Category Archives: Home education

School Vouchers : Ray Moore, Douglas & Hawkins, and Alex Newman Weigh In

As promised (finally!) I unpack what people are saying about “school choice” i.e. vouchers. Is this a boon? Free government money? Government money for private Christians schools? For homeschoolers? Really?

So, in the first of 3 episodes, we begin to summarize the book Vouchers: Shekels with Shacklesfrom Frontline Ministries.  You can find them at http://ChristEdu.Org/

This 50 page book includes a number of authors. In this episode, we will take the introduction and first 3 authors: Ray Moore, Diane Douglas & Richard Hawkins and Alex Newman.

Moore writes the introduction and this his own chapter: “Do No Harm.” Then Douglas and Hawkins write on “Vouchers:He Who Has the Gold Makes the Rules.”  And then Alex Newman, whom we discovered so happily on as a proponent of home education, writes the chapter, “UN Report” Use Tax Money to Control Private Education.”  Look folks, when Pinkie & The Brain publish on the internet exactly how they are going to take down your freedom and enslave you, you must Thank the Lord and pay attention — rather than just sleep and hope for the best.

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School Vouchers: Shekels to Shackles

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Frontline Ministries

By Alex Newman 5 days ago As it becomes increasingly obvious that homeschoolers do significantly better than victims of government “education” Banking CPS Education LGBT Liberty Hour New World Order News Technocracy Transhumanism Video Techno Tyranny, Transhumanism & Destruction of Children and Families | Liberty Hour Ep. 22

School Choice : History, Yes & No

Today, I am embarking on adding information to the conversation about school choice. It seems to be a hot topic. Indeed, it is about overcoming learning problems in our day. Many of my listeners will be interested.  I am going to give you a little bit of the history of this discussion from my own personal history. Then I will tell you what seems good about school choice, the yes, and then what seems bad, the no.

There is a history to this discussion. It has gone on in Canada and in other states. Knowing that, we should look into what has happened previously.

Then, I offer this resource: Vouchers: Shekels with Shackles, published by Christian Education Initiative. My understanding is that this pdf is for wide distribution. Please read. Here is the origin:    Next week, I will give you a little more sample from the authors’ essays given in this booklet. Please take, read, think through, and share.

The Foundation of Shalom, Well-Being, in Education

I started talking about what the foundation of good education would be, which is especially important to consider if you are homeschooling. Then, following my own discussion, I jumped to respect between the sexes. And yes, of course, you ought to teach your daughters and  your sons to deal with other people’s sons and daughters. But that may not be the most foundational thing of all education. LOL  So what is?

You know, you can’t know everything. I love learning. But it is just impossible to know everything. So, what is the one thing to learn that makes it easier to know the rest? What is the one best guide on how to proceed? One could study every veiwpoint on anything, and it would take a few years to properly understand and evaluate it all. In the meantime, one might be snookered into some philosophy that sounded good, but really bought your children to disaster. So, is their a hueristic toward a good life, toward mastery of ethics/morality, toward mastery of any other subject?

Good news: yes. We have a manufacturer’s manual. It has been used successfully across cultures and millennia. And it is alluded to in our foundational promise: All your offspring shall be taught of the Lord and great shall be their shalom, their total well-being, peace, prosperity, nothing missing nothing broken. And notice, Jesus himself quoted this verse.


Many Christian schools and Christian curricula is NOT really fully Biblical. Often they have secular assumptions without knowing it, because that is their training. Here are a few attempts. Please do your own evaluation. Please share here, also.



How a biblical worldview shapes the way we teach our children

Aug 24, 2015 … The Christian worldview should influence all decisions made in and out of the classroom. It is not simply opening class in prayer (although I …

Apr 6, 2018 … In contrast to the secular curricula used in public education, Christian schools teach ideas that rest on God’s Word as the ultimate source of …

Respect Between the Sexes

As mentioned in our homeschool foundations, I am touching on the topic of respect between the sexes. I know I covered this in an episode, but couldn’t find it. Maybe it is in my Manners series? (Well, I will post that as a series, since it is connected.) Since I couldn’t find what I did earlier, I made an entirely new episode on why there should be respect between the sexes.

I also give some advice on seeking a spouse.


Maybe respect between the sexes is not THE foundation for home education, perhaps. However, it might be a good foundation for life. And a good home education will probably result in a much better respect between the sexes than a government education. Government schools are teaching all kinds of crazy things right now having to do with sex and gender. Nothing is worse than sexually traumatizing young children with topics that are not appropriate for adults and certainly not developmentally appropriate. No communist country, no dictator country and no democratic country would permit it. But it seems to be adamantly, if often covertly, pushed today in our government schools.


In contrast to that, the traditional family depends upon respect for what each brings, order, duty and rights. Sociologists note that every society has a method of regularizing sexual relationships in a way that children get reared in what is optimal, or considered optimal, for that particular economy. Traditionalists would say that strong people come from strong families, that build strong communities. People in the Jewish and Christian tradition would point out that the family is supposed to represent a loving and just God.  Bible scholars will point out that the history of the children of Israel and the history of the early church suggests that women had far far more rights and more protection than did their counterparts in neighboring cultures.


We’ve talked about the Kingdom way of self-governance, encultured by an orderly and godly family. Thus, very little external government is needed. A great deal of learning the way to proceed is obviously learned in the family. Sociology would say that the family is the primary agent of socialization. (We see that communists would have it the other way around, but those experiments have to date all failed.)

In a godly home, with orderly and respectful relationships, it is likely that the lifeway of respect between the sexes will be caught. Given that most of us are striving to return to or get to a godly life, repenting of one that is less so, probably it is a good idea to directly teach respect between the sexes. We take care of each other; we do not hurt each other. Teach your children this. Help them make homes in which this is the case.

Of course, this is in contradistinction with “the strong take from the weak and glorify themselves because of it” which is true of unconscious capitalism and lying communism and devlish religious/spiritual systems.


Frum it Up: Jewish Hotel — secluded pool

Others addressing the same topic:

Focus on the Family:

The Bible Teaches the Equal Standing of Man and Woman