Category Archives: Salvation

Testimonies of Miraculous Healings


I wanted to talk some more about miraculous healings. Normally, when I do that here, I just open up the scriptures. Well, we did have some testimonies: Betty, Melanie, and Shelby. But I wanted something fresh and here came Mario Murillo’s movie: “I am Living Proof.”

It was shot at one of his meetings; this one in Colorado Springs. In the movie you visit with 3 people who got miraculously healed.


Unfortunately, given the crush of work on me, I was not able to get this recorded and edited and published while the movie was still in the theaters. However, the stories are true. You can certainly find Brother Mario’s meetings on his website:

Maybe he will put out the movie in DVD format?

While the episode is late given the movie, I am posting it early given the weeks’ schedule. Still overwhelming. Every joint supplies.


Please remember: the point for GSb and OLP is that we believe in miracles and we will take them any way they come. Yes, we believe frank miracles. We also believe in healing — improvement over time. We also believe in healthful life style. We also believe in innovative, improved teaching methods. (about which, see our books   both Learn at Home for Great Shalom and Re-founding Education.) We also believe in faith applied (see How to Win the Game of School.)  Let’s don’t accept the lie of death, destruction and hopelessness. This ‘cast is here to encourage faith, to find the right answer, to obtain total well-being for all children.

Children are Important

Did you ever realize that at Christmas we celebrate a child? And it is a celebration most especially for children? Children are important. We can indeed, take that lesson away.
The angel indicated this was a great gift. Mary clearly was thrilled. The faithful of Israel were looking for this child for centuries. We should be thrilled too.

We, too, as parents and educators are highly favored and blessed. Let us take this knowledge and encourage ourselves — and reform our culture with it.

How to Build Confidence in the Student with LDs

Great topic for back to school! Confidence for overcoming school challenges is a vital issue for the student who has some sort of learning problem. First, one must start with the right identity or self concept. Then one must say, enunciate positive confessions (both good self-talk and appropriate words in social context.) This is fundamental. Almost always, the process of diagnosis and the school situation gives the bright student the idea that he or she is stupid. From that perspective, they do not find the solutions for overcoming that they need. Faith, here, finds the grace available. The first — and last word — for helping the student with LD/learning problems.

Quick link to the help page on our website. How to get saved is the top audio listing.

Martin Seligman Raising Optimistic Kids Scientific book that shows how building self-esteem really works — in contrast to the counterproductive, psuedo-scientific ideas taught for decades. Many other books on well-being, being happy, etc.

Daniel Goleman Emotional Intelligence

Overcoming Trauma

Dr. Lendell Braud, PhD in Pyschology, shares with us her method for helping children and teens overcome trauma. This is exceptional because she had data, over decades, of this actually working with the majority of her clients.
It is open to all comers; does NOT require giving up the Christian faith, nor using any religious language. It is God who heals people. I think that what this does is help people listen for God’s healing words. See what you think. Take what works for you. It is God who heals and delivers and makes new. Evil masquerades and lies, but never offers a better life.

Here is Dr. Braud’s website:

For a seed of any amount, I will send you a digital copy of a picture like those of Dr. Braud’s participants. For a seed of over $100, I will send you a handmade, prophetic picture of like kind: a picture of transition to newness of life. This offer good only in 2020.