Category Archives: Child rearing

Books for Christmas for the Whole Family 2017

Here are my book recommendations for the year. Something for the whole family.

Korie Robertson
Strong and Kind: Raising Kids of Character

David MacAlvany The Intentional Legacy

John Rosemond, PhD

The Well-Behaved Child: Discipline That Really Works!

Parenting by the Book: Biblical Wisdom for Raising Your Child

James Dobson

The New Strong-Willed Child

The New Dare to Discipline

Dobson Collection by Tyndale Momentum
The Dr. James Dobson Parenting Collection

Dani Johnson Grooming the Next Generation for Success: Proven Strategies for Raising the Next Generation of Leaders

Blair Adams
Building Christian Character – A Devotional Guidebook Through the Elements of Christian Character for Children and Adults

Dr. Craichy
Diet : The Super Health Diet: The Last Diet You Will Ever Need by Craichy, K.C. (February 16, 2011) Paperback

Super Health
Super Health: 7 Golden Keys to Unlock Lifelong Vitality

The Bible Cure for ADD and Hyperactivity: Ancient Truths, Natural Remedies and the Latest Findings for Your Health Today (New Bible Cure (Siloam))

Eat This And Live For Kids: Simple, Healthy Food & Restaurant Choices that Your Kids Will LOVE!

La Cura Biblica (Spanish)
La Cura Biblica Dda (New Bible Cure (Siloam)) (Spanish Edition)

Ellie Phillips Kiss Your Dentist Goodbey
Kiss Your Dentist Goodbye: A Do-It-Yourself Mouth Care System for Healthy, Clean Gums and Teeth


Cancer Prevention Diet Kushi
The Cancer Prevention Diet, Revised and Updated Edition: The Macrobiotic Approach to Preventing and Relieving Cancer
Basic Macrobiotic Menus & Recipes: Simple, Natural, Beautiful Food To Balance Body & Mind (Basic Macrobiotic Book Series) (Volume 3)

Modern-Day Macrobiotics: Transform Your Diet and Feed Your Mind, Body and Spirit

The Edge Effect: Achieve Total Health and Longevity with the Balanced Brain Advantage

Younger Brain, Sharper Mind: A 6-Step Plan for Preserving and Improving Memory and Attention at Any Age from America’s Brain Doctor

Carl Sommer
With CD read along
Another Sommer-Time Story: Three Little Pigs (with CD Read Along)

School Schools In Crisis: Training for Success or Failure?s in Crisis

Learn at Home for Great Shalom
How to Contend For Your Children
Legacy Workbook: Leaving a Legacy In Our Children
How to Win the Game of School
Don’t Lose Your Faith in College
God Wants You Healed
Prayers for Great Shalom

Good Breakfasts May Prevent Some Learning Problems

It was about 1900 when we discovered that children who had not had breakfast tended not to learn well in school. Since then, schools who had poorer children started serving breakfast. In the 1970s my friend, Dr. Lendell Braud, a psychologist who taught often in the education department, discovered that red dye creates impulsivity, exactly like ADD/ADHD. Today, however, schools still serve foods with red dye and lots of sugar for breakfast. Then they wonder why children are having learning and behavior problems.

Children with “learning disabilities” often have a cluster of unexplained, even sometimes apparently random school failures. Some of these may be explained by reaction to poor food or food allergies. Given that better nutrition is never harmful, but always the reverse, nutrition is an important thing for the desperate mother of a learning disabled child to try, explore, research, and experiment with.

I promised you an interview with Dr. Braud, but we are waiting on the finishing touches of her new website, having to do with her trauma therapy. You will definitely want to hear that–next week.

So, while we wait, please enjoy a re-run of another wonderful interview that Dr. Colbert MD and Mrs. Mary Colbert (wife and mother) gave me back in 2009. Mary had agreed to come on, and when Dr. Colbert came on, I nearly dropped my tea. It was a wonderful time.

Of course, this nutrition advice applies to all children. It applies even more to children who are having learning or behavior problems. Similarly, it applies to mature people who are having any kind of cognitive or physical problem, because, just like another guest, Dr. Ted Edwards MD, said, “Many of the things we think are aging are really toxicity.” We can all agree that better fuel makes better performance for cars and planes. It is no difference for humans. If you are a mother, please consider if improved nutrition would improve the lives of those for whom you care.

Dr. Colbert’s Bible Cure for ADD.


Learn at Home for Great Shalom

This is a book on how to teach your children and cover all learning needs, primarily for homeschoolers. Even if your child goes to a school, you the parent are responsible for the entire rearing and education — more than a school could ever cover. Furthermore, schools are aimed at a statistical average, or lower, and not at helping your specific child. Every child has special needs. Every child has needs for learning beyond the standard public curricula. This book helps your consider all the needs and find resources to cover all those needs. There is no book like it.

I didn’t want to say “methodology” because although it will help you decide which curricula and which methods, it is written for the average mother. I didn’t want to say “learning disabilities” or “special needs” because, well because I have faith that all children can live up to potential. Because I hate labels. Because every child has some specific special needs. Because this book is just much more cheerful, hopeful, and fun than a book labels “how to help your special needs child.” This really is the most helpful, most over-arching book that will help you pick everything else. Every parent, and especially ever homeschooling mother needs this book.

God Wants You Healed

If everything seems bleak, get this book. It will stir your faith. On Biblical grounds, you can stand in faith for healing for yourself and your children.

BTW, there are other books by the same title, but I titled and wrote mine first. It is not the first book on healing ever written, for sure, but my title was first before others. LOL. Anyway, I think you will like it; it is chock full.

Importance of Sleep

We are jumping ahead in our series on “How to Be a Good Mother” today to a practical topic: the importance of sleep. It will amaze you how foundational it is –and how often today’s mothers overlook teaching good sleep habits. Whether you are a young mother, a mother of a teen, a student who wants to do well, or a grandparent who wants to preserve cognitive ability, you need this episode.

If you want the full series on “how to Be a Good Mother” please email me so I can notify you when it is available all together. As I often do, I am going to break up the series with other topics, so that we don’t bore any part of the audience staying too long on one topic that might not be applicable to them.

Next week we have a special treat: Dr. Lendell Braud is going to share with us her amazing and scientifically supported method for helping children who have been traumatized. You will want to hear it and be sure all your friends and neighbors do too!

The Center of all Character Development, All Religious Education

Homing down on the very center, the very essence of the first most important task of a good parent. We found, very surprisingly, last week that religious education was primary, because it was primary to call character foundation, which is foundational to anything else we might want to convey to our children. So, it that is so, what is the center, best, single most important thing we can convey in that religious education? I give it to you here.

It might be surprising. It might be shockingly familiar. However, it can not be controversial. It is the center of all of Christianity, and agrees with the center of Judaism. Further, while the outcomes agree with the desired outcomes of other good paths, the center is centered on the uniqueness of the message: grace.

You will want to hear this. The surprising, and almost never discussed center point of what being a good parent is.