Category Archives: GRANDS GEN

Rest as a Brain Optimization & Longevity

We all know we need to rest, right? Except those of us who went to grad school.
Really, getting the right amount of sleep is vital to brain function.
Don’t let your kids watch movies during the night! Don’t give them pop at bedtime! And, grandparents, work on keeping on sleeping like you were young. It is (almost) possible.
It is important.
Here are some ideas.

Retaining and Building Cognitive Power – Exercise

Continuing in our series for the grandparent generation, but not leaving the children out, we talk about exercise. Once again, I’m going to rely on some recent scientific studies from Life Extension.
For so long, I’ve read studies and relayed them only to have people poo-poo as unscientific. So here goes folks. Use it or lose it.
As we become more and more screen oriented, exercising along with human interaction is becoming the purview of the few.
Besides that, while I know of no research, I was putting together that there were some patterns of learning disabilities in the population that mapped to screen/gaming addictions back in the 1990s. Back then there were almost no studies in Sociology on learning disabilities. I checked. Only a couple and one of them was on how confused or mis-informed teachers were. At that same time the education faculty at Texas Tech was reputed to be teaching that learning disabilities didn’t exist. Oh well.
Muscles exist. Tendons exist. Brains exist. They are all connected. And designed to move. Together.

Resources for Brain Building, Brain Retaining Nutrition

In a series more aimed at the grandparent generation, but not entirely forgetting the children, I talk about basic knowledge. More by way of introduction and pointing you to resources, I let you in on some things that have worked for me.

I have seen so very many people suffer needlessly because the doctors they were trusting didn’t tell them, for whatever reason, basic inexpensive things that would help them. I’ve seen a grandparent suffer needlessly with horrible nightmare in the nursing home because there was resistance to giving her vitamins. I’ve seen retarded people kept from good nutrition. I’ve seen people in their prime accept senessence because they believe that “there is nothing that can be done.” At the same time I have repeatedly seen people claw their way back from brain injury to health, back from retirement to new career, and back from unhappiness to youthfulness simply based on easily obtained supplements. I’ve seen an old man come up to organic food vendors at a farmers market to correct them and tell them there is no difference between organic and conventionally grown food. Since we knew the farmer and had seen his farm, there was nothing to do but pity this man and the “info” he was so loudly, boldly asserting. I’ve seen a mother with a sick child say “nothing can be done” and having money, still serve meals like just soup for dinner. Just weeks ago, a former high level manager told me he thought supplements didn’t really do anything. Here I sit, surrounded with citations to peer reviewed journals. This is not 1980 when that research was done outside the country and so you had to know how to get the info. Now it is done in the country. Now I have decades of experience in my own family. Still, I get told this. At least he was only airing an opinion, and not correcting me. So I told him they had helped me alot.

Now, I know that if I get too detailed with things like dosage, or tell you what can be reversed or “cured” with a supplement, then the AMA or someone else would come after me. Especially might this be so if I put out that I was a minister and was talking about children. Or old people. They are so vulnerable… that we have to keep scientific fact away from them, right? Anyway, I haven’t don that. I am just letting you know about a couple of resources that I use. I think this will give you a pretty good start on your own research. Please do start that right away.Don’t wait until your brain is so far gone that you can’t read — like I just about couldn’t. Fortunately, my self-perception is that I can read, so I persisted. And over time, my brain came back– pretty much.

Let’s walk together in faith, in hope, and in sharing what we find. Love and blessings!

What the Bible Says about Longevity – btw You Have Been Lied to

Today we hear what the Bible really says about longevity. Many people have been taught incorrectly. Let’s read the Bible, in context, and believe what it says. Nowhere does it say you have to live short, or that there is not short life/tragic death. Stop making up stories for irresponsibility. Stop believing stories and fitting in under someone else’s irresponsibility. it is just pitiful when Christians have less hope than secular people. Smart secular people take responsibility for living better and longer. Informed people know that science is working toward many amazing advances for longer life. How about perking up? Making your life better? So you can serve and make the world better? Here is proof. (How comes later)

The Word of God is always encouraging. Not always candy, but always encouraging. God has offered options for longer, stronger lives.