Category Archives: Mission of this ministry

Testimony of Miraculous Healing – 10 Year Anniversary

Today, June 8, 2017 is the 10 year anniversary of the first day The Great Shalom Broadcast went on the air. So, please hear the story again! (Oops, no it is only 9 years! Senility or innumeracy or wishful thinking? Oh no! Anyway, it is an anniversary and the story bears repeating.)

When my dad questioned whether I should stop working for a semester to home educated my grandsons after their accident, I explained that I could work a lifetime and not earn enough money to pay for the kind of therapy I could give them. Furthermore, there was no point in saving for their college if they could never read. He understood. Then my pastor questioned whether I should go, and I told him the same thing. “Can you really do that?” he asked. “Yes.” “Then write a book!” Well, the book is written.

My book, Learn at Home for Great Shalom was written to cover all learning needs of any child, especially those with special needs/learning disabilities. Guess what: we all have special needs! So in a home education system, we are impoverishing ourselves if we merely replicate what public school does. It was set up to deliver basic skills and basic assimilation for the masses. They wanted immigrants to understand the American system and be able to work in the factories. The understanding the elites want the masses to have has changed, but the basic mission of public school has not. By contrast, the far-seeing Christian parent wants to inculcate in their particular children the kind of mind, character, and personality so that they will thrive, prosper and lead.

The best education is aimed at furthering a particular child’s talents, overcoming his/her weaknesses, cultivating the joy of learning, promoting good character, superior academic skills, superior thinking, and superior vocational skills. A far cry from the aim of public school! So when a parent is considering how to plan for their child’s education, they need a great deal more to guide them than merely purchasing a curriculum that may merely cover basic academics. My book offers all these questions and gives pointers to where to find various resources. It helps the parent choose which method, which curricula, and which directions to go. It helps the parent be sure that everything is covered.

But who reads books? I felt to create a radio program. The pastors I consulted said it would be impossible. It is true that in today’s day and age, Christian radio programs don’t pay for themselves. But, I felt God wanted me to do this and I have beat the impossibility, by having a solvent ‘cast since then.

In the ‘cast, I address the underlying need, for parents to have hope and faith. Without that, they won’t look for or even see the resources for their children. So I preach faith and hope and share great ideas, often letting other experts share good ideas from their expertise. And we have had some great interviews! I tell the pastor of one denomination he is only responsible for the good idea he brings, and not all the ideas that the pastor from another denomination may hold. We are just sharing good ideas. That is true for the teachers, the psychologists, and every other “denomination” too. Sometimes listeners haven’t liked an idea I’ve brought, but everything is back by science, Bible, or experience. I work for all three together! Anyway, if you don’t like one episode stay tuned, for we move on.

Or you could comment. Blogs are good that way.

Please help us celebrate our 10 year anniversary. Share my testimony with anyone who needs it. Consider how you might participate – either sharing, or purchasing a resource, or giving. BTW, I discovered over the years that the 501(c)3 was not paying for itself, so giving is really giving here. I offer the convenience of good products, but sales do not pay for the tech let alone for the time for this podcast. It remains a labor of love — to help someone else.

Times have changed and so have needs. I continue to think about a daily prayer cast and a cast for the grandparent generation. However, the limitations of time and money weigh against. Please weigh in! Tell me what you need; what you think others need.

Happy Resurrection Day! More Announced!

Happy Resurrection Day!

This day we celebrate Jesus’ being raised from the dead. A majority of the world today celebrates a mind boggling miracle, that according to centuries old prophecies, Jesus the Messiah would raise from the dead. That He was the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world. That He came back and said, “My God and your God, My Father and your Father.” And he said disciple people groups. And we were taught to follow him. And we united in remembering this.

We are also thanking God for a miracle in the United States, stifling the growing persecution against Christians here and the dropping of our alliance with Israel. Now, by a miracle, a Cyrus has arisen to thwart the plans of world enslavement by the globalists, a Churchill against the plan of monetary war, and a hindrance to the world’s most ruthless dictators. Today I announce also a revival coming.

