Category Archives: Providers

Overcoming the PsyOP of Learning Disabilities

Today, we tell you the secret to overcoming the psyop of learning disabilities. As long as you think your child — or you– are DISABLED…. you don’t find the right solution to the problem, you have to depend upon someone else, and some bureaucrat keeps their job. You and others around you are harmed, suppressed, and basically: disabled.

However, if you understand that there is a learning PROBLEM, then you are enabled to find the right solution. School is important. Vocation is vital. You can do it. God created you good. Yes, the world is fallen. Your child was almost certainly injured by a polluted environment, some accident, or some poor educational situation. Fine; I understand. I and my family have had to deal with all of that. However, God is a redeemer — meaning fixing. Beyond that, God is a resurrector — meaning a Doer of the absolutely impossible.

So grab hold of this faith. Get hope to move on. Move on. Get your gold.

In the meantime, join with us for the journey. And let others know. Share both online and in person. Thanks.

Doctor Covers News About Mom and Baby Health

Dr. Naomi Wolfe Covers News About Mom and Baby Health. It is disturbing. You may want to know to prevent your own demise, and the demise of fertility of your progeny. If you are a lawyer, you should definitely listen. If you are a pastor and did not know this, you should listen, and then repent on your face. If you are a mom, who has been injected, maybe have your husband listen, and  you don’t. Too disturbing.

To do: stay safe from the supposed V%#! Detox to extent you can. Find an independent healthcare provider. Find an hospital alternative. Find a pastor who is a real Christian and a real standup person.

Dr. & Mrs. Colbert on Starting Your Child’s Day with a Good Breakfast


We re-run a cherished episode from when we were in the radio studio back in 2009.  Mrs. Mary Colbert had agreed to come on, but when Dr. Colbert came on, I was so surprised I nearly dropped my coffee. He is such a star in the circle in which I was running at that time. Of course, he continues to be the rockstar doctor in the Word of Faith circles. Just look how young he looks! Amazing! And so funny with brightly colored socks.

Anyway, you will be warmed and cheered this winter morning, thinking about good breakfasts for your child. About right now we could use some encouragement, right? We are right between Christmas cookies and Valentine candies! Yikes! Make those a once in a while treat, and in the meantime, serve up some brain boosting protein  and energizing fruits and vegetables.


There are so very many detrimental myths about foods, almost all of which are pushed by conventional authorities, for thier own benefit, or gosh… it has to be admitted, for the plain detriment of the population. Brains grow on good food.

Being sure that poor children had breakfast so they could do well in school was a concern from the lat 1880 until about…. maybe 1980. Back in 1880, charities that couldn’t afford meat and eggs for the children at least gave them meat soup. But now, after 1980, I see schools serving up commercial concoctions of transfat and sugar and dyes. Just about the worst. And this is charity? No, it is either thoughtless or intended to be harm.

Now that you know better, you will do better.

Since the 1990s, here in Texas, we had mothers advocating politically, successfully, for taking vending machines out of schools, in hopes of having better nutrition. But then, school lunches often changed from agriculture department surplus cooked in the school to commercial vendors. So, once again, after all the effort politically, the will of the people was subverted, and the children suffer.

Now that you know better, you will do better.


Poptarts were just about my favorite when I was a child. That was well before they all had “icing” on top. My dad said, “No,  you can put jam on your own toast.” Actually, today, I have much better than the bread my parents could obtain. I do make myself cherry tarts once in a while, but normally I have boiled pasture raised eggs, and a variety of other things like pomegranet juice, grapefruit half, home-made pumpkin pudding, bone broth, and always the highest quality tea with collagen and often raw cream. Wow! living high on the hog as we say in the country, but want to live long.

And my grandsons get country eggs, bacon, and “farm milk” because they live on a farm  — and wouldn’t have it any other way. Did I tell you that my grandsons are good competitors in chess tournaments, wrestling tournaments, and now starting in robotics competitions? And you bet, they do their chores everyday.

