Category Archives: In the news

Other People Weigh in on Religious Exemptions

Diamond and Silk Chit Chat on 1/12/2022

Peggy Hall on Diamond and Silk weighs in on religious exemptions.

Peggy Hall interview says religious exemptions are covered under Title 12 — even if you don’t belong to any recognized religious group   See more from interview under  Warns about trap questions from employers.

Says you have the right to refuse testing and masks. No employer has the right to usurp your rights. Unless they think your beliefs are not sincere. For instance, you have talked about politics and then start suddenly talk about religion. So, the interview suggests pray and share your Bible verses, and belief.

Keep a record of every harassment, including fellow employees, and your feelings. Coerced, intimidated, undue stress?

You are not asking for  permission, but notifying the employer of conflict, who is required to accommodate your religious exemption.They must try every possible option. They may not reject it out of hand. which is what they are doing.

there is more — look on Frank, Rumble or possibly other platforms.


Joy to the World – 7 Gifts God Gave us in 2021

For our last broadcast of 2021, we discuss the 7 gifts that God gave us during 2021. It was a surprising year; a rough year; but in the end, God saved us from things we didn’t even know we needed saving from. Time to rise up, open the gifts and apply them. It is all about the children.

Exposed, reduced, prosecuted child sex trafficking

Hannity Reports G Maxwell Conviction

Turley Alerts us to Panic among the Elite Class over the Conviction.

Exposed corruption and reduced media collusion

Dr. Doug Frank Continues to Report on Voter Fraud Facts

Dr. Turley Opines this is End of Dem Party

Durham must be about to investigate the H. Clinton campaign

DeSantis Announces Election Police

Suggestions on  How to Hold Mainstream Media and Government Accountable

CNN in Death Throes

Exposed acute and long term medical industry oppression

Dr. Malone, Inventor of mRNA Invieghs against Big Tech Censoring (and inappropriate use of nMNRA)

Dr. Veronika Cries Against Government Stopping Good Doctoring

Fifth Circuit Court Rules Against Biden’s Vax Mandates

 NY Governor Twists Christianity to Push Vax and is called “unhinged” 

Any internet search will discover numerous doctors and wellness professionals pointing out simple, natural, inexpensive treatments in place of expensive, ineffective treatments such as chemotherapy.  The Epoch Times hosts J. Mercola. Rumble has a Channel “The Cure of Cancer.” The Lost Ways direct markets. The examples are too numerous to consider.

Exposed intended, unnecessary fomenting of society conflict

Black father, daughter decry CRT

Bill Maher Shuts Down CRT Debate

Turley reads Waukesha as the end of BLM

Scholars Say in Public that Elitism is Worse than Racism

Exposed the lie about the church being the fundamental problem, and the start of a great revival

Churchgoers Fined for Singing

Emboldened to say that discrimination against churches not okay.

Revival meetings, even in non religious areas, and areas under lockdowns, grow faster than ever expected. Example: Murillo in Modesto, Batavia, and soon San Francisco.

“The earth helped the woman” – meaning natural causes put an end to the plague

While news sources have indicated that Israel is 80% or more vaxxed, an Israeli on Frank News asserted that fully 30 % of Israelis have taken no vax and with every booster, the number is less. Now 55% of Israelis are not “fully vaxxed.”

We faced fear and were made stronger

When I am Afraid…Hope in the Face of Fear

Mike Lindell is wsell known for saying “Clean up 2020 now, or it is all over.”

Mario Murillo says “God is giving you permission to save America.”

Robby Dawkins agrees that is time to stand up, speak up, lead the conversation, expose darkness and deception wherever it is found

Credit to Johnny and Elizabeth Enlow on Elijah Streams for the inspiration of this episode. 

PROTECT YOUR CHILDREN:  Texas wins in Supreme Court Against Head Start Vax Requirements



Ultimate Secret to Day of Trouble

In a 3 part series, we have been gathering the secrets to success from an ancient situation. King Hezekiah faced an onslaught by the ruthless emperor Sennacharib, and his lying captain Rabshakeh. He appeals to the LORD, both directly and through the prophet isaiah. This situation is recorded 3 times in the Bible. Today, we look at Isaiah’s memory. The good news is that the Lord intervened on behalf of his people; one angel overcame 185,000 men in one night.  Here is the ultimate secret to the day of trouble.

No doubt we too have a day of trouble, rebuke and blasphemy. The same strategies of manning the wall, sorting out truth from falsehood, praying, and looking to God will help us win. This is the ultimate secret to the day of trouble. God will allow us to be challenged to strengthen us, but in the end, God will fight for us.

In the time it took to receive, record and post this series, we have seen some turn around. We have turned the corner. Lies are exposed. the captains are backing up, trying a little more. The dark kingdom is imploding. Take courage. Be strong. Overcome. Recover all.

Indeed, I am encouraged. I am beginning to see more than just a very few alternative media people share the truth. Common people are not being intimidated. They can’t fire half of all workers. They can say that they will replace nurses and air traffic controllers, but that is entirely unreasonable. They can make gas prices higher, inflation severe, taxes worse — but all that will be noticed by the people. They are not just fighting among themselves, they are shooting themselves in the foot. Intecessors and prophets are proclaiming turn around — and so do the headlines.

Let us take heart. Let us man the walls. Let us not believe the lies. let us stand with Love, Truth, and faith.   Let us go out, pursue, overtake, recover all. Meaning, no longer be locked up with fear, based on lies, with our God-given rights taken, nor our children taken, nor our health taken. We can stand together.

Harvard prof: Children SHOULD NOT be vaxxed

Revival Today reasoned resistance :

Now from the folks on the Left:

Finally, today:


Chemist Explains What is in A Vaccine

A Chemist with Startling info About Vaccines


Newer info: Dr. Brett Spradlin, Divine Design talks about what is in the v*x. Shards of metal, DNA from a vairety of animals, and something alive but unknown (with pix). Also, in his lobby, he has a very large binder with manufacturer’s info sheets. These sheets ARE SUPPOSED TO BE IN EACH DOSE, FOR CONSUMERS TO READ. They are not. Sometimes they are blank. Sometimes, when asked about it by patients, doctors go ballistic. That in itself is a red flag. And that was the immuizations. This is something new.