Category Archives: Health

More Bad News About nRNA, Vaccines, Jabs

Unbelievable and very regrettable news about Methodist Hospital. Once a trusted hosptial in Texas only somewhat after the Texas legislatrue made it illegal for them to mandate the jab, did they permit their employees who wisely refused to take the “covid vaccine” (actually not a vaccine and not against covid). They actually were a leader in the move and continue to be in a highly publixezed lawsuit against a doctor who was one of the first whistleblowers. Incredibly, they continue to promote taking teh vaccine.

Now, what employee, who veing in the meial feild would know of a certainty that people who took the jab shed covid and have other health problems, including much higher risk of dying, and perhaps can share that risk, — knowing this=– why would the want to return to Methodist Hospital to work? After what, about 3 years?  And why o why would anyone go to Methodist Hospital as a patient. They knowingly participated and forced others to participate in what clearly was dangerous for many reasons and proved in the end to be greatest genocide on the planet. Incredible. And the greatest violation of the US Constitution, as well.

They wanted us to get boosters for a reason. People are not. Thank God. Death rates are up. Invest in SCI, the biggest owner of funeral home. Consider why, then, would anyone take a jab that was even stronger along the very lines of the most dangerous part of the jab?

Thank  you to Epoch Times for reporting. As a youth, the publisher faced the Maoist regime by reporting news. Most of his employees were murdered for it. Amazingly, thank God, he was spared and came to the US. Similar pattern. Please share.

Detoxify? A child? Detoxification for children at Mom Level

Today, I share with you why detoxification is important and possibly of utmost importance in addressing “autism.” While chelation therapy  is the gold standard, this might not be right for the situation. Here are some ideas from the kitchen on how to eat a diet that should allow for more excretion of toxins than does the standard diet. Some ideas to think about and others to ask about.



How to remove aluminium from a child’s body?


All Natural Mom’s Guide to the Feingold Diet

The Feingold For ADHD

The Feingold Cookbook  

In the time period Dr. Feingold was writing these books, ADHD was the problem was the one most talked about. The other big contribution, besides the elimination idea, was the identification of artificial colors as a culprit for many people. One would think that the idea would be well known by now. BTW, I am not necessarily recommended and I get no comission ; I am just posting these for your convenience. Feel free to comparison shop.

Of course, fasting is a detox method also, but I don’t recommend that for small children! Still, I will post a few books along that line. Dr. Colbert is one of our friends.


The Daniel Detox: 21 Days

Toxic Relief

Eat This and Live!

Healthy Brain Zone

Please Share with us resources that worked for you.\

New news:

I never even thought of this: that anyone would use applesauce in any manner except out of a glass jar (or unless travelling out of a plastic cup with a spoon.) I would not use these pouches, they are not even in my awareness…. oh yes, in daycares. Well, here is bad news. Isn’t that interesting that this news came the very week that I tell you about the history of a leading family and their child… and recommend applesauce. Wow!  Spiritual warfare!  Be prudent, take things in context, and find good help.

Love you. Have a blessed holiday season.

When People Lie, People Die – curated comments, news


Worship Service from Pastor Artur Pawlowski “When People Lie, People Die: Be Careful Who You Listen to.

I have been curating this info. For you. Because it matters for your children. Yet, it is clear that even at this late date, I risk by economic future, likely my health, and possibly my life to be doing it. I would like to hear from you that you value it. Email me. Do you care? Is this valuable? info @

Brigadier General introduces this video “our biggest challenge since WWII”

Europeans preparing the next one


Very clear if “causal”‘ not “correlated”  : 17 millions deaths — so far

Disturbing V^xxn move reported

US: Not a booster. If you got stuff before, no value.

Canada: New c0v(d shot is NOT a booster:

Lancet says mRNA found in breast milk, European authorities. NY says it is about improving for next time. Europeans find it in the brain. Other research say exosomes circulating at least 4 months afterwards.


Remember Michele Bachmann calling Rick Perry out on this? India had already banned the shot after 6 girls had died.

Study shows unsettling results in children that were v’d. (Even tho very unlikely they would have ever been harmed by “c.”

Did you realize that c-sections are often elective? For the benefit of the doctor’s pocketbook at the risk of future children?

Undeniable severe injuries after HPV

Proven Cures that Were Taboo

Doctors Talk about Cancer Uptick

Life stories after rolling up their sleeves – full-length documentary

US Marine speaks out after being denied religious exemption — and imprisoned!



Exercise may be most important against Covid-19

Even the pro-vaccine doctors are calling authorities into question. Canada

Odessa, Texas bans masks & mandates.9/13/2023

California passed a law against doctors sharing info contrary to the current politics, but recently quietly repealed it.


In January 1841, the Supreme Court ruled that “it was the ultimate right of all human beings in extreme cases to resist oppression and to apply force against ruinous injustice.”

Controversy about origins in US House

Remember that scientists in France and India independently put out a statement in Spring 2020 that covid could not have been natural; that it had to be mand-made. However, also consider that reality is not necessarily 2D. Since it has not been replicated in a lab, other possibilities exist beyond the mere wet maket v. W. lab. OF these 2, the lab leak is more credible, especially since Fall 2023 has exposed CIA writing that it was bat virus in the wetmarket. Stew Peter has passed along Dr. Ardis’ conclusion that it is a concoction of snake venom in water. It could be both and neither. We do know that someone is lying and that we have man-made origins. We know that some pharm companies made a great deal of money because “no alternatives” were *recognized* or better *permitted.*  We also know that some very powerful people wish to see de-population.

I don’t intend to sort everything out here. I only hope to curate enough info that families can protect their children and elders.

