Category Archives: PRACTICAL HEALTH

Vaccine Safety

Today, posted on Twitter, was the claim that all the covid jabs were tested on animals and thus safe; that the stories that animal trials were halted was a conspiracy theory started on social media. Actually, the first time I heard that the animals trials were halted because too many animals were dying was from my MD, who had just the second before told me that he had really spent some time studying the mRNA. I think we all know they weren’t not safety tested; that is why the government cleared them, in face of what seemed a disastrous possible pandemic, as emergency use. If they had been safety tested, they would have been cleared as such.

Since then, we have seen a lot of humans die, both directly within 48 hours even if under-reported and many die from “other causes” — 40% according to the first reported actuaries.

I was flabberghasted at the bald face lie. I saw this only on Twitter; no where else.

But I did see this, on the same day:

Andrew Wakefield, world class researcher in internal medicine, decries the new attempt to put the covid antigens in with the combo MMR and chickenpox vaccine. Let him explain.

And please, no one put that he has been discredited. There were attempts; he was exonerated. BTW world-class means world class. He had papers co-authored with other illustrious researchers, published around the world, long before he risked himself to help parents who came to him with children having problems, autism, after being vaccinated. Yes, someone didn’t like his research after that.  Yes, and some people took to social media to say he hurt children. How does a researcher hurt children? I wondered if the gal I spoke to on Twitter back then was paid or just wildly stupid. Anyway, she didn’t have anything to say after I asked her that question.


Yes, and evidently, I am risking my podcast here and maybe other things to let you know. Use the sacrifice; don’t waste it.


Doctor Says It is an Emergency : We need to protect our children from the covid vax

Based on a large Israeli study, covid does not cause myocarditis.

However, the covid vax does — hundreds of thousands of cases.

Kids are less likely to die from covid than from the flu. There are many readily available cures.   Not true that the vax prevents transmission or infection. Any time the data becomes inconvenient, they stop giving to us.. Says Canadian doctork, Francis Christian.

Without basis of science or ethics, children are now afraid that they can kill their grandparents.

Doctor urges not to use google or bing. Rather, use European search engines.  or credible websites such as frontlinedoctors.

it is a therapy not a vaccine, based on original definitions. “Corrupt. Criminal.” All cause mortality is increased in the vaccinated. The shots on infants is a scandal in itself. Do no harm would clearly indicated that the shots should be stopped, especially for children.


The lawyer points out that censorship itself is a red flag; misinformation is reduced by discourse. Why then, repression of professional opinion?

Thge government promised that the vax would prevent vaccination and any one who questioned this was a conspiracy theory. Now, even the manufacturers say that it does not. Now the government says everyone must get a jab every 9 months.

Punitive damages will be sought against the Canadian governments. The courts will allow information from a variety of scientists and doctors and professors.

How is it possible that people are still willing to have themselves vaxxed? Well, says the doctor, we have a medical emergency; we must protect our children.

Of course, it is happening in the US, as well!  Dr. Mary Bowden is suing Methodist Hospital for $45 million because they pushed the covid “vax.” She could see that patients who were “vaxxed” were more likely to have covid. (Which of course stands to reason once you understand what the “vax” does.)

Expect more lawsuits, when families discover so many of their loved ones have died from the “vax.”  Then, expect that the medical industry, doctors, big pharma and legacy media will further lose standing since they so egregiously broke trust. And politicians also.

What is a child’s life worth? A life disabled by a vax? Knowingly. I know that the pharma companies have tried to shield themselves from legal liability. Let’s see what the courts say. Let’s see what the court of public opinion says, once it is actually informed. Eventually, we will also see what God says.



Therapy for Kids w Trauma

David Rubin was just going to the dentist with his 3 year old son in the backseat. Terrorists shot at him. Miraculously, the damaged car started and got them to the hospital. The bullet just missed the toddler’s brain stem. From this experience, David Rubin started a children’s therapy center in his town, Shiloh, Israel. They take children from either side, regardless of ethnicity or religion. They help children.

The offer a variety of modalities of therapy for kids with trauma. Yes, they have animals.  Yes, they have a variety of professionals.  Yes, children make friends. Yes, it is in Shiloh, Israel.

Unfortunately, now, we have more children who have trauma from a variety of traumatic experiences. We might learn a few things from David Rubin. You might want to support his work too.


Given the ominous, repeated, news posts from Israel and region, it seems like we need to pray for peace. Yes, it is possible to visit Shiloh, the heartland of Israel, right where Samuel ministered to the Lord.

Facts on Pregnancy Risks

Miscarriages, fetal deaths, uterus shedding are all known risks of the jab. LIkelihood of later death and autism and learning disabilities for those babies who do survive is totally unknown.

Not only is there a 40% rise in the death rate among working adults, but there is also a very high miscarriage rate among those who had the “vaccine” actually the mnRNA gene jab. This was known to be dangerous before it was rushed out for humans. It continues to have scientificly known extreme dangers. It continues to be pushed both by the profiting companies and that current federal administration.

There continues to be no evidence that children are at any danger from covid-19. The death rate from the engineered disease for all people  (up to maybe 0.01) never was nearly as high as the figures for the death rate from the jab (>40%). Of course, the rate of death for children is much less than 0.001. The long term effects of the jab are admittedly completely unknown. The death rate is figured on only deaths that occurred within 48 and are reported.

Epoch Times has proven to be one of the most reliable sources for news. Not surprising, since the founder risked his life to start the paper when he was in communist China. Maybe he and his reporters are risking their lives now. We owe them a great deal of thanks. And subscriptions! These cost very little, either by daily emails or by weekly paper.

Please consider and don’t risk your life or the lives of your children by foolish, uninformed decisions. Facts matter. Science is based on facts. Spirituality and science agree. Don’t be fooled.