Think Better by Looking for and Evaluating Evidence

Think better by looking for and evaluating evidence.

A lot of people don’t even give you evidence, but just emotional slogans. Watch out for this! You are being deceived, tricked, and led around by the nose. Slow it down, and remember to look for evidence.

Other people refuse to consider what I have to say, because it contravenes “what they know” but they fail to hear out the evidence. Remember to slow down and hear the evidence.

In other cases, people do give you evidence, but it is faulty or fragmentary. Remember to evaluate the evidence. Is it strong?

Hear more about how you — and your children– can think better by demanding and evaluating evidence.

Also, check out my “How to Tell What is True” series in “The Store.” at

Independence Day, Juneteenth, Character and the New England Primer

I hope you all have a wonderful day celebrating Independence. July the 4th is the day that we celebrate liberty (freedom under the rule of law) in the United States. It is evident that we must all work toward this goal these days. Part of that is teaching civics.
In the early American colonies and during the founding of the United States, until very late in the 1800s, we used The New England Primer to teach reading, based in Biblical principles. This became the value set that was passed down and continued to buttress our way of governing ourselves. Founders said that only a virtuous Christian people could be governed in liberty. We have forgotten much of this, and been taught contrary ideas.

Today, I discuss first the little product I have of 6 audio episodes discussing the civics of the New England Primer. Then, discussing why it is important to teach civics and actual history, I tell an amusing incident that recently happened to me, regarding Juneteenth. Juneteenth is a holiday IN TEXAS that remembers the day that the Emancipation Proclamation was announced in Texas, the state in the confederacy the farthest away from Washington DC and President Lincoln. Of course, we are for liberty and against enslavement. Aren’t we?

So, let’s do a quick review of history, and consider the teaching of Civics. And btw, I have a 75% off sale on the New England Primer set of episodes (teaching civics, not reading). Go to STORE on the tab above.

Summer Activity : Introduce the Bible

Last night I was at a presentation by a very bright young woman who mentioned along the way, that even though she was going well in college and career, she was embarrassed because she had no idea how to find things in the BNible. Of sure, she had gone to church growing up, but when Bible passages were mentioned, they were at most shown on the screen. She had no idea how to look something up.

Well, let’s fix that! Bible introduction: generally New Testament, and Old Testament: introduction to the ooganization, what the various book topics are, how to find an index (concordaqnce.) — all in 30 minutes.

Encountering God is the Best of Summer Activities

Every year the episode on activities to do during the summer is a popular episode. This year, we are running a little them, with some rebroadcasts of old interviews. Be sure to hear what Becky Fischer told us about children encountering God, not just having a few warmed over stories in the basement. (Guess what her young life was like? Well, not exactly: she was the preacher’s daughter and had to teach the children in the basement when she was young. After a successful business career, she is now teaching teachers and children alike..)

So, this week, Mr. Wisenhutter, then of Austin, a high tech worker, shared with us his youth program, where again, the students encounter God for themselves. Given both opportunity and oversight, youth can go just about what adults can. In this day and hour, it is imperative to give children and youth access to wholesome life change, life affirming, life protective experiences. There is no waiting around!

This is not a dreary drug prevention campaign! This is a real high in Holy Spirit. Check it out.