Category Archives: children’s safety

Barbie and the Library

People are liking my “hot summer activities” — actually pretty cool and can do indoors. Let children in on the real in church — let them have their own experience with God — with guard rails, of course. Hear Becky Fischer talk about her program. With depth and realia.

By contrast, I am hearing that people dislike the new Barbie movie. Ben Shapiro said it was trash in a 45 minute review, and then did another episode comparing the backlash to that review to The Inquisition. Robert Barnes expects a class action suit, since the precedent has been set for false advertising. Promoted as a light-hearted child’s movie, it seems to be instead a very dark far-left anti-motherhood feminist diatribe. It starts with little girls smashing the heads of their baby dolls — and apparently gets worse from there.

Parents, check out a review. Think about what your children are doing and how that will influence, impact, change their lives.

I think it was Ben Carson who said his mother made he and his brother go to the library and write a book review every week. But gosh, I understand library content is now at issue. Here is a tip. Decide when your children can go into the adult section of the library. If you find adult books in the children’s section, take them to the Head Librarian, complaining, like you have never heard of any controversy. If you don’t get a good response, go to the City Council, who has oversight and budget responsibility. If you don’t get a good response there, then work in a challenger’s campaign. Back to the library, take a guided field trip, helping your children evaluate books, based on covers and titles. What kind of books are being added to the collection? How can they tell which are good, classic books and which are new, trashy books? How can they tell?  Finally, check what your children are checking out and reject any not worthy of your children.

Then, in addition to reading some historical books, and historical fiction, go to some historical places. Be ready with good questions for the docents. It can be amazing fun.

Stay cool.


Vaccine Stories Your Were Never Told is a movie put out by Epoch Times, the most trust non-partisan news source in the country. When a person is tested in the fires of Tianemen Square and CCP attempted murder, then one is a hardened steel  sword of truth in the USA.

On the other hand, when a source or platform consistently censors truthful, important material, yet permits violence, hatefulness, silliness, etc, one must wonder about their integrity and usefulness.

If you are tired and inundated, and working on providing a clean food supply to your family, fine. But if you are newer to this discussion, please don’t miss watching this. You are invited to post your summary,and reasoned analysis.

Design of the covid “v$xx”

Featured Image

CDC Adds Covid “Vaxx” To Recommended List


Given that we have known that children almost never get covid since before the jabs were out,

Given that we know that the jabs never were safety tested,

Given that we know since Spring of 2021 that many are falling over dead, that cancer, deadly blot clots, strokes, and myocarditis have risen exponetiaLly because of the jabs,

Given that many women are now disabled because of reproductive issues, many children have been aborted, and men are affected also, in short that the toxic affect of the jabs go disproportionately to the gonads,

WHY would anyone do this?



We recommend Texans for Vaccine Choice as a moderate but effective method to talk to legislative representatives to get this to stop immediately.

Because so many of our community has had serious problems related to health and learning because of actual vaccines that were at least partially safety tests, it seems appropriate that GSB would particularly take on this global health crisis/genocide. Please be a responsible citizen.


Bill Gates’ Global Agenda and How We Can Resist His War on Life

Robert Malone MD, inventor of the MnRNA gene therapy

Dr. Peter McCullough, interviewed by Alex Newman , long time advocate for children and freedom

May 7, 2021 … Dr. Peter McCullough, in a 32-minute interview with journalist Alex Newman, said if this were any other vaccine it would have been pulled …

Dr. TenPenny “Vaccines are Not Safe or Effective”

Dr. Naomi Wolf

Dr. Naomi Wolf is an American feminist author and journalist who joins Jeremy Stalnecker on this episode of Situation Report to share her perspective on …

Funeral Director: Mass Vaccine Deaths, Child Danger, COVID Camps, Genocide Planned: With Stew Peters, John O’Looney.

Sep 3, 2021 … FULL SHOW! September 3, 2021 “The Stew Peters Show” welcomes:Bobby Piton: Expected “leaks” coming from GOP may be intended to derail the …..

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.   on Stew Peters

R F Kennedy Jr’s book on the Real Anthony Fauci

Andrew Wakefield, undeniably a world-class researcher, gastrointerologist, and now early whistle-blower on vaccines, makes rare comment on covid jab :

May 5, 2020 … The new push by Andrew Wakefield, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and other activists worries vaccination proponents, who are already contending with …

Alex Newman :

Nov 25, 2022 … Alex Newman The collapse of the Covid injection narrative is accelerating and has now burst through the censorship into mainstream …

People are saying, “Why didn’t you tell us!?!” Doctors risked their practices and their lives to do so. There are suits against censorship everywhere. Notice, there is still a great deal of suppression. Pubmed is online and you can look things up. Try “spike protein.”

Yes, there are still “fact-checkers” and there are links to old, but now discredited “scientific” studies that lied. Newer actual science studies, along with just plain observation, should tell you. For instance, a hospital in one town I know of normally had 1 to 2 strokes a week. By May 2021, they were having 5-7 a week. Why? I can tell you that the nurses I know in that town surely wouldn’t take the jab. They knew. Older friends who watched the news would tell me that the hospital was over-run, but driving by, you saw an empty parking lot. If I told them, they would deny I was telling them the truth. They would then change the story and say that was in the larger town. But reports there were the same: empty parking lots. Covid was not as bad as reported. But now, the situation is reversed. Check out SCI’s stock. Three great quarters. Why? SCI is the largest holder of crematoriums and funeral homes in the country.

Remember who gave you info — and how good it was — evaluate and remember.