Category Archives: Interaction with Child’s Teacher

Encouragement, Warnings and Tips for Teachers

Teacher have it hard. No one can believe or understand how hard until they have taught. Further, it is worse than it has ever been.
I remember how shocked my mother was when she went back to teaching after 15 years away. Society changed. I certainly saw changes during my 20 years experience.

Today, our episode honors and helps teachers. It is an exegesis of I Timothy 2 and 3. I remember how much encouragement and guidance it gave my practice of teaching when I first did this study. Suitable for those in both Christian and public schools. Suitable for teachers at every level.

This is one of 6 messages in a series called God’s End-Time Advice for Parents and Teachers. I strongly encourage you to get this series. This week, like last, we are running a half price sale, in order to get it into your hands. Sorry, we have to do this the old fashioned way: send $25.00 and $5.00 for s/h to P.O. Box 971 Cedar Park Texas 78613.

Time to Get Ready for School – Planning

This episode is from an 6 part exegesis of I Tim 2 & 3, giving advice on how to rear and teach children in dark days. It is part of a series, available for half price this week. Only $25.00 plus $5.00 SH. Send to P.O. Box 971 Cedar Park, Texas 78613

Are you gearing up for school? Are you relieved? Really? Are you dreading it? Oh dear.
How about a little planning? Kay Orr shares how she gets ready.

How about a little prayer?
Bob Long came into the studio a few years ago and gave us a prophetic prayer for teachers. You can find that in our archives.
There are some prayer groups fo moms who gather weekly to pray for their students, teachers, and school administrators.
There are some groups of moms who even pray for public school teachers — and send nice gifts.

Let’s have faith for turning over the world around you from darkness to light. Let’s envision expanding the garden around out.

Believing for Healing of the Village

The context in which children grow IS important. Unfortunately, in our country, it is sick. We can believe for healing of the context, just like we can believe for healing for the child. Let’s use the same principles: unreasonable faith, ardent prayer, and speaking what we are praying.

Pray for your governments. Pray for your schools. Pray for all the teachers.

Too often the FAITH community has limited itself. No wonder, because preaching healing and faith was no small task. Let us remember also that Jesus came preaching, “The Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand.” It is right there. Let’s grab it. By Faith.

Don’t Delay Evaluation

Whether or not to have a child evaluated for special needs is a difficult decision for many parents. Fears about labeling are well founded. However, fears about missing developmental milestones are also well founded.

Someone weighs in here.

Schools Warned About Delaying Special Education Assessments

My thought is not whether one should have a child evaluated but how, by whom, with what aim? An evaluation that makes for a label without real help is detrimental. And evaluation that instead of affixing a label, offers guidance to parent and educators, ensuring the child gets what they need to come up to optimal level (far above norm) would of course be desirable. So, the question is not so much whether to get a child evaluated, but what system that evaluation is used in.

Public schools talk about accommodation, meaning making allowances for a child who is not able to cope with the existing system. Notice whether or not your people are talking about remediation. Are they aiming at fixing the problem? If so, how often are they successful? Do identified children, given remediation, come up to norm? Above? That is a reasonable question! Why enter a program that is unlikely to have a successful outcome. (BTW, the definition of a Learning Disability is a significant discrepancy between IQ and measured performance, so children who get an LD diagnosis have to, by implemented definition, be brighter than average.)

If a psychologist performs the evaluation, you can probably trust that the evaluation will be a scientifically valid one. The difficulty with private testing of this nature is the breakdown of communication between the private office and the educator. Therefore, be sure you understand the doctor’s report. Make sure it is explained to you in everyday English and you are clear on what measures the doctor recommends. Do not assume that the school will be able to decipher the findings or will know what measures to take based on a given report. Parents have to manage the situation.

Each case is different. Parents must weigh the need to know what is wrong and what kind of help is needed with the likelihood of being about to obtain those ends. Pick who does the evaluation, pick the educational help you get, and ensure your child gets the help he or she needs.