Category Archives: Practical health measures

Joy to the World – 7 Gifts God Gave us in 2021

For our last broadcast of 2021, we discuss the 7 gifts that God gave us during 2021. It was a surprising year; a rough year; but in the end, God saved us from things we didn’t even know we needed saving from. Time to rise up, open the gifts and apply them. It is all about the children.

Exposed, reduced, prosecuted child sex trafficking

Hannity Reports G Maxwell Conviction

Turley Alerts us to Panic among the Elite Class over the Conviction.

Exposed corruption and reduced media collusion

Dr. Doug Frank Continues to Report on Voter Fraud Facts

Dr. Turley Opines this is End of Dem Party

Durham must be about to investigate the H. Clinton campaign

DeSantis Announces Election Police

Suggestions on  How to Hold Mainstream Media and Government Accountable

CNN in Death Throes

Exposed acute and long term medical industry oppression

Dr. Malone, Inventor of mRNA Invieghs against Big Tech Censoring (and inappropriate use of nMNRA)

Dr. Veronika Cries Against Government Stopping Good Doctoring

Fifth Circuit Court Rules Against Biden’s Vax Mandates

 NY Governor Twists Christianity to Push Vax and is called “unhinged” 

Any internet search will discover numerous doctors and wellness professionals pointing out simple, natural, inexpensive treatments in place of expensive, ineffective treatments such as chemotherapy.  The Epoch Times hosts J. Mercola. Rumble has a Channel “The Cure of Cancer.” The Lost Ways direct markets. The examples are too numerous to consider.

Exposed intended, unnecessary fomenting of society conflict

Black father, daughter decry CRT

Bill Maher Shuts Down CRT Debate

Turley reads Waukesha as the end of BLM

Scholars Say in Public that Elitism is Worse than Racism

Exposed the lie about the church being the fundamental problem, and the start of a great revival

Churchgoers Fined for Singing

Emboldened to say that discrimination against churches not okay.

Revival meetings, even in non religious areas, and areas under lockdowns, grow faster than ever expected. Example: Murillo in Modesto, Batavia, and soon San Francisco.

“The earth helped the woman” – meaning natural causes put an end to the plague

While news sources have indicated that Israel is 80% or more vaxxed, an Israeli on Frank News asserted that fully 30 % of Israelis have taken no vax and with every booster, the number is less. Now 55% of Israelis are not “fully vaxxed.”

We faced fear and were made stronger

When I am Afraid…Hope in the Face of Fear

Mike Lindell is wsell known for saying “Clean up 2020 now, or it is all over.”

Mario Murillo says “God is giving you permission to save America.”

Robby Dawkins agrees that is time to stand up, speak up, lead the conversation, expose darkness and deception wherever it is found

Credit to Johnny and Elizabeth Enlow on Elijah Streams for the inspiration of this episode. 

PROTECT YOUR CHILDREN:  Texas wins in Supreme Court Against Head Start Vax Requirements



Secrets to Overcoming Current Problems in Education

Secrets to overcoming current problems — that we are not permitted to talk about!! But, so far, we can still tell Bible stories. Today, we start a 3 part series on the story about Rabshakeh the liar. He was sent to discourage and entrap the kingdom of Judah. Hezekiah was the King and Isaiah the prophet was alive. From II Chronicles  32, Isaiah 37  & ( 2Kg19).

First we will get 3 major secrets. That’s today. Next, we will see the pattern of lying that Rabshakeh used. Very instructive and pertinent.


So very much has changed since I started this series 3 weeks ago! Then, the major news item was that the US federal government had officially directed the FBI to consider parents who complained at school board meetings about inappropriate curricula as…. domestic terrorists.

How many things wrong are there with this picture? First, the parents, the citizens are who the board is supposed to be working for. That is USA philosophy, democratic philosophy, and is true … unless somehow we switched to tyranny. Second, The federal government is not supposed to be charge of education in this country. That is supposed to be conducted locally or by the state. Thirdly, this same federal administration is no longer considering foreign terrorists as enemies and has welcomed many of them to our soil, even tho those groups have not dropped their plans to overtake our government, our culture, our religion — and is right now killing Americans and Christians vigorously in their land and also attacking militarily our allies. It makes no sense, unless…. Well, do you think mama bears are going to be okay with intimidation? tyranny? grooming their children for sexual depredation?


