Category Archives: Providers

100% Graduation in 9 Low SES Schools. Discover the secret!

School population is 57% economically disadvantaged. Majority are minorities. Graduation rate 100%. College acceptance rate 100% Tuition is free. Nine schools on seven campuses, centered around Oak Cliff area of Dallas. Ready to expand. What is their secret?

Here is their mission: The Mission of Life School is to train leaders with life skills for the twenty-first century by establishing strong academics, character training, and a parenting program.

Here is their history: In 1989 Rev. Dr. Tom Wilson, who was already involved in many charitable activities, start Life School because he wished to see a greater percentage of people whose lives were permanently changed. Then in 1998 Life School became a charter school, meaning there is no tuition, and thereby able to serve an ever greater number of people. Today Life Schools are located from Central Texas through south Dallas, and are ready to expand anywhere, given qualified local partners.

Here are the facts: Life School is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization that provides a high quality K-12 education along with character and leadership training to thousand of students annually. Life School has received the highest academic accountability rating issued by the Texas Education Agency over the past three years. Frugal and transparent financial accounting, too! Revenue per student is less than many public schools. Data informed, innovative, founded firmly and explicitly on a particular set of values.

Whether you are a mother struggling to get half-way decent education for your children, or social scientist who wants an answer to the widespread dismal social reality, or an educator who wants a practical solution, or a church/philanthrophic group ready to find a workable worthy cause — wow! — here is a group of people who have results beyond what anyone thought was possible. Listen, read, very closely, and you may ferret out what I think is their secret.

In any case, let’s follow the evidence based path toward best practices. Please share with all interested parties. Great news especially that is implementable, should be shared. Yes?

Should You Vaccinate for the Flu?

At the public library I saw a young girl, maybe 7, crying her eyes out. Her mother was shrugging and saying to the librarian in a bewildered way, “I just got her vaccinated. I thought she would be happy!” Needless to say, I was not.

Please let me offer Dr. Ensign’s (DO) interview with us on the topic of protection from viruses such as flu and colds. Not only is this fall, when often flu circulates, but also there is some news about vaccinations and allergies being connected. This news is being shared by another of our friends and interviewees, Dr. Don Colbert MD.

“Colbert: CDC : Vaccinations and Food Allergies Connected”

In a study at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), results reveal a link between food allergies and vaccinations given to children. Life-threatening reactions in children are possible. Gelatin (and other ingredients within) is often used in the creation of vaccinations which can cause the reaction. An Increase in Food Allergies Children are faced with…

via CDC Discovers New Link Between Vaccinations & Food Allergies — Dr. Don Colbert

The Great Shalom teaches both miraculous healing and natural health. God wants us never to be sick; let’s partner with our Creator!

Dr. and Mrs. Colbert Weigh in on Starting the Day Right with Your Child

Dr. and Mrs. Colbert graciously called in for an interview in 2009, Here is the replay.

Dr. and Mrs. Colbert Wonderful guests on an early broadcast of GSB. Be inspired about breakfast!

Here is a recent book from Dr. Colbert:
Let Food Be Your Medicine: Dietary Changes Proven to Prevent or Reverse Disease

August Episodes – School Year Starting

Never before — in this country — has the educational system been so persecutorial of Christians. Never before has the outcome been so bad — for all. However, there have been countries that took the brightest of the youth of nations they conquered, in order to train them in a culture different from their parents. Folks, it is time to pray, seriously. Reruns for the run-up to the start of the school year.

Basics of Homeschooling Timeless interview with HSLDA. Consider educating at home.  

Prayer for Teachers Let’s Pray for our nation’s teachers.

City School.  Ideas from one sweet Christian school in Austin.

Regents Interview with the school that excels in creating Christian leaders through rigorous academics.

Harbor Interview with the school that grooms leaders through individualized education.

Spoiled.  What “spoiling” a child is and how to avoid it.