Category Archives: Home education

How to Start Homeschooling AFTER Child Has Been in Government Schools

Once again, I interrupted my planned flow because I was seeing so many questions on Facebook in the homeschooling group. My heart goes out to well meaning mothers who are just beginning the journey, but I just couldn’t answer everyone specifically. So, here goes. How should you start homeschooling after you have already started your child in a public (really, government) school? Important question.

First, do your own homework. Know what you are doing so you don’t get into trouble. Then make a plan. Then consult an attorney (which might be as easy as consulting the information you are given when you join Texas Homeschool Coalition or Home School Legal Defense Association.) Then, formally withdraw your student, via letter. Do not be intimidated. Don’t allow yourself to be lied to. You now know the law and you now have a plan. Then, your child might need some decompression time. Do not replicate that from which you are fleeing.

Then, once you launch, you will be so very happy! Homeschooling is so very much fun! It is so very much easier — at least for children who learn differently — what a delight!

When Do I Start Homeschooling My Child?

I am seeing this question over and over again on xy. OH! This tears at my heartstrings! I try to respond as helpfully as I can. I just am not on xy very much. Clearly, these mums are trying to do their best. They don’t even know the right questions. Okay, so maybe that is just the quick way of saying it. Oh, maybe.

Okay, here is the deal. You start teaching your child as soon as the child is. When you start introducing academic stuff like letters is what they probably mean. The answer to that is about four, when the child is asking for it!

Oh gosh, I have a whole series on how to teach reading. So very very important. I have a book review on Alex Newman’s *Crimes of the Educators.*  Even if you don’t agree 100%  with Mr. Newman’s thesis, look, you have got to admit, he is onto a problem.  Sight reading doesn’t work. Never has.

Most curricula are 2D paper. (This is also wrongly assumed because we are brainwashed about what school is supposed to be, but anyway…)   So, it doesn’t teach reading. You can’t just shove paces at a kid and expect the kid to do well in reading. But between “read to you kid” and “send them to school” not much has been done on helping students read, or parent know how to teach reading.

Check out my “When The Road to Reading Gets Rocky” series in the store here, and just prevent problems. (And btw, have fun with learning; do not reproduce boring, deadly school.)

(Also look for more coming book reviews on Youtube.)

If you want individual coaching on how to homeschool, check out and contact me. If  you want testing for school readiness and we can meet somewhere (mostly Texas), same. If you want to consider starting a school, see

Nature’s Anti-biotic! Home-made

Amazing news that one can make an anti-biotic at home from kitchen items. Just think! no more of those stomahc upsets and health setbacks that inevitably come from the expensive store bought anti-biotics. You pay a doctor, then you pay the pharmacists, and then, if you are wise, you pay the health food store to restore your stomach flora. Commerical anti-biotics kills all the stomach flora or “biotics” both good and bad, in your belly.

This is what made Jordan Rubin so sick when he was 18, even though his family was very much into healthy lifestyle. So, when he found the solution, he began a wondereful career as a Biblical health coach. He sells pro pbiotics.

Many people now know this. But imagine. Why would we have ever started making synthetic drugs? Well, maybe they are stronger. They certainly do make a lot of money. But, really, folks, we are not more healthy than the population was 3 generations ago. IQ has gone down. Life expectancy is now going down. Obesity is up. Expectations are plummeting.

Time to take matters into our own hands. Cook. Real food. And start learning what I cal “doctor mom” things. We may not replace the professional wellness providers, but everyone agrees that a smart mom can take care of many if not most of the problems. Health first. Food as medicine next. Medicine — only rarely — and only with great caution. In the meantime, I think you will love this recipe for you and yours.

Nature’s Amoxicillin

First Things that a Mama Lioness Does

Last Time: Engage as  Mama Bear

Last time we talked a little bit about being a mama bear – holding other people accountable. Today, I am going to talk about my perspective that arises from 2 generations of failure, even with prodigious ability, to get government school officials to follow the law. I also recognize the work of Katy Marshall (Texas Scorecard) and her Exposed podcast, that discusses the dark side of Texas public schools. Trouble is, Texas is not somehow different than any other state. Maybe it is much better! They may have larger school districts — or not. They may have more conservative politicians – or not. They may have citizen who are more willing to speak out because they think the system is more conservative — probably.

Rabbit Trail: Isn’t it Odd?

Isn’t it odd, actually, how all our local school districts, in whatever state seem to be facing the same very strange problem of porn in school at the same time. Isn’t strange how, after FBI fingerprints being put in as a precaution back in 2007, and public outing of sex offenders’ locations online, that we still have so much sexual abuse of children? Isn’t it passing strange that when parents come to school board meetings, that across the country, they are treated as if they were criminal offender? And not just in one location or another.   Okay, but moving on.

Exposed : Dark Side of What is Going on in Government Schools

It happens that recent episodes  of Exposed have focused on alleged abuse in Prosper ISD. What needs to be understood in context is that Prosper is an reasonably affluent part of Dallas Fort Worth metroplex, fast growing, and not unusual. Some small towns might suffer less, but they are under the same ultimate management. Similarly, one thinks of Texas as a “red” state — but we have already discussed the false dichotomy of thinking that that means that governance is more conservative or just. Go back about 3 episodes for that.

Season 6 Episode 2 – The Other Cheek

Season 6 Episode 3 – The Spreading Rot


This time on Overcoming Learning Problems, I will share with you my maybe surprising conclusions about what is more important for a mother to do today. More conservative and more radically change oriented. Think Susanna Wesley! Change the world. And you will find it jolly well matches your personality, too, I imagine. You will be, should be surprised that I think so, but I do. My reflections today, after more fights with school officials than I wish to recall.


Knowing this, I expect you will find a deeper appreciation of what we are doing here at GSB: Overcoming Learning Problems. Our perspective will save your child from the abuse and academic degradation that you WILL find in government schools. Our perspective might save you the $87,000 one of our interviewees say that they charge families. It should save most home-schoolers a lot of grief, anxiety, and bewilderment. What I put out here, for free, is very valuable. Please make use of it, get more, and tell your friends.