More Curated Real Info, Real Science, on Vaccines of all Kinds

The Great Shalom has taken an enormous hit for curating information on vaccines. After having become very sick right after being in a small room with lots of people who had taken the covid vax, I stopped posting for a while. I was in bed while I saw the withdrawal from Afghanistan. I was scared. Eventually, I started up again, but then with posting – although not putting the info in social media or on the podcast itself. This resulted in hundred of hits going down to tens or ones.

However, if I am going to help you overcome your children’s learning problems, I am going to have to admit things that harm learning ability. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. I would rather prevent learning problems, learning disabilities, than have to solve them, or heavens, be told I must cope with them!  Let’s stop making learning disabilities, are you with me?

Some of you will have knee jerk reactions to this topic, but that is what teaching attempts to overcome. Watch this video, and then come back to this post, and think through my questions. Learn what science is, how it works, and how to tell what is true.

Doug shares an interview with RJK, Jr, who is answering  in a hostile interview about what the sicence actually says about vaccines. Like Andrew Wakelfeild, world class gastroenterologist, he comes down saying we need safety testing. Wow. For that, he is being attacked. THINK!

Further, given that every ministry and truth-telling journalist or commentator has mentioned shadow banning, cancellation, de-platforming, and/lawfare, please do what you can to be part of the solution rather than part of the problem. Like, share, and participate with those who are helping you rather than colluding against you, lying to you, and — to be frank – attempting to kill you. Be wise, be prudent, but be courageous. Be a  real Christian; be a real patriot. Stand up, appropriately, for what is right. Otherwise, the tyranny of lies will overtake you and your children.


It appears that the reporter and the purported doctor (not a scientist, mind you) is saying an exact opposite to what RFk Jr is saying, but that is not so. Listen carefully. A little testing of some kind is not the same as long-term, double-blind, pre-licening safety study.  Do you understand? Any purported study is not the same as a high standard real scientific study.

Is this doctor an expert because he is a doctor? No. Doctors are not scientists. They tend not to have time to follow science; they tend to follow what their professional associations tell them. 

Does RJK, Jr have higher level of information about what the CDC and the FDA say than the reporter? Listen carefully to what sources each cite.

Does the reporter’s demeanor indicate that she is trying to find the truth or that she is trying to attack?

Does it matter who does a study? Do you remember RJR Nabisco saying that there was no health problems with cigarettes? They had some studies they did that showed this throughout the sixties. Even into the 1990s there were some studies that seem to indicate that second hand smoking doesn’t harm anyone. Do you believe that finding?

How could it be? To answer that, let’s take a brief tour about what science it.

Science is defined as that which uses the scientific method: controlled, double-blind, replicated experiments. Reported in full so that they might be replicated. Science remains ever open to new findings.

Science is NOT defined as a reporter’s claim, based on marketing data. Some “science” unfortunately is “cooked.”  This means that the experiment was manipulated and/or the findings were reported incorrectly. The experiment can be done badly. For instance, a poll based  on phone numbers in 1948 reported that Dewey, not Truman would win the election. This was very embarassing the next morning with now President-elect Truman held up a newspaper with a false headline. This was poor experimental design.

RJR Nabisco’s studies were cooked.

We have a letter uncovered in old records ( 19502 and 1960s) at Stanford, asking a scientist to suppress her findings and instead report that high fat diet causes heart attacks.  She complied, and it was widely marketed that a low fat diet would reduce death from heart disease and heart attacks. Now we know that 1) fat alone does not contribute to death by heart disease

2) hydogenated fat does cause heart health problems (not saturated fat as claimed.) and 3) the effects of sugar/carbs was suppressed. While I was not able to find citation easily for that, I did find some citations to similar episodes. The point is: reporting can be false even at the origination of the science and certainly at the point of journalism, that is supported by corporate interests or now more likely owned by the same money interests.

How the Sugar Industry Shifted Blame to Fat

The New York Times › Well › Eat
Sep 12, 2016 — Dr. Hegsted used his research to influence the government’s dietary recommendations, which emphasized saturated fat as a driver of heart …
Missing: suppress ‎| Must include: suppress


50 Years Ago, Sugar Industry Quietly Paid Scientists To .

NPR › sections › thetwo-way › 2016/09/13
Sep 13, 2016 — Documents show that in the ’60s, the sugar industry funded Harvard researchers who, examining risk factors of heart disease, …

Inventing Conflicts of Interest: A History of Tobacco Industry …

National Institutes of Health (.gov) › articles › PMC3490543
by AM Brandt2012Cited by 226 — Confronted by compelling peer-reviewed scientific evidence of the harms of smoking, the tobacco industry, beginning in the 1950s, used sophisticated public …

Also, ask yourself, what are the likely motivations of various claimants? Who is sacrificing themselves, trying to help you? n Why are the various people making the claims that they are making? 

What would the downside be of each path? If you chose to trust the authorities, you might feel better, but would that decision necessarily be the safest for you or for society? If you went with the purported whistleblower, and more safety tests were demanded, would that help you, or society?

Where could you get more information, that was unbiased and competent?  Who might actually know? How can you tell?

And, finally, when asking questions or asking for more studies is seen as bad, you know immediately you have stepped out of the realm of science. This is what scientists do: they ask questions, they put forth what needs to be studied next. Tyrants don’t like questions. Guilty people really hate questions.


If you want to find out more.. well, you are on your own. You will be slandered as a conspiracy theorist, but the safety of you and your child are at stake. If you want to help, please share, like, subscribe. If you want to engage you civic right and duty, check out Texas for Vaccine Choice as a model.