Category Archives: In the news

Holiday Foods for Health and Smarts

Today, I am getting ready for Thanksgiving. Everyone here in the United States, especially if they are the cook for their family or friends is doing the same. So, today, I’m re-running my episode on great, basic, traditional foods that help health for body and brains.

New links:

20 Brain Foods That Will Boost Your Focus & Productivity


Recently, I heard someone who seemed bright and even-handed talk about human parts that were used as food additives. Oh my God! Dear, Lord, save us! After the past 2 years, I tend to believe that this could happen.

While I do not know about that, I do know that most processed food has problems. Artificial dyes created hyper-activity or attention problems in 80% of the population. I know that the most common ingredients in face soap and shampoo creates skin problems for me, and is used in industry for widely different uses. Do you want the same chemical used for stripping off ship’s deck varnish for taking off your makeup?

But organic vegetables have a hard time to find any critics.


So, I commend to you the basic, traditional Thanksgiving and Christmas foods. Sweet potatoes are some of the most nutritious foods around. Wash, bake, and serve with free range butter. Nothing better! (Do not, do not, use canned potatoes, the poorest around, and then glop up with the worst sugary stuff around!)  Then, make some apple pies, with pie apples and fresh flour and butter. How about some greens with nut gravy? How about some salad with mandarin orange slices? How about some mixed nuts instead of my old favorite: Texas Trash. Notice where the recipe came from? The cereal companies. Read the ingredients there and forget it. Get some lightly salted mixed nuts.

Have fun. And while you are snacking, talk to your family, play games with them, and lay off too much screens. If you do screen, share the big one from far away.  Okay?

The first step in helping learning disabilities is to prevent them! Food has got to be part of the equation.


Should I Privately Educate My Child?

Should I homeschool?  Can you recommend a good curriculum? Can you recommend a good private school? What about sports? What about calculus and physics and… I am inundated with these questions right now. So, here are my answers.


Many people are questioning whether they should homeschool or better, privately educate their children now. We are bewildered about the results of the elections here, particularly for the school board. The government schools have plummeted in academic achievement, and have suddenly and covertly introduced pornography into the curriculum down to elementary. This seems to be true in many metro areas, although not in the smaller towns here.

I do not understand the election results. I am not a political analyst. I do think I know the spectrum of opinion, because of where I live and because I taught Sociology. But there is much about the situation I can not analyze. I do, however, know the basic answers to the questions about private education. I thought I would mention the background so those who live elsewhere understand why the questions are arising.


So, I answer whether I think you should privately education. Yes, it is your duty as a parent. This is the center of the Judeo-Christian mindset. Yes, I know, seldom have we been taught this, but nevertheless, it is true.

Can I recommend a good school or  good curricula. There are many. However, the way to begin finding what is best for  your child, is to consider what all your child needs to learn, what method he or she learns best, and only then start shopping for curricula or school. For this, I have a guide: the book  Learn at Home for Great Shalom. Get it. Amazon will sell it to you, print it and ship it to you. It would be cheaper than consulting with me –which I would be happy to do. For that, please see:

Texas Home School Coalition

Home School Legal Defense Association

If you live in the north Austin Texas metro area, and you want to  join with me to start a school, or if you child(ren)  has/have a specific learning need, please see :

Learning Disabilities and Depression in Children

It is not what you think! That is for sure! I have heard so many silly statements.

Children get depressed and usually they are not identified. Children with learning disabilities are more often depressed than others, all things being equal. Having trouble in school, when you are bright, and being blamed for it can clearly cause depression. Possibly that could cause more trouble in school. But depression doesn’t cause learning disabilities –by definition.


Listen to the episode while I explain that, and give you suggestions what to do. Rushing to the doctor for drugs is the very last thing you should do. I have talked to many students who can not do well in school because of the psychotropic drugs they are taking. Of course, my students were adults, but often they just could not figure out why they couldn’t memorize or why they did so poorly at reading or taking tests. So many people I know have been harmed by being over-medicated. I explain who should be prescribing  and under what circumstances. No one else should be pushing. I will explain that too.


I went to a candidate forum this week. I was appalled that not one candidate understood the definition of “learning disabilities.” Several were asked and every respondent went far off track. Some evidenced that they had no idea what was asked. Others suggested that regular testing will show and remediate LDs — which of course is nonsense. After someone has been on a school board for a few years… and still this? Lord help us!


Today, hear the extremely inspiring story of Marta Silva’s one woman revival in schools by reaching out to parents. With nothing more than the mandate from God, Marta went to schools in her area (northeastern US), reached out to parents, held a meeting, told them the problems, and inspired them to an active revival.  It is an inspiring story! One woman caused a parent revival that addressed the problems of their children in schools.

I met Marta at Calvary Pentecostal Campground one summer on what for me what a worship retreat and reconnoiter. Marta was the bright spot, so full of energy and faith. She told me what she was doing, just as a woman and a mother — but full of faith and Spirit. She was going to various school surroundings, door to door, asking parents to a meeting, sometimes at the school depending upon the administration, telling parents the problems, and getting revival and mobilization for reform.

Hear her story. Be patient with the sound. Then, go and do thou likewise!