Summer Activity with Lasting Impact — More than Most VBSs

All over the country there are advertisements for Vacation Bible School right now. signing your child up is a great idea. I knew one daycare owner who bussed her children to several. With permission, of course.
But, how about a program that has lasting impact, one that provides for the child to have a direct encounter with God. Finger plays, Bible stories, and raft time are all great, assuming developmentally appropriate, but check out what Becky Fischer is doing.

Her curricula is deeper and more real than any I have seen. Yes, it uses realia, but if fosters a personal relation between the child and God.

Children are not just the church of the future; they are today’s church. Children are not some fifth wheel just to be relegated to babysitting. They can really do things. Check this out.

Thanks to Becky Fischer, who gave us this interview maybe about 10 years ago. I took grandsons to an event, and although they are grown now, they still remember it fondly.

Gardening with Your Children

Lots of people are planting gardens that never did before. Here are some ideas about gardening with your children. Children can grow pretty well in the garden! Plant good lessons of husbandry, of diligence, of science, and lots of other good things in your backyard garden. One large church pastor tells how his first money making project was planting his own rows of… was it peas? He has planted much else in his life, but he started learning there.
Dear friend tells us lots of good ideas.
Animals may be appropriate also, depending upon where you live.
Check out the Tractor Supply Store or your local feed store for good ideas.

The 8th Circuit has unanimously ruled that anyone claiming a religious exemption as a sincerely held belief may do so

The 8th Circuit has unanimously ruled that anyone claiming a religious exemption as a sincerely held belief may do so, and that failure to honor same is criminally discriminatory. This ruling holds with all precedent previous to 2020 scamdemic.
Courts and employers are not permitted to judge one’s religiosity, nor may they fail to consider it because it overlaps with political and medical or scientific opinions. In Texas, a philosophical belief holds the same as a religious one.

Repeat: this ruling was unanimous and holds to all previous precedent, all understanding of how the First Amendment worked. Anyone who tried otherwise was criminal or extremely mistaken.

Wall of shame :

The Great Shalom Broadcast Ministry, of which Overcoming Learning Problems is a ministry, has always been a healing, miracle believing ministry. We have always taught healthy lifestyle, such as “eat food like God made it.” We do not promote or take vaccines. We have a long term, sincerely held religious belief. We also have some scientific and statistical arguments against the more recent mRNA injection, which is not a vaccine. We don’t control others, but we do teach and promote what we believe — as a charitable gesture.

Suggested activity for summer

Here is our favorite annual episode: suggested activities for summer. This year, we think about life skills that are getting so overlooked in our model for education.
Have fun.
Ooops, I mentioned libraries, while forgetting how dangerous and hostile they are. How about finding parallel structures with libraries. Churches and schools should have their own libraries. Rich people might make their’s open to the public. this is very important given not just the push for porn, and not just the push for discomfort blamed on the homeless crisis, but also because older, better books have been largely culled. People are accessing books online. So, this has been used as an excuse for doing away with good books. Be wary!