Category Archives: Mission of this ministry

Blessed Resurrection Day

A blessed resurrection day! Welcome to all my Lioness listeners. I welcome listeners from around the world. You are all my lioness listeners — meaning, mothers who work ferociously for the well=-being of their children. I tell a little bit about my story. I want to be sure you know about my resources. We also have a big announcement: you can join now at the Tribe or Pride level.

Back story: The term “tiger mom” was coined by Amy Chua. A quick search reveals mostly now mostly negative chatter, which is unfortunate. Here is a comment from a Tiger cub Here is another.

Asians do have a reputation for being academically oriented. While Asian cultures do value scholarship, the stereotype of Asian American mothers as being harsh or Asian American students as being inherently “brainy” is unfortunate. Studies show that while Asians do, on average, make better grades than other groups in the US, they also study more. In short, hours doing homework makes better grades. The same studies show that often Asian American students study in groups, either with siblings or with friends. This too, results in higher grades. Thus, rather than falling into racism, crazed supposed anti-racism, or into an overly quick criticism of mothering, let’s simply take the inspiration for scholarship and children’s well-being.

Dangerous Times but the Lionesses Have a Pride

Obviously, we are in dangerous times. I share some of the dangerous times I faced as an educator. Then share the help that I found. So, this is a pointer to help for parents and teachers in these dangerous times. This along with some important announcements here at “Great Shalom Broadcast” or “Overcoming Learning Problems.

Get the product: more than 10 tracks on teaching and parenting in dangerous times — and what to do! Shop now.

Another view on changing situation in public schools: Epoch Times, owned by Chinese American, ran a series on a communist conspiracy to subvert American education. Here is a more recent article on changing History curricula. More on Kinsey and teaching “sex-ed” in the schools.

The Lioness Tribe for Their Children’s Success

Hear how we get success for our children who face challenges. Join our tribe.

The longer we live the more we realize that there are challenges in life. The trick is to find out how to overcome those challenges. A surprisingly large number in my generation discovered that their children were facing learning problems. My family faced those, and had been facing those, even though we were very much academically oriented. So, as a result, I got some victory to tell about — and share.

Then, a couple of years ago I met another woman, who like me was a grandmother who was determined to get some victory for a grandchild who was “disabled” in many ways. If you have followed the GSB Facebook page (now abandoned), you have seen the progress of this little boy. We have shared this grandmother’s prayers and victories regarding this little grandson. When she shared her story with us, we adopted the idea of being a lioness tribe. You may know that the term “tiger mother” was in vogue at that time to denote Asian mothers who were determined that their children would be successful especially in academics. So, then, maybe we can be lioness mothers. We care for our cubs, we will be strategic if necessary, and we will stick together for the good of the cubs. That’s the lioness way. You may join us!

So, come be a lioness, on the prowl for good ideas for your children in their battle to overcome whatever challenges they may have. We preach a faith that issues into action, and is supernaturally blessed of heaven, for we believe that God indeed wants great shalom for all children. (The world is broken, but God is working to redeem it.That is correct Christian doctrine if not very widely shared.) Believe that your child can succeed. Search for the right ideas to be helpful. See victory — meaning a great life for your child– being a competent adult, fulfilling her/his vocation, having nothing missing nothing broken.

Offer today as a thank you gift for giving: packets called “Faith Family Learning” that were the first version of Learn at Home for Great Shalom – which book is available at For the thank you gift, you MUST communicate with us your address. This is NOT an ebook, so we would need your land address. Ours is P.O. Box 971 Cedar Park, Texas 78630 and our email is

What to do to get Success — for you or your child.

will I say that only faith is necessary to get children’s success? Surprisingly, we have discovered it is NOT “Think and Grow Rich” but rather think and then do and then get rich. So says Clement Stone, the great student of Napoleon Hill. Today the success I have in mind is not getting rich, but just “doing well” meaning attaining your goals. Particularly, for children this means doing well enough in school and their other endeavors so that they can expect a good adulthood. This is what parents want. I talk about that and how this broadcast came to be.

Next week, let’s rerun the great interview with Dani Johnson, about her book, Grooming The Next Generation for Success.