Really, this is the current problem in education?!?! Pornographic curricula? Hate and division inspired social studies? Grooming children for depredation? Even cover-up rape, at situation set up by the far left agenda? What?

And the usual method of fixing… parents’ (taxpayers) democratically making their wishing known itself is now seen as a problem?

Someone may object that in a few small instances there were parents who were somewhat unruly. Would that in itself be an argument? Get a few unruly and for that reason disallow democracy? Force everyone to be a criminal, even with no violations? What? A great retort to this objection is to ask who was the instigator? Weren’t the officials themselves the one who incited unruliness? Standard procedure obstructs and limits citizen input. Indeed, weren’t the the officials the ones who started the violence?


We are tired of lies. All, but the most gullible huddled around the liars, knew there was not one shred of evidence that Trump colluded with the Russians. We all knew that the opposite candidate grossly violated the law with her email/server. Not a few sort of had an inkling that it was she who was colluding with foreign enemies. How could people not have knows about Hunter Biden’s laptop, which was not merely a sex scandal, but showed that the Biden family was paid millions, ongoingly, by the CCP. Democrat friends tell me that such knowledge would have changed their vote. How could they not have known???? Is there really that much narrow banding? I knew. I thought everyone knew. EEK! Could people really not see that the corporate media was fear mongering the covid-19? Are people really that innumerate? How is it that people can straight faced say that the mnRNA injection is safe?

Really? My gosh! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

You will want to hear something about the secrets. First, you have to understand what is up.


Moms for Liberty July 25 Inappropriate Curricula
Let’s Roll American Suicide: Why is this idea in a First Grade Book? Sept 25
Educate for Life Too Much Too Soon Feb 19, 2021

Steve Turley FBI Calls Parents Protesting at School Board meetings Domestic Terrorists
Steve Turley: How Patriots Are Taking Over Education

Brave School Teachers Says Enough is Enough
Parent Unleashes Fury on Woke School Board Aug 13
Parents Fed up with CRT are Winning Oct 7


Gen Dr. Steve Pieczenik  The Authoritarian Personality and the Escape From Freedom (or the ability to disagree)  Mentions CRT in schools  This is learned, high quality. Says we can not afford these absurdities.


In response to being intimidated by feds, parents in Clark Co Nevada fight back. At a school board meeting, one asks security to hand paperwork to a school board member, officially serfing them with a large lawsuit.  Dan Bongino reports 10-14 minute 52, crediting “BeingRealMac” twitter feed.


More Practical Steps to Dealing with Covid Related Health Challenges

We’ve sent this email out a few times due to how many of you have requested it, but we wanted to add a little bit of new information we’ve been hearing about.

We recently found a site that has treatment kits available to purchase…We have not personally ordered from this company so we cannot vouch for them, but may be an option to get HCQ and Ivermectin for some who cannot access the medications they want to have on hand.

This next link contains lots of helpful resources all pertaining to covid, including medical and legal information:

Some of you may want to consider the monoclonal antibodies infusion. We have heard this may also be an option to consider for anyone who is diagnosed with covid, but you would need an order from a doctor. We have heard positive feedback from some about it, although we personally did not receive this treatment. President Trump received it and responded well. From what we can tell from the research we have done, this treatment was not developed using fetal cell lines. Learn more about it and locate an infusion center in your area here:

The rest of this email is the same information we’ve sent out before…

As many of you may have heard, Johnny and I recently recovered from Covid. We sent some of this information a few days ago and I wanted to resend it and add some more information that wasn’t in the previous email. I pray this is helpful, empowering, and informative for many! Bottom line…no fear!!!

I believe that supernatural healing is available to us and that Jesus paid the price for us. I also believe that He is teaching us, as a generation, about how our bodies were created to work and our role in stewarding health and healthy choices for our bodies and things in the earth that affect us. He is teaching and empowering us for healing on every level. We are definitely needing to learn so much in this area and stop handing over our decisions to doctors. They should be empowering us to understand and make wise, holistic decisions for ourselves and our families. When you educate yourself about how your body works and was created to heal itself when given the right things God created for our use and stewardship—you are not undermining His ability and desire to also supernaturally heal you. I believe it is both/and : )

If you are in the medical field, I bless you to be courageous and bold. Use your voice and influence for healing. Be willing to learn and grow in your perspective. Partner with holistic doctors and learn more about the immune system. Be willing to look beyond what you have been told and taught. You are being invited by God Himself to partner with Him in new ways in medicine…reformation is upon us and you have an opportunity to be a part of it or soon get left behind! For those few who have been willing to put your career on the line at this time and truly help people, thank you!!!!!

