Category Archives: Child rearing

Let’s Visit the Library Together With the Children

As I mentioned  last episode, let’s talk about going to the library. Of course, going to the library on hot summer days is standard, just like going to the pool. Today, one would never ever just drop the children off. So, let’s talk about how to take the children safely to the library.

Read to them, selected, classic books. Check to be sure that they are the original story and not somehow rewritten to make a different point — or at least not one diametrically opposed to your values. Yes, it is tricky these days.


A few years ago my younger friends were quite worried about the witchcraft in books. They led me to realize it was an important issue. Beyond that, ask how adults are portrayed. Notice in the Harry Potter books, all the adults are either evil or irresponsible. Hmmm. Today, you will want to notice other language, language that subtly teaches that human judgement trumps God’s law, that government is more responsible than people, and that there is nothing ever to be grateful about — or that we should hate ourselves.


Be careful, too, of the iron law of woke projection. There are indeed racists — about oh probably less than 1% of American society. But watch out for those who call themselves anti-racists. As you read book, teach your children to notice language. What do these words mean? How does that make you feel? Why does someone want to make you feel that way? Is the claim objectively true? Notice, this last question is normally more important that “how does that make you feel?” Especially if that is the only question, and only used as a spur to weaponize… you… for someone else’s aim.


Help your child learn how to choose a good book. That means being able to tell quickly which are the better books.

Don’t stop the library lessons just because a child learns to read! Keep it up. Practice argumentation with your teens. Reason, inform, even expose them to the elders’ pontification. Indeed, I learned so much from my father’s discussions about history etc after dinner. I was amazed by the time I was in 6th grade or so that many of my classmates didn’t even know what their fathers did for a living. They were impoverished then, from having a window into the adult world.

We didn’t do like the Kennedys and have recitation after dinner. Watch that movie and see how the sons had to answer questions and recite. Good training for leadership. It is a tradition for us, though, for the children to put on presentations such as sing a few Christmas carols on Christmas day or put on a play some summer day. Read *Little Women* and notice that putting on family plays and shows really was common in the days before television.  It all starts with taking the little ones to the library.


If you find inappropriate material in the children’s section, just kindly, sweetly bring it to the Children’s Librarian or Head Librarian, saying you are sure it was a mistake. You wouldn’t expect that they would shelve something that is developmentally inappropriate in the children’s section. You wouldn’t expect them to disobey the law.   If she or he gives you a curt or worse response, don’t argue. Certainly don’t threaten; only possibly say that you hope they see the light. Or that you will pray for them. Say it sweetly – not with a smile that could be construed as menacing. Then,  have a chat with your city council member. Make an appointment, sit down, and explain what happened. Don’t accuse. They probably didn’t know. But they do have budgetary oversight. If they give you an inappropriate response, don’t argue.  Say, “I see.” Then sign up for helping their opponent in the next election. And do let those who are influential and care about politics know what is up. Find others and join together.

If you have time, join the library board, advisory committee, etc. Don’t be conflictual, but do be sweetly persistent. They know what they are doing. But they are fewer. Get some of your retired friends to volunteer too.


As you know, there have been drag queen storytime hour, promoting what traditionally has been considered grooming for deviant behavior. Now Brave Books, led by Kurt Cameron, is attempting to have storytime hour that promotes good character and traditional morality or family values. (Notice how these last terms are now  considered bad.) Here is the website for Brave books

In my area Citizens for Defending Freedom    

is organizing book readings and possibly demonstrations. CCDF is far from being in every county and country, but there may be another organization with a similar plan in your area.

Notice that Advance Publishing has been publishing for elementary school aged children with library quality binding, promoting good character from a Christian perspective while not mentioning any religious or God language, so that their books would be suitable to give to a public school library. We had Carl Sommers on the broadcast too. Their website:

See you at the library!


last minute: Looks like mother’s interest and latest news coincide today:

American Library Association (to which virtually ever public librarian belongs) is trying to “queer the catalog” AND be sure that traditional Christian values are excluded. See report from Brave books.

