Category Archives: character education

Why STEAM education is Dangerous

STEM is science, technology, engineering and math. It was heralded as a step forward, after low American scores. More recently art was added. So STEAM is all the rage. Wait. What? While we are celebrating, now for years, something we did very badly, and still do even worse…. what is missing. What is being hidden? Watch out.

This is dangerous. See why. Come to your own conclusions. Join me through a few stories for a fun ride. With an ending realization that History and Civics, done well of course, should be the center of education. That is what is being left out.

Why has History been so very neglected? What has been the result? If there is an intention behind it, what would that be?

How can you correct it?
For more on the history of Homeschooling judicial decisions in Texas, see the Texas Homeschooling Coalition

Also: Hot News: World History Institute, inspired by the work of Marshall Foster to show how the Bible, the Reformation, and good history line up for a better world today, is working on High School curricula. I’m sure it will be great. In the meantime, get *The American Covenant* as reading or curricula, in either newer or older version.


Priorities in Life – Makes Rest Line Up

Prioritizing life makes the rest line up the best. Even if we get good grades or a good job, if we are a bad person, we have not succeeded. Same for our children. Yet, in the rush of being a parent, of a child whose needs take up maybe extra time, especially in today’s dark world, we might forget the most important. The urgent crowds out the important. But if that important foundation is missing, everything else slants, breaks, and could crumble.

Eternal, moral, and only then educational.

Today, in this holiday season, let us consider the most important things, and how we can re-prioritize, come to faith, and line the rest of life up. The promise is that it works better that way.

I offer again my product on how to teach in dangerous times. I offer some guidance in going through this next dark rough patch.  Get under the wing of God, with others doing the same. I will see you on the other side of night, in the bright light of day. Be blest: may you and your children increase. Why? How? Because we are taught of the LORD and therefore great will be our shalom, our total well-being.

It is a Good Time of Year for a Lesson in Manners

It is a good time of year for a lesson in manners. Manners would go a long way to making family holidays more pleasant. Manners would go along way to being a life skills that would support making a good living. Manners is the way to go a step up the socio-economic ladder. Yet, as a culture, we threw them out. They are neither taught nor modeled in public/government schools. Often even church leaders and Christian school faculty as short of their own lessons. It is worth some real study.

Btw, “social skills” is now beginning to be taught, given the crying need. Manners are part of social skills, often taught if at all in a disconnected way from character. Manners without reality, without a foundation in good character is at best fake. Don’t fall for this substitute.

Here is a past episode, one of a series that you can get, on manners. Feel free to contribute your own ideas. One of the challenges is that different communities have different rules. But there is a common rule set, found in many published manner books. Knowing these can really help.

False Choice of Communist Versus Fascist – Know What You Are Talking About


In our world today, we talk a lot about Left versus Right politically. We call one kind of extremism “communist” and the other kind “fascist.”  It is abundantly clear, however, that we need some definitions.  These historical parties are a mix of both political and economic ideas or ideologies. They do not include the full spectrum of ideas and reality is not on a 2 dimensional spectrum.

Socialism is centralized government and redistribution of wealth. They coined the term “capitalism” which does not adequately define “free trade” of all kinds. Communism is merely authoritarian socialism. Fascism is centralized government while retaining private ownership of the means of production. Authoritarian government can partner with private industry and still be tyrannous. Democracy is rule by the majority. Republicanism (when used by American founders) meant representative democratic government under the rule of law, rather than of men.

In fact, communists and fascists are more alike than different. But, yes, they like to hate one another. Fascists, specifically the Nazis, were socialists, just like their Bolshevik and Trotsky-ite cousins. Both were authoritarian. Communists of the day like to call everyone they hated, a Nazi. Mao, Gramsci and others had their own twists, but all were based on increasing conflict toward revolution and top-down control afterwards.

What we really want, I think is liberty with some charity. I don’t think very many people want tyranny — except those few on top. They have been fairly successful at fooling all the rest of us.  Get definitions before you go out and fight for idea, some promise, (especially one that has always lost out, been fake, and stolen lives.)


In this week’s news, hilariously, a government and specifically the Prime Minister of that government who like to make slurs against his opponents by calling them “fascists” and “Nazis”  (because he is a communist and the government there has long leaned socialist) actually invited an real Nazi, a fascist who fought for Hitler, into their official meeting and gave him a standing ovation — twice. They were thinking about the current conflict in Ukraine. However, they have many citizens who fought against Nazism, many from Ukraine, Lithuania, Estonia, and many from Poland who well remember World War II.  They took great exception to the Parliament’s invitation and honoring a Nazi. The international press noticed too. Canada’s government is in a scandal. More importantly, the government has been thrice caught in tyrannous policies, violating their own Charter Rights. This may end the PM’s career and I would expect an election to be called, or at the very least a shuffle in the Parliament. The Speaker resigned with apologies.


We could not have know about this drama when we made this episode several weeks ago. Dear listener, dear reader, feel good that you are ahead of many by learning. Please show us the love for how we have taught so selflessly for so long. Please send a thank you donation, share with your friends, and talk about these issues in civil ways. Thanks for your response.