Category Archives: praying for children

Healing of Children’s Problems

We continue in our series on Isaiah 53, unpacking the the Scripture says about healing. It applies to children, too. Notice, then, Isaiah 54 comes, also specifically mentioning children and grandchildren.

Overcoming Disappointment

Kids with Learning Disabilities maybe have the greatest challenge in overcoming disappointment. They are skilled, smart, and they know it, but their disability gets them disrespected and discredited. Imagine having disgraphia but having brilliant things to write, yet your teacher can not read it. Or won’t.

Learning to overcoming disappointment may be the greatest skill in the world. Every one, including the most brilliant scientist and the greatest entrepreneur has faced setback. The ones that win were the ones that got back up. While yes, some are blessed and gifted, everyone has some gift and some blessing. Some have turned their very difficulty into a blessing. Mark Twain was told he would never amount to anything. Alexander the Great was an orphan. Wayne Dyer was a foster child. Eveyone must learn to overcome disappointment.

Kids with learning disabilities might have to learn this earlier and more often. I’d like to change that for all of them. I’d like to do away with disappointment. To the extent I can not, however, I will point out the benefit of learning to overcome disappointment.

It is comforting to think that those who are attacked by disappointment the most are those who have high goals and are not settling, not resigning themselves. It seems real that those who are fighting for Good are the very ones who have to face the army of Evil. It would be better if we had friends to stand with us, but when we do not, then even more, we must use the muscle of overcoming disappointment.

Here is a word from someone else on the matter:

Disappointment Is God Saying "Better Is Just Ahead"

Blessings to all of you. Please pray for me also. –Sister Sharon

God Wants Success for Your Children

In this series we establish beyond a shadow of a doubt that God wants you healed. Healing is talked about very directly in the Bible. God may not get all He wants. God wants everyone saved, but everyone does not get saved. Yet, it is very encouraging, when one is seeking salvation to know what God’s will is. He desires us to agree with Him. So it is with healing!

Yet, there are so very many stories about why people don’t get healed. Actually there are very many stories about why God may not want someone healed. But virtually no Bible verses! Yet so very much time in Sunday School is spent on making up such stories!

Given this state of affairs, it become very hard for a mother to have confidence that God wants well-being for her child. That encouragement is exactly what this broadcast now podcast was set up to do: encourage. First faith, and then activity. Some healing comes by miracle, some by growth, and some by wise innovation or practice. I would take it anyway it comes.

Now, I know that not every child is destined to be a scholar. Nevertheless, every child can be successful enough in school. Every child can be success at his or her own calling. This we should believe God for. This is encouragement that it was not God that planned for pain, deficiency or failure. All that was brought in with the fall. And is sometimes brought in by choices. For instance, if someone smokes like a chimney, it is not surprising that their health is less than it could be. For a child, however, the child seldom makes choices to be less than successful. I assume a mother wouldn’t. So pray in confidence.

Even pray boldly. Even if we do not win them all, that would be no reason not to try, right?

So, that is why I wanted to talk about this: God wants academic success, learning success, the ablity to do what is needed.. and wants that for every child. Hear how!

Full series available at in store.

Mothers Praying Together for a Breakthrough

Today, again, we pray together. Pray along with me for a breakthrough for yourself or your children.
Share the anointing! Get encouraged. See a breakthrough for your kids or grandkids.
And if you find value in this, please share it with your friends — however and wherever. This could be from the website posting to Facebook or it could be a like on iTunes. Or whatever way works for you. Please let people know.