Tag Archives: Israel

Therapy for Kids w Trauma

David Rubin was just going to the dentist with his 3 year old son in the backseat. Terrorists shot at him. Miraculously, the damaged car started and got them to the hospital. The bullet just missed the toddler’s brain stem. From this experience, David Rubin started a children’s therapy center in his town, Shiloh, Israel. They take children from either side, regardless of ethnicity or religion. They help children.

The offer a variety of modalities of therapy for kids with trauma. Yes, they have animals.  Yes, they have a variety of professionals.  Yes, children make friends. Yes, it is in Shiloh, Israel.

Unfortunately, now, we have more children who have trauma from a variety of traumatic experiences. We might learn a few things from David Rubin. You might want to support his work too.

SHILOH ISRAEL CHILDREN  https://www.shilohisraelchildren.org/

Given the ominous, repeated, news posts from Israel and region, it seems like we need to pray for peace. Yes, it is possible to visit Shiloh, the heartland of Israel, right where Samuel ministered to the Lord.

The Importance of History — Or What to Say to People With Bad Ideas

This episode is our Independence Day episode: the Importance of History — both teaching and knowing it. The ideas here were sparked by the new book by David Rubin: Confronting Radicals: What American Can Learn from Israel. So, I give a little book review. Then, I give many examples from real history that confront typical bad ideas that people often attempt to hoodwink us with. Fairly entertaining, I think. A good story often goes across better than an argument. Hope you enjoy.

You may get the book here:


Shiloh Israel Children’s Therapy Center : https://www.shilohisraelchildren.org/

BTW, at the party I was fortunate enough to be invited to, there was a reading, in full, of the Declaration of Independence. I thought that was very appropriate. I hope to adopt that custom. You might want to as well.

More resources:  books on USA history https://shop.wallbuilders.com/  

Notice that David Barton has the famous picture that I mentioned on his masthead.

There are books for children and adults as well as video courses here : https://www.patriotacademy.com/

You may even find a live Biblical Citizenship course in your area. I recommend it.

Please go to our store and get my Modern American Primer. It is not a book to teach reading. It is more of a consideration of freedom and how to pass it down to our children.

Modern American Primer