I am sharing some links and information with you of how we personally were able to treat ourselves from home. I am NOT giving you medical advice because I am obviously not a doctor. Nor am I willing to reply to any questions from this email—but I can share some research with you and encourage you to do your own research. You will also need to know/research correct doses, potential drug interactions, and if it’s safe for you if pregnant or nursing…I cannot give any of that information.

While there are some doctors that genuinely care about people recovering from this virus, as you probably suspect as well, I believe many are deceived and are not doing all they can.

First, some things I have learned about covid from online research (again, do your own research to confirm and make your own decisions).

In short… Evidently, there are three aspects to Covid that you have to deal with… Virus replication, inflammation from the virus, and potential thrombosis (blood clotting).

The way you deal with the replication is by getting zinc into your cells. Zinc can be best absorbed by taking one of three things…either quercetin, ivermectin, or HCQ (hydroxycholoquine).

The way you deal with inflammation is through something like budesonide (a steroid you inhale) Although you nebulize it into your lungs it helps with inflammation in your entire body including your lungs. Wherever there is inflammation you have excess mucus which is why people get pneumonia with Covid. If they get pneumonia then they need an antibiotic to kill the bacteria that grows in your lungs from the inflammation. Some have had success with a Z Pack or clarithromycin antibiotics.

You deal with the potential blood clotting by taking 325 mg of aspirin daily while you have symptoms of Covid.Of course there are other things you can do to boost your overall immune system such as high doses of vitamin D, C, and A. Even if you are not sick, you can take zinc and quercetin daily.

If someone has to be hospitalized… they can insist on high doses of vit C and zinc in IV form. If someone has pneumonia in the hospital they can also lay on their stomach with their head lower than their heart to keep from suffocating. From what others have shared, the last thing anyone should consider is being on a ventilator! There are many personal stories you can watch from others online, but here is a very informative one: Those who may be hospitalized or their family may need to be incredibly bold and insist on a different protocol than a hospital will typically agree to. Do not assume they are right! If you have to, get an attorney involved to advocate for you and do not give your consent for them to just stick someone on a ventilator and basically do nothing. That is clearly not working for most patients who end up in the hospital.

Here is the basic information from research I have done:

1. Here is a website where you can pay for a phone appointment to get medications that most doctors are not willing to prescribe even though stats show there are several medicines that can be game changers when someone has Covid.
There so many sick right now that they may take a few days to get back to you, which is why you may consider getting an appointment and filling your prescriptions before you actually need them…to have on hand.

2. It is my understanding that zinc keeps the virus from replicating. But our body needs help utilizing the zinc which can be helped by one of the following: either HCQ (hydroxycholorquine) or ivermectin or quercetin. Quercetin can be bought at a vitamin store or ordered online. We took and still take 500mg of quercetin twice a day and 20mg of zinc. You may be able to increase that amount if you are sick? There are symptoms to watch for if you are getting too much zinc…do an online search.

3. It is my understanding that a potential complication can be blood clotting. We were told by our dr to take 325mg of aspirin a day with food while we had symptoms. You would not want to take aspirin at the same time as ibuprofen or alive, etc. We took Tylenol as we needed it.

4. We were told that the most important thing to do is monitor your pulse oxygen levels with a pulse oximeter finger monitor that you can order online or get at a pharmacy. It’s important your oxygen stay above about 95. Even if it lowers a few times when you are walking around or sleeping deeply, the main thing is that you want to be able to take a few deep breaths and see it raise back up. This really helped me when I felt like I couldn’t catch my breath and gave me peace of mind that I was still getting enough oxygen.

5. It can be helpful to get prescriptions filled ahead of time to have on hand if someone gets sick. We had ordered Ivermectin ahead and therefore had it when we needed it. It is much easier to get the prescriptions filled at a compounding pharmacy rather than a chain. We were unjustly denied our prescriptions at a regular pharmacy. Many do not want the population to have access to meds for Covid. Just search for a compounding pharmacy in your area.

