Category Archives: Current Events
Learn at Home for Great Shalom
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Many people are fleeing from government schools. Much has been unmasked. Many school systems, even in conservative counties, are finding that porn is in their classroom by decree. Teachers are leaving. Those who are looking into it are finding that communism has been creeping in for a long time. With the explicitly articulated goal of dividing children from parents, keeping real History away, keeping reading skills down, and substituting values in order to make unruly activists out of the children.
Many parents are considering educating their children at home. Others are banding together to make new schools. Either way, a new foundation must be laid. Parents tend to think that back when they went to school, things were okay. They were not. So much private education is replicating the poor government schools. Why just redo something just a little better?
This book helps a parent think through all their child needs, what the child’s strengths and weaknesses are, and what deliver methods are best. Then, with this understanding, the parents can buy curricula and make good plans. Check it out.
Brain Damage Alledged Intended
From the UK, analysis of results, both health and political, of the “jabs.”
For a single pithy comment, at the end of an erudite talk, check out Tennessee Stands, this week, with Catherine Austin Fitts. She understands the money system. She tells us, in the end of the interview, in clear language where it is going. When you hear it from her, you will know whether it is true. And fortunately too, she tells you some practical things to do. Listen to the end. Yes, the” j*bs” and the centralized digital currency are connected — just as some of you suspected — but like me, just couldn’t believe.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 30:52 — 17.2MB)
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Concluding out series on the hot topic of “school choice” actually meaning “vouchers.” Like so many other issues, the words used are used in order to deceive. Styled as educational freedom, this is an attempted takeover of all private education, even homeschooling, by the very government that ruined public education. The shekels come with shackels.
Heather Hall uses her principle approach to unpack the situation. Dr. Max Lyons suggests an alternative: congregations providing scholarships. And Keven Novak concludes the series with the warning that if we think this will be increased freedom, we need to think again.
This is only a taste of what they have to say. I strongly encourage you to get the full document: Vouchers: Shekels with Shackles. It is available in pdf format to download right now if you sign up on our announcement list. Or, you may get it at the publishers: Front Line Ministries. Please get it and share it.
The Discussion at the State Capitol
I am seeing more discussion about this on social media and even with postcards coming to my home. Largely they appear to be the leftists being against it, charging that the conservatives just want more money for themselves, for private schools. They argue that public money should not go to fund religion. Hmm. And then, I see politicians smiling broadly at how they are increasing freedom. That, in itself, should give you pause.
If you weren’t informed: rights come from God. Then we, as free people, agreed to let government have some duties, limited duties, to protect us, basically. Anytime a politician claims to give you rights, they are off the path of American political philosophy and are enslaving you. If that was not taught and underlined in your elementary schooling, that in itself shows the degradation of education and the danger in our current society. You very much need to read this little compilation –please.
Find the Authors
Heather Hall
Dr. Max Lyons
Kevin Novak
Dr. Marlene McMillan Why Liberty Matters