Category Archives: Providers

Now, Your Children Can See How to Achieve!

Eyesight, or more properly, being able to see well, is foundational for academic achievement. You may think you know that and say to me that schools always screen for vision. Well, they do screen, but those screenings do not even look for some foundational problems relating to reading. They, may, however, screen for ESP! according to Texas law! Yikes! However, pervasively, what happens next is often counterproductive.

Then, even if you have your child seen by an eye doctor, Irlen syndrome is not screened. Further, in some cases, the prescriptions are not helpful at all. I explain this from my own experience.

In no case will conventional measures offer actual help in seeing better (once again, no cure, only lifetime payments). Is this accommodation rather than remediation…AGAiN?

There is good news. Beyond miracles, health measures can work wonders. Even screening for Irlen and getting an eye doctor familiar with Irlen syndrome may help immensely.

Hear my story and find clue to what you can do for your child.

Vision for Life (2nd Edition)


Not a recommendation, but something to check out:

Therapy for Kids w Trauma

David Rubin was just going to the dentist with his 3 year old son in the backseat. Terrorists shot at him. Miraculously, the damaged car started and got them to the hospital. The bullet just missed the toddler’s brain stem. From this experience, David Rubin started a children’s therapy center in his town, Shiloh, Israel. They take children from either side, regardless of ethnicity or religion. They help children.

The offer a variety of modalities of therapy for kids with trauma. Yes, they have animals.  Yes, they have a variety of professionals.  Yes, children make friends. Yes, it is in Shiloh, Israel.

Unfortunately, now, we have more children who have trauma from a variety of traumatic experiences. We might learn a few things from David Rubin. You might want to support his work too.


Given the ominous, repeated, news posts from Israel and region, it seems like we need to pray for peace. Yes, it is possible to visit Shiloh, the heartland of Israel, right where Samuel ministered to the Lord.

Home Schooling Legal Information

I posted a rerun episode for our interviewing with the Home School Legal Defense Association last week. This would be helpful to all the families new to home education. Further, the lawyers who started this association did so specifically because they felt their children with special learning needs/”learning disabilities” were not being well served in public school.

However, I am not finding that post! And I know I posted it! Apparently, we are continuing to have technical difficulties. Our vendors have not changed, although they have updated their services. Are we being attacked because of what is posting on this website? Unknown. So, I apologize for what may seem like delayed posting.

I am trying to bring good information to you. It appears today that I will again have to interrupt the flow in order to work on technical difficulties — not to mention personal life. Stay tuned.

Weigh in with good ideas for our children! Email me personally to let me know of problems you are having. For now, if you don’t see this episode, use the search function in the right hand margin and put in ” home school legal” — that is all I know for now. Apologies!

A Major in the Canadian Armed Forces has a Word to Say to Military & Police

A senior officer and educated in political science, from a country rooted in the same philosophy as the US and other British related countries summarizes the situation. Makes a clear call to military and police personnel.

In related news, Steve Turley Ph.D. relates success of Canadian trucker convoy — not only in Canada but around the world.

BTW, it is rumored that a convoy is planned for the USA toward the end of February. Why did Canada have a jump on the States in this case? Perhaps because Canada has more than its share of Poles, Czechs, Estonians, Latvians and Ukrainians, who have stood against both Fascisim and Communism before. Indeed, truck convoys have made head of states in those countries resign. Indeed, perhaps the first such protest was Lech Walensa in Poland, shutting down the shipping yards.

The workers of the world united against an elite who was using communism to enslave and impoverish the people. Neither Soviet style nor Maoist style communism has ever worked. Only Cuba and North Korea and China to some extent still claim to be communist. China is including both state capitalism and more traditional values. Japan could similarly be called state capitalism, but it is democratic instead of authoritarian. This observation puts the lie to hiding behind “government charity” in order to disenfranchise, enslave people.

If Canadians can rouse them from this deception, surely the USA should be able to do so. Looks like perhaps we are. See Turley quoting Democrat leaders saying that the Democrat party is facing extinction. So is the Social Democrat Party in Europe.

But don’t forget your friends who failed to do their research, who wouldn’t learn, who went along with repressive measures. Don’t forget doctors who went along with mask mandartes that anyone who passed basic college biology would know were silly. Don’t forget politicians and corporations who colluded with genocide.  For sure don’t go to hospitals who murdered people.

Oh dear — are still murdering people!  If you are in a prayer group, I’m sure you have prayer requests about people who went into the hospital now with unrelated problems who have been snatched into the covid ward, never to be seen again. It is time for everyone to do something. Do anything. Be free by choosing to do right.