Category Archives: In the news

Winning the War with Praise and Prophets

What happens when you are attacked? Viciously. Unnecessarily?
Good news! God takes care of His.
From the lesson of King Jehosaphat — he sought the Lord
he listened to the answers – through the Word, through the prophets
he did as told
He showed up
The Lord fought the battle by setting “ambushments.” The enemy killed themselves.
The kingdom of Judah was left with spoils of war. Then they had rest, peace.

Notice some of the details in the story! Why did the army have so very many people? Why did they have so very many jewels?
Notice that the enemy, which offered to start war, ended fighting with itself. Notice that those who just wanted peace and quiet finally got it.
There are lots of lessons here. I leave some quiet time in the reading, so you can think– and apply it to today.

Some of the aggression we are facing is so egregious that it is hard to even believe. The slander is so ridiculous. The people of God have been altogether too sweet. But the evil always overplays its hand, we say. God in this case, “set ambushments.” The Kingdom of Judah had to show up and sent their praise team ahead of their army. The enemy killed each others. Then there was 3 days of picking up jewelry etc. Wow.

Today, too, we should trust the Lord. We will have to show up. “God is in control” is normally a cop-out. Nevertheless, the prophets that I trust have said encouraging things. It is time to continue believing. However, I do rejoice at the news of this weeks, that many more people are showing up.

Here is Steve Turley’s collection about activities in Australia. This is the most fulsome video I’ve seen, relying mostly on Avi Yemeni’s, Rebel News, reporting. Union members confront union leaders in cahoots with government over-reach, in show of force that police can’t intimidate. Notice particularly 8:31, shown widely. Mature construction worker, watching from grassy sideline is aggressed upon by cop in riot gear and assault rifle, yelling, doesn’t move, and sees cop retreat. Comments heard include, “We are not afraid anymore.”

More on similar :
Dinesh D’Souza covers Austrailan police intimidating young mother
Dinesh D’Souza covers Australian protests
CHECK THE NEWS COVERS Australia and Biden in UN

Teaching What to Think or How to Think?

It used to be a rallying cry in education that we should teach students how to think rather than what to think. Looks like it was honored in the breach, doesn’t it? When educators today do attempt to teach thinking skills, it is called “critical thinking.” Why not analytical and synthetic thinking? Analytical thinking could sort through claims to find which are true/factual. Synthetic could build arguments and create in whatever topic area. Critical thinking sounds negative. It sounds destructive. It sounds anti-traditional. It sounds like “critical race theory.” All of that is for good reason — it is.

“Critical thinking” was supposed to be superior to traditional thinking that merely accepted what was taught. It is a synonym for more sophisticated, less moral and less traditional thinking. Unfortunately, many people learned this anti-God content, pride, and a false sense themselves as sophisticated in college — and then promptly stopped learning, or continuing to critique what they were taught, and indeed maybe stopped cognizing at all! Maybe that is harsh? Check out the sophomoric discussions of undergrads in the coffee house.

Worst of all, plainly, it was teaching what to think. And the results have not been good. Not for anyone.

Take a look at the resources for teaching “critical thinking skills” that come, unbidden, into faculty mailboxes and you will find an anti-traditional, anti-God bias. However, good I find that good logic skills can often be used in arguing for God and evangelism. Logic, as contrasted with “critical thinking” should be taught, and used — practiced in practical ways.

It is up to you parents to teach thinking skills. I doubt that a title “Logic” would be appealing except to a few parents home school in the classical method. Good titles are important. Feel free to suggest some.

Next week, we will begin a teach-in on thinking skills and statistics for citizens applied to the current concern. Nearly everyone’s attention is STILL on the subject. There is considerable doubling down on lies and malfeasance and a nascent uprising of informed citizens. Hope you find this helpful. Please share.

Explanation of Vaccines, Viruses, and Misapplication

Physician immunologist father testifies before a school board: We are doing things that are not helpful. We are not improving the covid-19 situation BECAUSE we are doing the wrong things.

He explains how a virus can not be eradicated like small pox might be. It is not possible. That is why it has never been done. He explains why: 1) virus remain asymptomaticly in animals all year. 2) The vaccines create and spread the virus. (BTW, the CDC admitted this last week.) 3) People are getting sick without contact to an infected person.

There is so much more. At least half the NIH staff won’t get vaccinated. The majority of doctors refuse the vaccine. THINK ABOUT IT. It is time to understand facts, science, and stop allowing yourself being lied to.

Please find upcoming teach-in. It is way past time.

And it is high time you ask yourself why elite and powerful people are continuing to tell you things that are clearly not true, counter=factual. Things that you should know are not right based on a current high school biology text. Things you know are not true based on a moment of quiet reflection and common sense. Also ask yourself why even in March and April 2020 there was this phrase repeated ad naseum :”new normal” and : “reset.”

We are not doing what is helpful. Authorities are pushing something dangerous if not deadly. Why?

Should you participate?

Those Who Have Had Covid are Much More Protected

Those who Have had covid are Much More Protected than those who have had the jab. The obvious must be stated, loudly, in an era where lies, obvious lies and impossibilities, are so promulgated so much and so loudly that half the population believes them.


{Epoch Times is unbiased, honorable, and without an agenda, except for the editorial stance against the Chinese Communist Party. The owner participated in Tianamen Square. If Epoch Times is criticized, it alerts you to the ethics and agenda of the criticizer. )

A human manufactured deadly virus circles the globe. After a campaign of fear mongering and fact suppression, there is another campaign of a deadly injection. No safety assurances. No credible claim that it is a preventative or curative measure. Evidence, if suppressed, that the rate of death from the injection may be as high as the rate of death from the original designer virus. Evidence that death from the virus after having had the injection continues — possibly at the same rate as without having had it. Evidence for not only immediate death, years of aches, auto-immune problems, but also fertility problems.

Yet, no admission in public that obviously and always, protection against re-occurrence is always stronger in those who have had a disease and recovered than from an immunization. Which this one is not– no authority claims that it is.

Wow! so many lies and deceptions, it is hard to get them all in one basket. One contradicts another. THINK! Protect yourself and your children.

Given this obvious fact, that exposure and recovery is stronger than any vaccine no matter how good….
Given that this “vaccine” is not good…..
Given that children when exposed seem unaffected…
Given that younger and even older healthy people recover easily…
That m ost people have to have a test to even see if they have it….
Then why in the world would anyone take or ask someone else to take a vaccine — even if it were good.
Young, healthy people, if they can recover, would want to be exposed.
They would not want a “treatment” that will likely harm them.
It makes no sense.