Barbie and the Library

People are liking my “hot summer activities” — actually pretty cool and can do indoors. Let children in on the real in church — let them have their own experience with God — with guard rails, of course. Hear Becky Fischer talk about her program. With depth and realia.

By contrast, I am hearing that people dislike the new Barbie movie. Ben Shapiro said it was trash in a 45 minute review, and then did another episode comparing the backlash to that review to The Inquisition. Robert Barnes expects a class action suit, since the precedent has been set for false advertising. Promoted as a light-hearted child’s movie, it seems to be instead a very dark far-left anti-motherhood feminist diatribe. It starts with little girls smashing the heads of their baby dolls — and apparently gets worse from there.

Parents, check out a review. Think about what your children are doing and how that will influence, impact, change their lives.

I think it was Ben Carson who said his mother made he and his brother go to the library and write a book review every week. But gosh, I understand library content is now at issue. Here is a tip. Decide when your children can go into the adult section of the library. If you find adult books in the children’s section, take them to the Head Librarian, complaining, like you have never heard of any controversy. If you don’t get a good response, go to the City Council, who has oversight and budget responsibility. If you don’t get a good response there, then work in a challenger’s campaign. Back to the library, take a guided field trip, helping your children evaluate books, based on covers and titles. What kind of books are being added to the collection? How can they tell which are good, classic books and which are new, trashy books? How can they tell?  Finally, check what your children are checking out and reject any not worthy of your children.

Then, in addition to reading some historical books, and historical fiction, go to some historical places. Be ready with good questions for the docents. It can be amazing fun.

Stay cool.

A Child Raises Someone From the Dead – Eye witness account

This is a rerun of our interview with Simon Okwayo in summer 2009. If you heard last week’s episode, you know what he is up to today! This says a lot about what children can do. This should dramatically increase your faith. Especially for your children.

Dr. Apostle Simon Okwayo, Healing Evangelistic Ministries Foundation,

Children were held to a much higher standard in the past. When people graduated from the 8th grade,they knew a lot. Then, they went to work or college. This was true in the Revolutionary War period. John Quincy Adams was given an Congressional appointment to be the interpreter for the ambassadorial mission to the court of Catherine the Great at 14 years old. Why? Because he had mastered several languages and already had experience of being the secretary to his father as an ambassador to France during the war for Independence. Look forward to what young people are doing these days to prepare to serve their community and country.


The Foundation of Shalom, Well-Being, in Education

I started talking about what the foundation of good education would be, which is especially important to consider if you are homeschooling. Then, following my own discussion, I jumped to respect between the sexes. And yes, of course, you ought to teach your daughters and  your sons to deal with other people’s sons and daughters. But that may not be the most foundational thing of all education. LOL  So what is?

You know, you can’t know everything. I love learning. But it is just impossible to know everything. So, what is the one thing to learn that makes it easier to know the rest? What is the one best guide on how to proceed? One could study every veiwpoint on anything, and it would take a few years to properly understand and evaluate it all. In the meantime, one might be snookered into some philosophy that sounded good, but really bought your children to disaster. So, is their a hueristic toward a good life, toward mastery of ethics/morality, toward mastery of any other subject?

Good news: yes. We have a manufacturer’s manual. It has been used successfully across cultures and millennia. And it is alluded to in our foundational promise: All your offspring shall be taught of the Lord and great shall be their shalom, their total well-being, peace, prosperity, nothing missing nothing broken. And notice, Jesus himself quoted this verse.


Many Christian schools and Christian curricula is NOT really fully Biblical. Often they have secular assumptions without knowing it, because that is their training. Here are a few attempts. Please do your own evaluation. Please share here, also.



How a biblical worldview shapes the way we teach our children

Aug 24, 2015 … The Christian worldview should influence all decisions made in and out of the classroom. It is not simply opening class in prayer (although I …

Apr 6, 2018 … In contrast to the secular curricula used in public education, Christian schools teach ideas that rest on God’s Word as the ultimate source of …