Dr. Don Colbert – Divine Health|legacy


Texas Recognizes Freedom to Privately Educate

Check out what an attorney in Texas says about home education there. Tim Lambert, along with his wife Lindsay founded Texas Homeschool Coalition. He continues to serve as legal counsel to members responding to schools’ missteps.IN this rerun, Mr. Lambert answers basic questions about home schooling in Texas.

Now, many of you are not in Texas. Please let our freedoms and procedures inspire you to make your state, country, province better. More liberty, to have better education, would surely be better, don’t you agree?

It was probably about 10 years ago that their high school aged children ran their very large homeschool coalition in the Woodlands convention center. Wow — and did they ever do a professional level job. Such a great advertisement for home education: mature and capable youth.

Laws vary widely. I don’t know why. Aren’t rights God-given? Didn’t we agree to empower governments to have a short list of powers and reserve the rest of the rights to ourselves? If you were not taught that in civics in Elementary school, then someone was …

… pulling the wool over your eyes?

…giving you an alternative “social studies” curriculum?

..trying to enslave you?

Anyway, from the beginning Texas RECOGNIZED the right to privately education one’s children. Since people started doing that — once again– academic rates have gone up. Social skills have gone up. Maturity has gone up. Check out the broadcast.


While I can not take a firm position on the new docu-series regarding the Duggars and the Bill Gotthard movement, I do want to raise some general questions about the intent of the creators.

I would counsel to not necessarily believe the negative spin — or really hit piece — on the Duggars and Bill Gotthard. I was not there. But I do know this sort of situation. Most organizations are not perfect. Most people in high demand group like that are indeed happy — and happier than their leavers!

Trailer :

Duggar response:

Another Duggar response :” There is no evidence that the children were abused… and won’t be unless there is (another) investigation. 

I wouldn’t want my family in front of a camera all the time.  But guys, do you remember what happened in the past 3 years?  Remember the news and social media … “spin”…. on the scamdemic?  Haven’t you learned to parse out both “news” and *projection*?

You figure out that if Pinkie and the Brain wanted to enslave the world, ahem, they would hate those out of the system the most. Home education is dangerous to tyrants — not only because it is separate and private, but even more because it creates character and the ability to think for oneself.

Other (Conservative Christian) ministry’s response Right Response Ministry

A conservative analyst’s response (Candace Owen)

Oh yes, even from a cult, especially from a cult experience,  there is no one who will more likely think for themselves than people who have had this experience. They have seen the world from different perspectives. They have been controlled. They have thought through the issues. They will likely leave. But they are much harder to fool. That is for sure.


Always ask what are the definitions being used. Linguistic confusion and domination is very often used today. What appears to be charity, for instance, become theft. What appears to be science is discovered to be ridiculously not. So and and so forth. In this case, is all patriarchy bad? Are all conservatives or all Christians bad? Is every woman who fills the traditional mother role somehow nefarious? Really?

Always ask what the general intent of the argument is. Clearly, there is a negative intent in this case. Fine, but why.

And what is it that they want you to do? Hate Christians? Hate large families?Hate people who experiment with alternative lifestyles? Hate tradtitionalism?  Really?  Really? Is that what you want to do? Is that where you want to be? Don’t be a pawn.

Always ask if there is a self-interest in that intent. What would the speaker like to get you to do? Would you do that if considered that in a full and level-headed way, instead of merely being repulsed by a negative picture. It is like jumping on a snake to avoid the one you saw. Look around.

Always ask if there is another side to the issue. Never decide until you have heard both sides.  All sides.

Ask what is being left out or hidden.  So, sure, we are horrified at some sexual abuse or some hurt of a child. But wait, in our culture today, sexual abuse is becoming celebrated in public policy and government schools. So,  how is it that we are herded into hate of some alternative group, focused on families and attempting rigtheousness?

Always hold in mind the phenomenon of projection, that people accuse others of exactly what they are doing. This is write large in politics today.

Always keep in mind that deception is a possibility. Double check both the facts and the interpretation of the facts. Remember: statistics don’t lie, but liars figure. Liars and marketers lay out their statistics in ways that are not fully straightforward.

If you are paying attention to your own life? Are you working nearly as hard to be a good person, doing the right thing, and helping others as the folks you are criticizing? If so, you probably don’t have time to really investigate other people’s lives. LOL