. I have now a new book on re-founding education. I can help you.

Do you have a group, like maybe a congregation, that wants to start a school? Call me so I can advise y ou in process. Maybe you are a homeschool grandmother and have a large living room. Call me to find out about microschools. Maybe you want a conversation or maybe you want your hand held for a year. Maybe you have a little school and you need board and staff training.

My consulting website is   

For a course in starting a licensed childcare center, go to

Please share with your better friends, and talk this up at your church — if it is a healthy one.


Re-founding Education — Announcement

My latest book, Re-founding Education: Jesus’ Teaching Method for Parents, Pastors, Teachers, and Administrators is out now! Yesterday was the launch day. And even better for you, in Kindle version, you can get it for free today also.

Please tell your friends! And they might even be able to get it for free if they hurry – over the weekend!

Please give me a good review.


Here is the deal: Education in American is on the wrong track. We know that. Heading the wrong direction. I wondered how it could be so bad. Chapter 2 explores that. I discovered something that really shocked me.

Then, in Chapters 3 & 4, I cover the rest of the education situation. What else is going on besides government schools? And how is that working? What is useful and what is disappointing.

Then, Chapter 5 is the chapter everyone will want to get to. What lessons in how to teach, can we learn from Jesus, the Master Teacher? I have 7 categories. And, it is more that just saying “STORIES” you seminary trained guys! Listen! It is really high time someone did this sort of study. Last time a book was published with this strategy was 1895. Yes, 1895. r

Any experienced educator or good mother will recognize immediately some of these lessons. And probably slap there head. What were we thinking that we forgot these lessons?!?!?! Love for students. Do you think that is the primary value of government schools? How about teaching Truth? And so forth.


This book will be a go=to read for anyone starting teaching, homeschooling, or even considering a congregation’s educational mission. It will move the conversation along in the academic world of education, especially in Christian universities attempting to have departments where they train teachers. (I have always said that wherever we train pastors, like in Bible Schools, we ought to also have teachers’ colleges.) This book will be the beginning of the way forward.


You need to get a copy, or you will be missing out. Get a copy for every Christian person who is struggling to teach anywhere in any context. That means the pastor and Sunday School teacher. That means the people who run a local Christian school. Make it a study text for your homeschooling support group.ion pen to facts and fairness for our students. So, you know what it takes to get the word out these days, when we are flooded with information, good or not. Speak for this in your study groups. Like, share, and review. This really does matter, because the algorithms of every electronic platform push down what is seldom looked at. Amazon, in particular, will not show books to people unless there are big sales. Even if there were no persecution in the world, in the most plain terms, they want to sell the most books. So , they are going to show books with the highest sales. Self-perpetuating prophecy — unless friends help.

And btw, free now.

And reviews! Please post an honest review after getting the book. Thanks a bunch ya’ll. Let’s do something for the children!

“School Choice” did Not Work out well in AZ as ESA either

“School Choice” did Not Work out well in AZ as ESA either.

School choice is not about choice; it is about money. Don’t let folks fool you. In Texas, Texas even, the Senate has passed it and the House is about to. It is reported that most Republicans want it. In TN the patriots are mourning, because their RINO governor got it through their lege. This is what is happening in the red states. The Blue states, not so much, and why? Because they already have very little freedom to educate children individually, or in Christian worldview.

Yes, you might get a little bit of money, but it is only a lure to reduce choice. Same story with  Educational Savings Accounts. ESAs. Okay, maybe better, since the money doesn’t go to Cesar first, but it does require Cesear’s permission.

Maybe you would like to hear how it worked in Arizona? A Christians was head of the schools for the state then. Now she regrets letting “school choice” aka shackles in. Listen in.

Friends, this is probably the biggest learning problem in the state right now. It is being pushed everywhere — except where there is already no choice. So, I know I know I know that t his might not be our fave topic.  Like broccolli. You tell your children to eat it — if you are a good mom.  Capt Ray Moore, published The Shekels to Shackles

These people recommend you exit government schools   Yes, there are people who want to shut down government schools


Educational Liberty at Stake; Many Confused, Deceived – URGENT

I am convinced that educational liberty is imperiled. Nothing short of losing the right to privately educate our children, or educator our children as Christians is at stake. Politicians are claiming to to the reverse, and people everywhere want to believe the lies because they want money.


There are people who would argue otherwise. But talk to them for a while. Find out if they are telling you facts. Do they know definitions? What are their actual claims? Have they considered the evidence? Have they fairly evaluated the likely results of the policies? (Yes, exactly what I have been teaching in my thinking skills courses. I taught them because THIS is the greatest learning obstacle around right now.)

You know very well that most bills are named the exact opposite to their intent and result. You know that many well-intentioned plans are utter failures when put into practise. You know know, or should know, that originally all rights were reserved to the people except those explicitly granted to the government. You know that that government has consistently crept up, thought that they ruled us, and even taught that they granted rights. You know that most Republicans are really RINOs. You know that most Democrats do have some sane arguments. It is sane to expect accountability from monies disbursed!


You may not know, however, much about the truth, and history of the “school choice” movement. It is a movement push, as far as I can see, by RINO governors. It will grant some monies, one way or another to some people that privately educate, for some time; however, more will be granted to the government schools — to continue going ever lower in academic achievement, safety, and sanity. This was ever the plan.

If you doubt that destroying education and liberty has been the plan, then read Chapter 2 in my forthcoming Book: Re-founding Education.


I have heard and read the wildest, silliest claims. Folks, if you want liberty and do not have it, then propose a bill in your legislature that prohibits regulation of private education including home education. If you want more money to educate your children, then argue for lower taxes. If you want more money to go for educating poor people, work to see that your private school grants good scholarships. These are the only ways those objectives will be accomplished.

Negotiate with liars and you will get snookered. Don’t gamble with your liberty!