Category Archives: Child rearing

Marketer Speaks Out Against Porn

Dani Johnson of multi-level marketing fame and mother of 5 speaks out against pornography: what the marketers are doing to addict your children and what she does with her own children. This was our most popular ‘cast; it ia rerun from 2009.

Here is a more current article, covering dangers of social media, pf which many parents are unaware. nowayismykidgettingthisapp : porn, bullying, and suicide

It is not true that parental controls are adequate. It is not true that if you peruse your child’s social media account that you see what went on. It is true that it is very difficult to un-see something after you have seen in.

I was particularly weirded out that the word “prude” was on the blog page. I remember when I was young, a more open view of sex, in short of extra-marital and public sex was encouraged by the use of the term “healthy minded.” Now, if you don’t want your child bullied, addicted to sex, or engaging in suicide… are you now to be branded a prude? Lord help us!

Blessed Resurrection Sunday

I hope you have a blessed Resurrection Sunday. Make it a wonderful time of worship and a wonderful time with your family. Think, this might be the last “Easter” we get to celebrate before Jesus comes back. Consider the amazing fulfillment of prophecy that happened when Jesus was here. Imagine what it will be like when we see him as he is! Thank Him for the wonderful salvation he created for us. Be sure your children know!

Our foundational scripture is Isaiah 54?13: All your offspring shall me taught of the Lord and great shall be their shalom, their total well-being. We focus on success in learning, but we assume that your children are indeed taught of and by the Lord. This comes first, before good grades or any other success in life.

Mindset to Help Your Child Having Trouble Reading, Writing, doing Math, etc.

Today we begin a series on “What to do When the Road to Reading gets Rocky.” The first thing to do is to be sure of your own mindset, Mama. Faith helps in that!

Please! Share with moms who are beginning to encounter difficulties with their children’s academics! Also home educators, especially if they are having trouble teaching their children to read, will benefit. They feel so alone. Here is help! We will lay things out in a fairly orderly way. They want to know… please tell them it is here, now.

Tune into Love

I am hearing a lot about God’s love. I think the Spirit is speaking. Johnny and Elizabeth have a book, the Rainbow God, about how God wants his character to be known in all sectors of society. Doug Stringer has a book, Leadership Awakening, and we read in adult Sunday school about God’s love last Sunday. Christmas is really about God’s love too, reaching out, as God showed up as Baby Jesus. As we teach, rear, and stand in faith for our children, let’s remember the great Love of God this Christmas. It will make all we do shine brighter.