Contact Me If You Would Like to Run a School

Contact Me If You Would Like to run a School. Would you like to teach in your own school? Run a school? Do you love children? Do you have a large living/dining room and a backyard? How about a church building with safe entrance from parking and safe exit to a playground. That is about what you need — plus some how to knowledge that I can provide. Check out this episode. Mico-schools are a thing. Big schools take a while and some money, but micro-school do not.

Also, a licensed childcare center can be a great mission for the church that has an adequate building.

But DO NOT THINK THAT YOU CAN DO IT just out of what you have seen. Most schools are … well range from mediocre at best to really horrific. Well, yes, that is why we need some new schools. Children need to be rescued out of them. But, on the other hand, I see adults who were formed by and certified by these horrific schools. Let’s get some education. Good news: doesn’t take long.

Also see: course consulting site

More on Healing – Definite Scripture from Apostle Peter

Following up on the idea of healing being available. Here is a definite, obvious scripture from no less that Apostle Peter, repeated what we learned from Isaiah 53 and from Jesus quoting it. Now, after Jesus’ resurrection, Peter affirms that we have healing in Jesus’s finished work.


Continuing our series about how to think better, I show you how to look for evidence. Lots of people make claims. Few think to give you good evidence. Often because they don’t have it; they only have emotion or hearsay or opinion. Some, however, intentionally give you a partial story, with lots of emotion, in order to trick and weaponize you.

Don’t be fooled.

And be persuasive.

Oh, wait, great writing, but on wrong topic. This week: THERE IS TRUTH. School has worked so hard for so long to teach us that there is no such thing as truth. But we know better. When you take your motorcycle in, you know whether or not it runs when you get it out. Either it runs or it doesn’t. So you know there is fact.

Similarly, you can test Truth. And besides, just because things here are in a mixed state, that doesn’t mean that there couldn’t be, in the abstract, Truth. You can conceive of it, and that, in the abstract is proof enough.

And wow it makes a difference. If someone can convince you that there is not truth, then they can convince you that anything they say is the truth. Then you are enslaved. There is Truth; you can know it; therefore, you can be free.

I invited you to listen.