Tag Archives: school choice

School Choice Right Now Voted on in Texas

School choice is once again being pushed by a governor. Having failed numerous times in the states I follow, it is once again being pushed thru the lege == while everyone is watching national news. Deciet is rampant.

Most Christians and most conservatives think “school choice” or “vouchers” is a good thing because “it will give us our money back” and “allow poor children to go to private school.” This is false.  If we could take the budget, divide by the number of students, and send it to each one, that would probably be wonderful. That sort of plan is NOT under consideration.

Most vouchers are a small part (like 1-%) is given to those who apply, after a slice is taken for bureacracy of course. Thus, it may defray costs for some middle class people; it will not be enough to provide for tuition for the poor. hen the 90% of what the school might spend on that student if they were in government school, is retained. However, the biggest characteristic is that where Cesear’s money goes, so do the “strings.” Public money grants come with accountability, control.

If one doubts this, check out what happened last time: a very small amount of poor students got some temporary help, while the government schools got a larger budget in the deal, and Democrats screamed that government schools were in danger of being closed, — and that accountability must be included.

This time around, Gov. Abbott is talking about educational savings account. This might be somewhat better, except that it required “accredited schools.” The largest accrediting body of Christian schools is now controlled by Marxist philosopy and requires teaching of LBTQ. See my review of Mindshift on Youtube. At any rate, we will deal with the ESAs and how the Christians in Arizona were very disappointed by it — in an upcoming episode.


Concluding out series on the hot topic of “school choice” actually meaning “vouchers.” Like so many other issues, the words used are used in order to deceive. Styled as educational freedom, this is an attempted takeover of all private education, even homeschooling, by the very government that ruined public education. The shekels come with shackels.

Heather Hall uses her principle approach to unpack the situation. Dr. Max Lyons suggests an alternative: congregations providing scholarships. And Keven Novak concludes the series with the warning that if we think this will be increased freedom, we need to think again.

This is only a taste of what they have to say. I strongly encourage you to get the full document: Vouchers: Shekels with Shackles.  It is available in pdf format to download right now if you sign up on our announcement list. Or, you may get it at the publishers: Front Line Ministries. Please get it and share it.

The Discussion at the State Capitol

I am seeing more discussion about this on social media and even with postcards coming to my home. Largely they appear to be the leftists being against it, charging that the conservatives just want more money for themselves, for private schools.  They argue that public money should not go to fund religion. Hmm. And then, I see politicians smiling broadly at how they are increasing freedom. That, in itself, should give you pause.

If you weren’t informed: rights come from God. Then we, as free people, agreed to let government have some duties, limited duties, to protect us, basically. Anytime a politician claims to give you rights, they are off the path of American political philosophy and are enslaving  you. If that was not taught and underlined in your elementary schooling, that in itself shows the degradation of education and the danger in our current society. You very much need to read this little compilation –please.

Find the Authors

Frontline   www.christedu.org

Heather Hall  https://principledacademy.com/podcast-2/  

Biblical Classical Community

Dr. Max Lyons https://face.net/dr-max-lyons

Kevin Novak https://deconstructingthecoliseum.com/blog/author/krnovak/

Dr. Marlene McMillan Why Liberty Matters     https://whylibertymatters.com


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School Vouchers: Shekels to Shackles

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School Choice: A Reasoned Approach: Diane Douglas, Dr. Marlene McMillan, Dr. Douglas Pietersma

School Choice, or really vouchers of government money to private education is a hot topic.  Everyone is reacting emotionally. Here are 3 reasoned approaches.

Diane Douglas  relates the experience of Arizona’s ESA (Educational Savings Accounts.)  Oh, that sounds great, doesn’t it? Who could be against that? Well, here what happened in Arizona. It didn’t work out for freedom. We will give a review and a taste, but why don’t you get what all she said?  I am seeing people people here in Texas post about ESA ;  seems deceptive to me.

Dr. Marlene McMillan, famed for arguing for liberty and principled thinking outlines the 15 premises that are used in the argument for school vouchers, and what the result will be. She says control must follow the money. Clear. Again, while I will read some of what I think are highlights, please get the document to read and study.


Event in Austin April 29th 2023 https://www.eventbrite.com/e/dr-marlene-mcmillan-tickets-586027242257

Dr. Douglas Piertsma, a former USAF Intelligence Officer,  has a clearly entitled chapter : Don’t take the cheese.” He says he fully understands the hope that dollars will follow the child, but dollars that follow a child are still dollars controlled by a system that is not religiously neutral, but specifically humanist or anti-Christian. Rats die because they don’t understand why the cheese is free.

Now working in the homeschool arena.

Given what I am seeing on social media, the Democrats and leftists are arguing against the bills because they don’t think that government money should be given to private or religious initiatives. So, if both right and left are against this..and for the same reason… who is pushing it? Whatcha wanna bet that money with strings will be styled as the compromise between the two groups?

FrontLine Ministries www.ChristEdu.org

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School Vouchers: Shekels to Shackles

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Diane Douglas. @_DianeDouglas. AZ Superintendent of Public Instruction. Greater Phoenix AZ DianeDouglas.com Joined October 2013.