Category Archives: character education

Thoughts are Vibrations – How to Use this Knowledge for Healing, etc.

Most people would like to know the secrets of spiritual power, but can’t understand the older language used. Or maybe it is even intentionally hidden from those with nefarious intent; I don’t know. Anyway, here is my attempt to share with you some of my most valuable lessons, in modern language. Christians may have to be patient with my attempts at new language; please realize many do not understand our lingo. I am trying to get over powerful lessons on how to pray powerfully, so that healing and other blessings can be manifested.

Looks like I am doing a series on music. LOL, well great. Christmas is a wonderful time to enjoy great music!

Merry Christmas to everybody (who wants such a greeting! Some people such as my Sokka Gakkai friends will happily and respectfully participate in any customs. They will even attend services their families go to; they see this as harmonious and gaining spiritual merit. Other cavil at and even attack Christians for saying Merry Christmas. I agree they should not be forced to participate, but Christians are tired of hearing that they do not have a right to practice their own religion in a country they founded.) So, let’s move on and decide to be merry! Merry Christmas to all — and HalleluJah!

Next week, surprises in Christmas Carols.

Can you Be Good Without Being a Christian – Answer #7

Here is a challenge every one must face at some time: “Can you be good, equally as good, without being a Christian?”

I remember how my atheist and humanist friends railed at the term “good Christian” 30 years ago. Then the culture still remembered that our version of good was based on Judeo/Christian ideas. The culture’s ideas are changing, however. So to address this question adequately, I suggest we start from definitions. We do need to define what “good” is.

I do not think that oppression is good. What about using sex to oppress. Is that good? But isn’t open sexual expression good? Isn’t more freedom good? The experienced and thoughtful person will see quickly how such a discussion may become very confusing — and very important for a young person.

I hope you enjoy the 7th installment of my Answers Series. They are not ordered, but just numbered. Be sure to get the entire set for your young person.

Is Negativity Bad — Always? Or is Cheerfulness the Primary Value? Answer #6

Don’t be negative. Well, yes that is good advice. Negative mindsets cause us not to reach for solutions. But is cheerfulness the primary value? Should we fail to admit we are facing a problem? Wouldn’t that also cause us to fail to reach for a solution? “Don’t be Negative” is a truth that has been made into a lie in our society.

It is similar to : you don’t have to do the right thing, be polite, work, as long as you are cheerful. Or: anyone who calls you to a higher standard is just being negative, grouchy, and probably old and out of touch.

Here are lies you want to equip your children to face. Sister Sharon uses modern science and Bible to help you be sure your offspring will be okay, prosper, be happy, –have great shalom — going forward.

We are about halfway through our series on answers. I have decided to alternate the apologetics/answers series with other things so you don’t get tired of one topic. Do you like that? Let me know. I think we might be diving into healing and health ideas next. Let me know your questions! Be sure and share with your friends. You see the social media buttons right on the side of the post. Also tell your friends. When I was on satellite radio at a set time, I had a group of moms who would gather in their living room to listen together! Wonderful! Why don’t you give yourself the gift of community this year? Draw moms together.

Answers to Other Religions and Challenges of Education Answer 5

This is primarily a broadcast about the healing of children. Right now we are in a series that answers challenges to the faith. This is important because parents want to equip their children in the modern world so they don’t lose their faith and also because young parents themselves may be wavering in their faith. Wavering in faith does not help getting prayers answered!

However, I am interspersing the”Answers” series with other topics because I have about 9 episodes and do not want to leave behind the original goal of preaching healing and promoting natural health. Originally I felt that the greatest need was healing for learning disabilities. No one was teaching that. I was uniquely positioned to do so. Since then, I have discovered that there is less knowledge about that need because the standards of public school are so very low, and lowering and lowering, although it seems entirely hidden. So what would have been recognized as a painful learning disability even 20 years ago remains unknown. But there is lots of pain — but mostly covered by confusion — these days. So GSB continues to address those pain points with truth, which is truly good news.

Next week we will have a prayer time for our children, and also for the election, as it relates to children. This broadcast, in primarily being about healing never has gotten into politics, and will attempt to continue in that vein. If you are desirous of discussion education policy, please come to

Also, since practical health measures, based on the idea that God created the world good and wishes health more than even healing, I have shared good ideas for moms. Then I see and hear so much desire for that among the grandparent generation. Please notice at the top of the page are “tabs” where you may select the GSB 4 Grands page and listen to those episodes. If you would like more of this, and if I get enough response, then it may be worth making a separate podcast and a separate website for we the grandparent generation. Remember, “We will stay fresh and green, bringing fruit forth, even in old age” — which I read is 120 years old.

For today the answers (apologia) have to do with the challenge that all paths lead to the same place, that faith is for the uneducated, and that faith makes one less able to be successful. NOT NOT NOT LOL.

Please go to for my book on How to not lose your faith in college. Please write me directly at P.O. Box 971 Cedar Park, Texas 78630 if you want all 9 episodes on CD.