Category Archives: BIBLE

The Foundation of Shalom, Well-Being, in Education

I started talking about what the foundation of good education would be, which is especially important to consider if you are homeschooling. Then, following my own discussion, I jumped to respect between the sexes. And yes, of course, you ought to teach your daughters and  your sons to deal with other people’s sons and daughters. But that may not be the most foundational thing of all education. LOL  So what is?

You know, you can’t know everything. I love learning. But it is just impossible to know everything. So, what is the one thing to learn that makes it easier to know the rest? What is the one best guide on how to proceed? One could study every veiwpoint on anything, and it would take a few years to properly understand and evaluate it all. In the meantime, one might be snookered into some philosophy that sounded good, but really bought your children to disaster. So, is their a hueristic toward a good life, toward mastery of ethics/morality, toward mastery of any other subject?

Good news: yes. We have a manufacturer’s manual. It has been used successfully across cultures and millennia. And it is alluded to in our foundational promise: All your offspring shall be taught of the Lord and great shall be their shalom, their total well-being, peace, prosperity, nothing missing nothing broken. And notice, Jesus himself quoted this verse.


Many Christian schools and Christian curricula is NOT really fully Biblical. Often they have secular assumptions without knowing it, because that is their training. Here are a few attempts. Please do your own evaluation. Please share here, also.



How a biblical worldview shapes the way we teach our children

Aug 24, 2015 … The Christian worldview should influence all decisions made in and out of the classroom. It is not simply opening class in prayer (although I …

Apr 6, 2018 … In contrast to the secular curricula used in public education, Christian schools teach ideas that rest on God’s Word as the ultimate source of …

God Heals — Isaiah 53

Again, we are getting very dismaying news about another couple of young adult athletes who fell dead. And we are supposed to believe it was natural causes. A new natural or unknown cause called “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.” And yet, still, amazingly, I am also getting reports of people still urging to jab children! It is beyond belief.

But, God! God’s word is immortal, incorruptible. It didn’t change because  the devil got worse, or people more perfectly partnered with the devil. Ha ha. God’s promises are real. So, whatever the problem might be, let’s open the Word of God and find Truth.

Don’t look to the right or the left. Just look at the Word. Don’t say something against it; just speak the Scripture. That is your prescription. That is your script.

And break off disappointment. Do not let a failure to understand, to receive or whatever, to cause another failure to receive. Just let’s look at the Word.


Let’s Pray Right Now!

Does it seem to you that things are finally quiet? Or are you waiting for the next shoe to drop in the election? Are you waiting for a cataclysmic return of Trump? Are you just used to a news roar?

Look, we really are in a crisis. The foundations of good, truth, health, and prosperity are being shaken. Look back and see that for generations, it has been creeping up on us. It has happened before that people strayed from God, and then they were given a choice, and then, based on that choice, there were consequences. You can read about the history of ancient Israel right there in you Bible.

Unless you think you are just SO much smarter than anyone else that was previous to you. Right. Not as strong. Don’t see as well. Don’t run as well. Don’t read as well. And for sure, don’t think as well. Sorry, fact.

So, let’s start praying! Pray for our children: for salvation body soul spirit — in all ways — great shalom. Let’s pray for those who teach that they not be deceived, that they be strong and kind.  Pray for our leaders: that they repent and get on the right track or are removed. Let’s pray for our law enforcement: that they enforce rather than try to be the law.  Let’s pray for the elections to be fair.  Let’s pray for the courts: that judgment once again be founded on justice. Pray for ourselves. Repentance for straying.  Thanksgiving for the mercy and grace of God!

Let’s pray right now!

Lying… What God Says: Don’t Lie

Concluding our series on how to tell what is true, I felt to open up Bible wisdom about lying. God mentions it. God says not to lie, generally…. and there are bad consequences for those who do. Lying is so very well accepted in our culture, that any remonstrance is met with questions about exceptions, even from seemingly good people. So then, it becomes accepted in business, and then in church, and…. as we have seen… to an appalling extent in media and government.

Let’s see what God says. This will help us sort out what is true and what is false. And the point is: Don’t Lie.

Then, let’s apply God’s wisdom to our own lives. It really matters.

Oh…. I don’t think you heard this very clearly. Let me underline by telling you something esle: Do you know why Gandhi was so sure that no one or no thing would hurt him? Because he was nonviolent. My guess is that he based this understanding on a verse from Pantanjali… but there is truth in it. Call it sowing and reaping, if you will. Your own adherence to truth will help you identify to avoid falsehood coming at you.

As well as later judgment for being on the wrong side of the flow. You see,you get caught up in the flow, the river you stand in. Then you end up where that river takes you: the mystery of iniquity going to destruction or the mystery of righteousness going to glory.

So, don’t lie, and you can better see the truth. Don’t lie, and you can better detect when others are lying to you. Don’t lie, don’t deceive others, and you will less likely be deceived.Yes, I know that we have an experience of maturing where we have to grow out of naivete, but real spiritual maturity is called “second naivete” by theologians. Don’t lie.

Lance Wallnau recently on on 2 Timothy 3: Podcast 737