6. We were encouraged to take high doses of Vit C, Vit D, 15mg zinc, and quercetin (which allows your body to absorb the zinc). We take the vitamins whether sick or not to keep our immune systems up.

7. We bought a nebulizer online (with a face mask) and used that with a prescription for budesonide. Grace ended up getting pneumonia and that was a huge difference for her recovery especially.

8. There are two drinks that were recommended to us from here:
Hydro Shot is a drink infused with oxygen that you drink first thing in the morning on an empty stomach for recovery.
Silver Bullet is a drink infused with zinc and some caffeine from green tea so it needs to be taken early in the day with food.
Warning, they don’t taste very good, but are good for you : )

9. You may find these links informative and helpful:

This is an interview with Dr. Zelenko who helped treat President Trump.

This is an interview with Dr. Richard Bartlett who is an ER doctor. God gave him a protocol through a dream and has successfully treated many patients with covid. He treated our family.

This from Restore 7 newsletter, Johnny and Elizabeth Enlow, whom I respect greatly. Ediotor’s note: it is possible to have too much zinc and too much vitamin A. Most cold remedies and throat lozenges do not have much zince in them, but if you take a zinc supplement/high doses, you can become toxic. Life Extension, for instance, has a giant zinc throat lozgene that it recommends taking several times a day but for only 4 days. Never eat polar bear lliver because you can get sick and maybe even die from Vitamin A poisioning. Just fyi.

How to deal with Covid related health problems from courageous doctors – Querticin, Ivermectin, HCQ, Vitamins, Budesonide –

This is verbatim from the Restore 7 Newsletter Johnny and Elizabeth Enlow.

II. First Addition

We’ve sent this email out a few times due to how many of you have requested it, but we wanted to add a little bit of new information we’ve been hearing about.

Some of you may want to consider the monoclonal antibodies infusion. We have heard this may also be an option to consider for anyone who is diagnosed with covid, but you would need an order from a doctor. We have heard positive feedback from some about it, although we personally did not receive this treatment. President Trump received it and responded well. From what we can tell from the research we have done, this treatment was not developed using fetal cell lines. Learn more about it and locate an infusion center in your area here:

The rest of this email is the same information we’ve sent out before…

I. First Email

As many of you may have heard, Johnny and I recently recovered from Covid. We sent some of this information a few days ago and I wanted to resend it and add some more information that wasn’t in the previous email. I pray this is helpful, empowering, and informative for many! Bottom line…no fear!!!

I believe that supernatural healing is available to us and that Jesus paid the price for us. I also believe that He is teaching us, as a generation, about how our bodies were created to work and our role in stewarding health and healthy choices for our bodies and things in the earth that affect us. He is teaching and empowering us for healing on every level. We are definitely needing to learn so much in this area and stop handing over our decisions to doctors. They should be empowering us to understand and make wise, holistic decisions for ourselves and our families. When you educate yourself about how your body works and was created to heal itself when given the right things God created for our use and stewardship—you are not undermining His ability and desire to also supernaturally heal you. I believe it is both/and : )

If you are in the medical field, I bless you to be courageous and bold. Use your voice and influence for healing. Be willing to learn and grow in your perspective. Partner with holistic doctors and learn more about the immune system. Be willing to look beyond what you have been told and taught. You are being invited by God Himself to partner with Him in new ways in medicine…reformation is upon us and you have an opportunity to be a part of it or soon get left behind! For those few who have been willing to put your career on the line at this time and truly help people, thank you!!!!!

I am sharing some links and information with you of how we personally were able to treat ourselves from home. I am NOT giving you medical advice because I am obviously not a doctor. Nor am I willing to reply to any questions from this email—but I can share some research with you and encourage you to do your own research. You will also need to know/research correct doses, potential drug interactions, and if it’s safe for you if pregnant or nursing…I cannot give any of that information.

While there are some doctors that genuinely care about people recovering from this virus, as you probably suspect as well, I believe many are deceived and are not doing all they can.

First, some things I have learned about covid from online research (again, do your own research to confirm and make your own decisions).

In short… Evidently, there are three aspects to Covid that you have to deal with… Virus replication, inflammation from the virus, and potential thrombosis (blood clotting).

