Category Archives: Mission of this ministry

Book recommendations for Christmas Gifts for 2019

Once again, I recommend books you may wish to give as Christmas gifts. I have picked out some boos for the very young, elementary school aged, youth, and adults. Some are not specifically religious. All will be character building. Many will appeal particularly to boys. Have fun. Enjoy! Rejoice!

Asking what you need to hear in relation to Learning Disabilities

The Great Shalom started in 2008 as a word of faith broadcast with the aim of helping parents and educators believe for overcoming of learning disabilities. Clearly, we have not connected like we should have.
Please, please tell me what you want to hear (and who you are.)
My view of the problems
1) Radio had only listeners over 50, and I was reaching out to moms.
2) Word of Faith also may reach mostly those over 50.
3) WoF doesn’t like to talk about, even mention, problems. Therefore I did not use the words “learning disabilities” and therefore never go into the search engines correctly.
4) It may be more effective to speak directly about learning disabilities and let faith come into it only when I talk about my own mindset — rather than put the faith foot forward.
5) It may be that learning disabilities are now so ubiquitous, and academic standards are so far down, that there is not the feeling of panic and desperate need like there used to be when I was the mother.
6) It may be that parents who care about academic performance are turned off by the religious content or the low price.
7) People value what they pay for, and thus think there is no valuable content here — no matter that we have famous people and regional experts.
8) People that like the WoF or religious content don’t care about academic problems.

What do you say? (Include if you are a mother, grandmother, teacher or what.)

We have been hacked

And it is not the first time.
It has come to my attention that someone is using our email address to try to sell you viagra etc. Of course, no on on my list would think I am selling that. Nor will it be beneficial to the hacker to use my list or email — except that since I am compliant with all spam regulations, maybe the email with get through and theirs would not. UUGGH.
So we are upgrading our security. Of course it was as high as we knew how to make it, but we learn every so often. And new software becomes available.
Don’t buy drugs from an email from me. Don’t pay attention to people calling about warrnanty expiration on a vehicle that never had a warranty. Don’t listen to someone saying your IRS account has been suspended. Forward all suspicious email activity, especially with a bitcoin or other account number to the FBI. Now, the FBI doesn’t have time to contact you back. But they can collect those account numbers and use them in their investigations.
I regret all this, but this is the world we live in.
May the evangelists do their work. May the educators do their work. May the world changers do their work. I am looking forward to the Kingdom of God manifest on the earth.

And programmers and web designers and the WordPress community has done some awesome work too! We have recently upgraded the security of our site, thanks to a freemium plug in. Thanks a million times to the plug-in people, the training people, and all the wonderful folks who just plain share. Thanks very much indeed.

November 6 the hackers are getting weird: everyday they are trying to sell me more viagra! HaHaHa. Okay. Apologies. I am working with the tech support folks. We’ve tried a new fix. Let’s see.

ADD and ADHD and GSB led the pack a decade ago

This week we re running an episode from 2008 about Attention Deficit Disorder. Tom Schnorr, a compounding pharmacist, was kind enough to share his expertise with us — although he does not share our Christian faith. He had some amazing things to say. One thing he told me was that genes can be changed. Today, some of the latest, cutting edge science, shared on podcasts like Rich Roll (guest: Sinclair) and Peak Human and Bulletproof is that the epigenome is highly changeable.

Similarly, today, in those same places we are hearing about the bad effects of EMF — which I also talked about in the same series I reference in this episode. There was no episode for which I was more punished. A great many of my subscribers quite their subscription because I brought them this information. I based it on a consultant’s report from a retired NASA scientist who also gave citations. Yet, I was probably condemned as a conspiracy theorist. Today, proven entirely right.

This is more than the first light being rejected. The Christian community can be as judgmental as anyone else. Further, they can be rather tied to their corner. If something isn’t know to them already, then it is therefore wrong. How can can you learn, if you have this attitude? How can a teacher teach? Or a leader lead? Why cede all knowledge to the unbelievers? All leadership?
NO! God wants great shalom of all people..and provides it… but mostly it is rejected. This is true in the spiritual and it is true in the natural too.

God reached out to help children through this broadcast. It was met with some mild interest. Today, when I talk to unbelievers, they are wildly interest; believers very much are more interested in selling me tuition of the school they went to — and not an academic school. Do you see what I am saying? They are more interested in the pride of having been to a prophetic school rather than listening to a tried prophet. Continuing on in their world rather than worrying about the children around them. Publish it not in Gath.

Anyone with me? Leave a GOOD comment. Let me know your questions and what you want to hear more of. Or Share with someone who needs to know about options for ADD.

BTW, Sr,. Zyblot prescribed P%P, targeted fatty omega acids for all his ADD/ADHD patients. Red Dye was proven in a study by Dr. Lendell Braud back in the 1970s to create ADD/ADHD symptoms. So anyone who warns against the Fiengold diet (which is a test that eliminates whatever substances giving the child problems) is sending you in the wrong direction. REAL science and REAL faith are parallel. Don’t be fooled by the proudest most conventional people.