Category Archives: Mission of this ministry


Oh gosh! Was my email not working? And for how long? I APOLOGIZE!!!! I do want to hear from you!
This email now works: infoNOSPAM@great**shalom**.org Of course, you must take out the NOSPAM and the ** manually — so “bots” don’t spam me even more!
Let’s start believing for a team, including tech folks, yes? HalleluJah!

Overcoming Trauma

Dr. Lendell Braud, PhD in Pyschology, shares with us her method for helping children and teens overcome trauma. This is exceptional because she had data, over decades, of this actually working with the majority of her clients.
It is open to all comers; does NOT require giving up the Christian faith, nor using any religious language. It is God who heals people. I think that what this does is help people listen for God’s healing words. See what you think. Take what works for you. It is God who heals and delivers and makes new. Evil masquerades and lies, but never offers a better life.

Here is Dr. Braud’s website:

For a seed of any amount, I will send you a digital copy of a picture like those of Dr. Braud’s participants. For a seed of over $100, I will send you a handmade, prophetic picture of like kind: a picture of transition to newness of life. This offer good only in 2020.

Here’s Impact on Overcoming Learning Problems

How this podcast is unique in overcoming learning problems: not weighed down by negative expectations, fitting into a failed system, or patting on the hand instead of finding solutions. It is faith based and science informed. I give you my experiences and ideas from top professionals. All to help you help your child, your students to succeed in learning. Very important! Also, covers some ideas in how to engage, so you get more out of this than merely listening.

Here is the A-Z book helping you consider what your children needs educationally and how to address it: the book I was ordered to write: now titled Learn at Home for Great Shalom.

Changes Here at The Great Shalom Broadcast

We make a big announcement about changes in branding. We hope to reach more people who need us. Our mission will remain to share faith, hope, and good ideas to overcome learning problems.