Category Archives: Providers

Pattern of Decisions Makes for Patterns of Results

Trusting we still have the liberty to read the Bible in public, out loud, we read II Chronicles 15 & 16. King Asa does some things well and wisely and good good results. Then, he changes and chooses unwise pattern. He gets sick and dies.

King Asa decides to trust his doctors, rather than the Lord. he feet get worse. Then he dies. Even tho, over all, he was a pretty good king.

Conversations from about hospitals, Predictions include Nuremberg like trials.

Frontline Doctors Argue in Court that the Vax Authorization is Illegal

Epoch Times reports nonprofit suing US federal government for improper authorization and distribution of v*x.

Frontline Doctors, a physician nonprofit is suing Health and Human Services arguing that 1) the conditions for emergency use authorization have not been met and that 2) the vaccine does not prevent, treat, or cure any disease, so therefore it is illegal to permit its distribution.

Death numbers, even given the inflation of death and cases, do not indicate an emergency situation, but something only equivalent to the seasonal flu. This is undoubtedly so, based on real statistics, even if your news media has you scared into thinking otherwise.

The vax is not an immunization. it is dangerous gene therapy — so dangerous that animal trails were halted.

There are good, safe treatments available for the corona virus manufactured to be coivd-19. Even if use of these and knowledge of these was suppressed.

Suit asks for halt to distribution to anyone under 18, recovered from covid-19, and anyone not fully informed of dangers.

Doesn’t that include just about everyone? If case rates were high, then the recovery rate was high and we already have herd immunity. No one, virtually, has been properly informed. Quite the contrary.

We, the population need to start thinking. And so, why are we even talking about the Delta variant, since we know from Farr’s law that it must necessarily be weaker than the original? And that wasn’t very deadly, especially when properly treatment was available? And why is obvious fact — like math — suppressed then and even more now? Any elementary school child can divide deaths by population and get a number that is less than 1/1000th and know that is low. No pandemic. But, yes, for sure, a bio-weapon.

Why such protection and promotion and profiteering permitted by creators and funders? Why is there not a criminal case against the makers? The funders? The colluders?

I don’t know. Thanks to Epoch Time for their courageous reporting. /we here, just want the best for everyone. We just pray that judgement be once again founded on rigtheousness, that the truth not be suppressed, that repentance be granted, and shalom be upon all our children.

Dr. Pat Sekel Explains Dyslexia

Dr. Pat Sekel, our local expert on dyslexia, explains what dyslexia really is. There has been so much misunderstanding, amateur explanation, and pre-scientific explanation hanging around, that very few people have an accurate grasp of what is going on. Dr. Sekel came to our studios back in 2010. During the 1990s, after the invention of the CT scan and the MRI, we gained a lot of knowledge about how the brain works. Education is dragging its feet, but advances have been made. To the extent that we can understand what dyslexia is, then we can have a better chance at helping students who struggle because of it.


Dyslexia is NOT merely switching letters. Dyslexia is NOT something that children grow out of. Dyslexia is real. Dyslexia does often cause problems with school work.

Dyslexia is genetic. It has been known since the time of Socrates. Therefore, it is not like other ailments that were only newly discovered. It is not like problems that have become common only within the past decade, so that it is reasonable to look for preventions. Dyslexia has been around a long time.

It is now thought that dyslexia is a slow auditory processing. Dr. Sekel will explain. There are ways to train the brain to speed up that processing – somewhat. There are ways to teach reading and spelling that permit the student who has dyslexia to do better. Generally, this consists of teaching rules in a logical way — something that public school adamantly, ignorantly, and hurtfully refuses to do. (Please get a copy of my English Spelling Patterns, written for dyslexics and available on


Dyslexia is often accompanied by a heightened ability to deal with the 3D world. For instance, can you picture a slice of pie on a plate? Can you picture in your mind that same slice of pie upside down, floating in the air, off the plate? Why not? I find that easy. Anyone with dyslexia would. Why can’t you? Maybe for the same reason that I still had typos in my college paper after I proofed it 12 times. LOL

There is a lot more to be said about dyslexia and helping students with dyslexia. The point we make here is 1) this is not a death knell 2) we do know what this problem is and 3) there are people and methods that can help. I let out of the bag that I clearly have dyslexia. I am also PHI BETA KAPPA (meaning a member of the the most prestigious honor society) and did extremely well in school. Your children can too. Just have faith and get the practical ideas/help you need.