The way you deal with the replication is by getting zinc into your cells. Zinc can be best absorbed by taking one of three things…either quercetin, ivermectin, or HCQ (hydroxycholoquine).

The way you deal with inflammation is through something like budesonide (a steroid you inhale) Although you nebulize it into your lungs it helps with inflammation in your entire body including your lungs. Wherever there is inflammation you have excess mucus which is why people get pneumonia with Covid. If they get pneumonia then they need an antibiotic to kill the bacteria that grows in your lungs from the inflammation. Some have had success with a Z Pack or clarithromycin antibiotics.

You deal with the potential blood clotting by taking 325 mg of aspirin daily while you have symptoms of Covid.

Of course there are other things you can do to boost your overall immune system such as high doses of vitamin D, C, and A. Even if you are not sick, you can take zinc and quercetin daily.

If someone has to be hospitalized… they can insist on high doses of vit C and zinc in IV form. If someone has pneumonia in the hospital they can also lay on their stomach with their head lower than their heart to keep from suffocating. From what others have shared, the last thing anyone should consider is being on a ventilator! There are many personal stories you can watch from others online, but here is a very informative one: Those who may be hospitalized or their family may need to be incredibly bold and insist on a different protocol than a hospital will typically agree to. Do not assume they are right! If you have to, get an attorney involved to advocate for you and do not give your consent for them to just stick someone on a ventilator and basically do nothing. That is clearly not working for most patients who end up in the hospital.

Here is the basic information from research I have done:

1. Here is a website where you can pay for a phone appointment to get medications that most doctors are not willing to prescribe even though stats show there are several medicines that can be game changers when someone has Covid.
There so many sick right now that they may take a few days to get back to you, which is why you may consider getting an appointment and filling your prescriptions before you actually need them…to have on hand.

2. It is my understanding that zinc keeps the virus from replicating. But our body needs help utilizing the zinc which can be helped by one of the following: either HCQ (hydroxycholorquine) or ivermectin or quercetin. Quercetin can be bought at a vitamin store or ordered online. We took and still take 500mg of quercetin twice a day and 20mg of zinc. You may be able to increase that amount if you are sick? There are symptoms to watch for if you are getting too much zinc…do an online search.

3. It is my understanding that a potential complication can be blood clotting. We were told by our dr to take 325mg of aspirin a day with food while we had symptoms. You would not want to take aspirin at the same time as ibuprofen or alive, etc. We took Tylenol as we needed it.

4. We were told that the most important thing to do is monitor your pulse oxygen levels with a pulse oximeter finger monitor that you can order online or get at a pharmacy. It’s important your oxygen stay above about 95. Even if it lowers a few times when you are walking around or sleeping deeply, the main thing is that you want to be able to take a few deep breaths and see it raise back up. This really helped me when I felt like I couldn’t catch my breath and gave me peace of mind that I was still getting enough oxygen.

5. It can be helpful to get prescriptions filled ahead of time to have on hand if someone gets sick. We had ordered Ivermectin ahead and therefore had it when we needed it. It is much easier to get the prescriptions filled at a compounding pharmacy rather than a chain. We were unjustly denied our prescriptions at a regular pharmacy. Many do not want the population to have access to meds for Covid. Just search for a compounding pharmacy in your area.

6. We were encouraged to take high doses of Vit C, Vit D, 15mg zinc, and quercetin (which allows your body to absorb the zinc). We take the vitamins whether sick or not to keep our immune systems up.

7. We bought a nebulizer online (with a face mask) and used that with a prescription for budesonide. Grace ended up getting pneumonia and that was a huge difference for her recovery especially.

8. There are two drinks that were recommended to us from here:
Hydro Shot is a drink infused with oxygen that you drink first thing in the morning on an empty stomach for recovery.
Silver Bullet is a drink infused with zinc and some caffeine from green tea so it needs to be taken early in the day with food.
Warning, they don’t taste very good, but are good for you : )

9. You may find these links informative and helpful:

This is an interview with Dr. Zelenko who helped treat President Trump.

This is an interview with Dr. Richard Bartlett who is an ER doctor. God gave him a protocol through a dream and has successfully treated many patients with covid. He treated our family.

Note from GSB> PLEASE SHARE WIDELY. We can not count on the bigger social media and search engines to make this info available in a fair and open way. Thus, it depends upon us to help our friends and neighbors.