Category Archives: Current Events

7 Tips for Listening and Evaluating What People are Saying to You

How to tell what is true. How to sort truth from falsehood. How to not get snookered. How to no get your thinking hijacked. That is what we have been talking about. Clearly these are the most important lessons to give your child and yourself in these days. Today 7 clear tips for listening to what comes to you, for evaluating what people say to you, and thus to figure out was is true. Don’t be intimidated. Don’t be tricked. Don’t be snookered.

Are you glued to the news?  Why? Because someone is lying. And getting away with it.

Today, we have 7 specific, practical, definite, tips to listening to what people are saying to you. Do you evaluate their claims in real time? Can you spot immediately when someone is “taking you for a ride” emotionally or intellectually? Most do not. Most can not. And young people with learning “disabilities” are the most vulnerable.

To catch up on our series, you might want to start with : How to Tell What is True. This is something you want to teach your children.

Then, you might want to go to the one where I talk about using math, or statistics.

CDC Admits It Was Wrong on Covid Guidance

In face of mounting evidence of genocide and investigations by the World Court based on Nuremburg codes, the CDC walks back most of its “covid” guidance. For instance, the emphasis on asymptomatic testing, discrimination against unvaccinated, and social distancing. It is now admitted that the vaxxed do not have less chance of getting or spreading covid-19, since there is abundant evident to the reverse. It is further admitted that herd immunity can not be obtained thru these injections. It is now admitted that natural immunity is superior.

Scientists, even employed by the CDC, had given recent interviews admitting that much was known about the dangers of the injections before they were mandated.

“This is two years too late, but it’s a good step,” Bhattacharya added. (This from the Epoch Times article cited above, but also look in new media for interviews for Bhattacharya. )

Dr. Birx has admitted that it was known that the injections did not prevent infection or spread and that people should never have had to relinquish their jobs under threat.

Trump’s COV Coordinator Dr. Birx Admits to Lying & Manipulating Data

Five doctors, all under 50 years of age,  in Canada fell dead unexpectedly within the past two weeks. Canadian doctors are therefore now asking questions about the safety of the covid “vaccine.”  Somewhat late to the party!

By contrast, others who were politically maligned and attacked with lawfare, have been vindicated. For instance, a small school system that went back in session while most of the state continued in heavy lockdown, running afoul of the leftist state government, had zero cases of covid. Further, their number grew ten fold since that time.

Pastors who stood strong, keeping their churches open not only have been vindicated in court but have seen membership, monies, and reputation rise enormously.

The science, of course, has not changed. Much of the cant of the legacy media has not changed. Given the poor hunched down masked people  in central leftist cities….. apparently some of personal opinions have not change. What has? Many are dead.  More are dying.

An even greater number of children who might have been born some time in the future …. surely will not be.

Beloved businesses… are gone.  The number of hurt relationship is incalculable.

Why the change now?

On the other hand, why was their such submission to such tyranny all along?

Progress on Nuremberg Trials 2.0

International Criminal Court Accepts Claim of Violating Nuremberg Code by Israeli Govt

Principles to Help You Find the Truth

I give you 7 meta-principles to help you sort out what is true and what is not. Think through this. Practice it. Teach it to your children.  Make it first nature. It is important.

You might want to hear our first episode on this topic of tips to find truth.

Sorry, we went over by quite a bit. Please come to the website. Please share.

Therapy for Kids w Trauma

David Rubin was just going to the dentist with his 3 year old son in the backseat. Terrorists shot at him. Miraculously, the damaged car started and got them to the hospital. The bullet just missed the toddler’s brain stem. From this experience, David Rubin started a children’s therapy center in his town, Shiloh, Israel. They take children from either side, regardless of ethnicity or religion. They help children.

The offer a variety of modalities of therapy for kids with trauma. Yes, they have animals.  Yes, they have a variety of professionals.  Yes, children make friends. Yes, it is in Shiloh, Israel.

Unfortunately, now, we have more children who have trauma from a variety of traumatic experiences. We might learn a few things from David Rubin. You might want to support his work too.


Given the ominous, repeated, news posts from Israel and region, it seems like we need to pray for peace. Yes, it is possible to visit Shiloh, the heartland of Israel, right where Samuel ministered to the Lord.