Category Archives: Healing

Healing Applies to Learning Problems, too

Today, as promised, we talk about how healing applies to learning problems. If you missed last episodes, where we laid out our plans, go hear it now too.

Everyone likes to pray for healing for themselves, but few are brave enough, or informed enough to say they believe it. Some even concoct stories contrary to the bible they say they believe in and teach it confidently!  That is who you do not want to be.

Most of us hope. Okay, but let’s see what the Scriptures say, okay?  By the way, it is good news!

A Child Raises Someone From the Dead – Eye witness account

This is a rerun of our interview with Simon Okwayo in summer 2009. If you heard last week’s episode, you know what he is up to today! This says a lot about what children can do. This should dramatically increase your faith. Especially for your children.

Dr. Apostle Simon Okwayo, Healing Evangelistic Ministries Foundation,

Children were held to a much higher standard in the past. When people graduated from the 8th grade,they knew a lot. Then, they went to work or college. This was true in the Revolutionary War period. John Quincy Adams was given an Congressional appointment to be the interpreter for the ambassadorial mission to the court of Catherine the Great at 14 years old. Why? Because he had mastered several languages and already had experience of being the secretary to his father as an ambassador to France during the war for Independence. Look forward to what young people are doing these days to prepare to serve their community and country.


God Heals — Isaiah 53

Again, we are getting very dismaying news about another couple of young adult athletes who fell dead. And we are supposed to believe it was natural causes. A new natural or unknown cause called “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.” And yet, still, amazingly, I am also getting reports of people still urging to jab children! It is beyond belief.

But, God! God’s word is immortal, incorruptible. It didn’t change because  the devil got worse, or people more perfectly partnered with the devil. Ha ha. God’s promises are real. So, whatever the problem might be, let’s open the Word of God and find Truth.

Don’t look to the right or the left. Just look at the Word. Don’t say something against it; just speak the Scripture. That is your prescription. That is your script.

And break off disappointment. Do not let a failure to understand, to receive or whatever, to cause another failure to receive. Just let’s look at the Word.


Miraculous Healing

A couple of friends came in the studio to testify of miraculous healings they had experienced under my ministry. I threatened them not to talk about me! LOL But they did talk about their healings.

this is so very important, because the number one reason peolpe don’t see healing is because they don’t think it exists. People resign themselves to whatever the problem is. Worse, they use it for an excuse to get other things they want, so the very problem is a treasure to them.

This is abundantly true in learning disabilities at this time. Children learn to be work avoidant victim controllers rather than overcomers, successful and happy.  Teacher learn to have ever lower expectations and predictably get those expectations.  Teachers college which for so long denied that learning disbilities existed now train people to see them as disabilities that need to be encouraged and coddled, rather than overcome.

The whole public school system appears to be set up to ensure a dumbing down of the population. Just when it seemed that it couldn’t get worse, there is a new law that gives more money to for the school for every child identified with LD. That sounds good, except the “services” were never helpful.  Labeling theory explains how the label fixes and makes permanent the problem. This is trebly true when “services” means that the children will get less of the regular education, and more of the labeling behavior.

Hear Betty and Melanie and apply that hope and faith to your situation.