Anna Baureiss, The Homeschool Coach

Today, we sit down with Anna Baureiss, The Homeschool Coach. You will hear her family’s story and what she is doing now.
We talked once with the Baureiss family before, when they owned Brain Balance in the Westlake area of Austin. They were helping many children with Dr. Delillo’s method.
Anna tells you how they got into that, and what she is doing now.

We apologize that we are several days late in posting this. Technical issues. Working hard with the tech team to discover why all of a sudden, things are working. Tech is so fun. Let’s just be thankful that we have this relatively inexpensive and relatively effective way of communicating. Please make use of it.

Help Thinking About School Vouchers

Next week will be the GOP state convention in Texas. Because of this, all my friends involved in issues like vaxx choice, homeeschooling, school vouchers, pro-life, and liberty are all caught up in preparations. So, while we wait on the tech to be fixed so I can upload my audio files, how about if I make some documents available to you about “vouchers” or “school choice.” This very much goes along with the series we have just been running about thinking better. Both sides stick to one or two points, very emotionally, and almost no one is considering all the issues or having really investigative conversations. And social media certainly doesn’t lend help to making that so!
First: here are the documents.
Vouchers without Choice
Vouchers Poison

Also see very important :
UNESCO is pushing the idea, because they like more central control!

ADHD Meds Dangerous — Now for Eyesight
Study finds that drugs typically used for ADHD create eye pressure, glaucoma.
Better that parents should first see if they are giving their children any substances that trigger ADHD like behaviors, such as red dye, other dyes, sweetners and other stimulants. Check sleep.
Then, they should check the envioronment for other pollutants that their child might be sensitive to, such as EMFs and allergens.
Then, if that doesn’t do the trick, start getting serious about finding causes. Try the Fiengold Diet procedure.
Try excerise (both running and weight lifting) and caffiene. This is works well for most young men.
ONLY then, should you be searching out the professionals and then, look for those who specialize in the brain, like Dr. Amen.
Too many parents go directly to a GP and demand drugs. This is a poor procedure and ends up with more problems. ‘
Check out our interview with the local past master and mother of a child, now grown, with real brain=wiring problem actually diagnosed, really with brain scans, as actual ADHD.