Mega churches has suppressed Lord Holy Spirit, but the youth of America, and their parents and grandparents, too, are starved for the spiritual. We are tired of enslavement to drugs, to materialism, to encroaching poverty, and to sexual enslavement. In the 60s the sexual revolution looked enticing; today it looks tawdry, commonplace, and enslaving. In the 1950s, moving away from natural foods the way The Creator made them, looked like progress; today it looks like death. In the 1960s, I heard that God was dead. Today, our culture is dead and we need a Resurrection.

Good News! It is available.

I announce a repentance, a change of direction from away from God to God. I announce a repentance away from economic lies that prosperity can be had either by redistributing or by greed, but now a repentance toward productivity and giving. I announce a repentance from sexual profligacy towards faithful intimate relations. I announce a coming revival of clean cut dressing. I announce a revival toward happy pictures of musical artists. I announce wholesomeness in movies. I announce a repentance and turning toward more truthfulness in news broadcasting. I announce a repentance and a turning toward truthful history and nurturing schools.

The greatest resistance may be the religious traditions, but Truth will out and Love never fails.

New Ways to Subscribe

We have been working on giving you new ways to subscribe – whether to the podcast or to the blog posts. For new choices look down the right hand column.

The most exciting is that you may now subscribe BY CATEGORY. There will be 4 categories from which to select: Bible/Teaching/Faith, Practical Health Measures, Innovative Education, and Grandparent Generation. All other categories are for searching purposes only, and not for subscriptions.

Analyzing the statistics, I discovered that some of you like the Bible/Faith/prayer portion and others need the innovative health and education portion. I also have many friends of the grandparent generation who want health and miracle content, but not anything aimed at children. Now it is all possible. Just subscribe to those you want. This will work for only future posts, however, as the category tagging system in place up until now had many overlaps. For the few larger categories used for this, we will be forced not to overlap so that subscribers are not given the same casts multiple times. However, we will continue to use the older tagging system so that you can find posts in the WordPress search.

Please notice that every cast will be in one of these categories. Because one cast might be in 2 categories, a dilemma arises. Either someone might miss a cast they are interested in OR some people may end up with a duplicate cast. I will leave the decision to you. I will try to categorize them mostly by selecting only 1 category. So then, please select the categories you want but please realize that you may need to simply delete any duplicate. Thanks.

Please let us know what is and is not working for you so that we can make the best tech updates that we can.

How to Change the World – Starting in Your Neighborhood

We all talk about changing the world. The folks are changing the world for their children, their families, their neighborhoods. They have a workable model.

I have another, similar model: church affiliated preschools. My free gift this month is an ebook, now entitled Preschool: Your Most Important Mission. Just fill out the form and I will send it to you. Please get one for your pastor. Or start a committee. Or just start your own business if your church’s building just won’t do. Please consider this idea. Our nation’s children need it. Think about it when you are planning foreign missions too! Get the book. It will help you start!

We begin a series on homeschooling today, going for the next few weeks — because my most important young mother advisor told me that the number one help that young mothers with children who have special needs is: how to do homeschooling (better). So home education. in our next series. Basic foundational facts covered briefly at the end of today’s ‘cast.

It will be the next big product too. Step by step instructions on how to cover everything your child needs and how to decide which curricula and which path to take. See more info on the Project tab above.

Two big announcements:
1) Mom to mom support, idea swap, and pamper event. March 31st 2017 Friday night and Saturday. I announced it as being in Austin, but found my favorite eco-friendly hotel is booked up. So going to the historic Menger Hotel in San Antonio. (You could bring the whole family, but out time is girlfriend time. Your husband would have to take the kids to the Alamo and promise not to bother you. $97 for the group activities and the Menger reservations are on you. However, if you book with our group, you get a significant discount. Call me for details. 512-249-7629. MOMS only.

2) How to start a preschool for pastors and lay leaders on Saturday, May 13th, 2017 in south Dallas. $97 For more info email me at