Category Archives: In the news

Respect Between the Sexes

As mentioned in our homeschool foundations, I am touching on the topic of respect between the sexes. I know I covered this in an episode, but couldn’t find it. Maybe it is in my Manners series? (Well, I will post that as a series, since it is connected.) Since I couldn’t find what I did earlier, I made an entirely new episode on why there should be respect between the sexes.

I also give some advice on seeking a spouse.


Maybe respect between the sexes is not THE foundation for home education, perhaps. However, it might be a good foundation for life. And a good home education will probably result in a much better respect between the sexes than a government education. Government schools are teaching all kinds of crazy things right now having to do with sex and gender. Nothing is worse than sexually traumatizing young children with topics that are not appropriate for adults and certainly not developmentally appropriate. No communist country, no dictator country and no democratic country would permit it. But it seems to be adamantly, if often covertly, pushed today in our government schools.


In contrast to that, the traditional family depends upon respect for what each brings, order, duty and rights. Sociologists note that every society has a method of regularizing sexual relationships in a way that children get reared in what is optimal, or considered optimal, for that particular economy. Traditionalists would say that strong people come from strong families, that build strong communities. People in the Jewish and Christian tradition would point out that the family is supposed to represent a loving and just God.  Bible scholars will point out that the history of the children of Israel and the history of the early church suggests that women had far far more rights and more protection than did their counterparts in neighboring cultures.


We’ve talked about the Kingdom way of self-governance, encultured by an orderly and godly family. Thus, very little external government is needed. A great deal of learning the way to proceed is obviously learned in the family. Sociology would say that the family is the primary agent of socialization. (We see that communists would have it the other way around, but those experiments have to date all failed.)

In a godly home, with orderly and respectful relationships, it is likely that the lifeway of respect between the sexes will be caught. Given that most of us are striving to return to or get to a godly life, repenting of one that is less so, probably it is a good idea to directly teach respect between the sexes. We take care of each other; we do not hurt each other. Teach your children this. Help them make homes in which this is the case.

Of course, this is in contradistinction with “the strong take from the weak and glorify themselves because of it” which is true of unconscious capitalism and lying communism and devlish religious/spiritual systems.


Frum it Up: Jewish Hotel — secluded pool

Others addressing the same topic:

Focus on the Family:

The Bible Teaches the Equal Standing of Man and Woman

MnRNA “gene therapy” Admitted to be Anti-Fertility

Project Veritas sends spys and gets bad guys or political opponents to “spill the beans” on tape. This is the head of Pfizer R&D admitting that the jab gives menstrual problems. He says he hopes the affects don’t stay in the system, but that is disingenous because mNRNA has to stay in the system: because RNA is part of DNA.  This jab is killing lots of people. Further, it meant to not permit babies to be born.

I saw this post on social media, but with a headline that was misleading. Check this out thoroughly yourself. Here the tape. It is out there.  If you don’t trust Lifesite, then go to Project Veritas. Check it out. Consider.

My neighbor knew this early on. Certainly by Thanksgiving 2021. My guess is maybe she knew it from the Alex Jones Infowars. Most of us just assumed it, based on knowing about the Mark of the Beast in The Revelation (last book in the Bible.)  The first doctor I questioned, March 2020, told me, with real concern and emphasis that the mNRNA vax was very dangerous and to take it under no circumstances.  He said that animal trials were stopped because they were so dangerous it was considered wrong to continue research on animals. He said this to me in early March 2020, before the shut down. And yet, still people are discovering this?

I curate info for you. I do this are great peril to myself and this ‘cast. Since I put this stuff up, my numbers have gone down. Just like the other ministries and newscasters say they get throttled. I don’t think there are “community standards” to be manipulated on my basic podcast or server — but I do know that the technocrats have biases. Please help get the word out.

You, know I heard someone quoted as saying, “Why didn’t the unvaxxed tell us?”  Quoted with exasperation. We did. We were blocked, ridiculed, threatened — and still are. Find out the truth!

I have posted here curated news. I have posted series on how to tell what is true. I can make more courses. Do the work of finding out what is true. Do the work of protecting your children. Do the work of supporting those who support you.


Curated news on vax, death, stats, context

None other than Malone explains to you the dangers  (1:15:38) : 

Dr. Naomi Wolfe explains the dangers

Dr. Naomi Wolfe relays : 4,070% increase in miscarriages

Dr. McCullough, whom we all love very much for his willingness to help people in the plague, disregarding his own safety :

Another reputable doctor explains to you the stats on damage from  the vax  (53:15):

Dr. Kulldorf not surprised about being censored

Denial of dangers and damage is dangerous


More on Spike proteins :

I deduce from this that it is dangerous to be around people who have been vaxxed and are therefore shedding.

Reputable report of nano-tech in food, but unlabeled

Remember when our leaders said they admired China’s covid measures? The propaganda is breaking down even in China. This is the most reputable source on China, because it is from Chinese publisher with Chinese sources.

Is Big Pharma deliberately making your sick? It goes way beyond the jab.

The Final War Documentary

Please let me know if you prefer the more readable method in which you don’t see the link info OR the more informative method, where you see where the info came from.

Good News is the Fight Against Porn in School

Probably by now you know that there is some controversy because schools — as  a policy — are teaching children what they call “inclusive sex education” at ages there no sex education would be appropriate and what would otherwise be legally defined as pornography. Not surprisingly, those enforcing this are attempting to keep it secret from parents. And then accusing parents who object as being domestic terrorists. And not surprisingly, anyone not directly involved does not about it and when told can not believe it.  Same thing in public libraries.

Dani Johnson, because she was plugged into the marketing industry warned us about this push in the marketplace back in 2009. No one expected this to be in schools. But we know for sure it is now. We have had some disappointing losses in elections such as for school board. I am happy to pass along some good news. One example that I know of is from Tennessee. I tell you about the case briefly, but here is the full interview:

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12:46 / 53:32

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and same story from a Tn newspaper

While we would not expect Christian schools to teach porn, as such, we are hearing that accrediting agencies are requiring a pro-homosexual stance.

The bad news is that a few, very dedicated people, with no shame and some strategy can make a whole nation turn. The better news is that with the help of God, 12 fully dedicated people can turn the whole wicked world right side up again.