Category Archives: Prayer

Grandmother Prayer Project

This is the 4th post in our grandmothers’  prayer project. Let’s get her done before school starts … well maybe the project finished before school starts in the North. LOL

Please send testimonies and prayer requests.

Thanks for the bump up in numbers on the website. This is one of the ways that I know that I have plenty of the grand generation: I have a high percentage that listen via browser rather than by podcast. Unusual, but welcome.

We all go through some sacrifice for doing right. My numbers plummeted during covid, partially because I stopped casting for a while but even more probably because of the info I was curating on my website. They couldn’t kick me off a platform, but they could shadow ban me. Please share, both electronically and word of mouth. It is the only way we can help more people.

Prayer Campaign Encouragement

It is time to pray. The problems are staggering. It is time to appeal to Heaven. Just like our founders did. We knew we had no great army, no navy at all, when we withdrew from the British Empire, then the ruler of all the seas, the greatest military force on the planet, and a fully corrupt government. Yet, with firm reliance on Providence, aligned with what conscience said was right, after long patience, we acted. God helped.

God helped when the fog and night covered Washington’s crossing the Delware. God helped with bullets went through Washington’s clothing, but did not touch his skin. God helped when French helped. God helped when we did not fall down into the violence of the French revolution. God helped when, finally, after serious prayer on knees, and hiring of a pastor to lead and preach to the body, the founders found a way to construct a method of governing that up until now, as long as it was adhered to, secured the rights and liberty of our inhabitants.

Pray that our children know this history. Pray that our nation repents. Pray that God grants us the mercy of righteous leaders. Let us pray for our political prisoners, whom I am finding are virtually tortured. Pray for safety for children. Pray for understanding and courage for parents. Pray for educators. Pray.

Announcing A Grandmothers’ Prayer Campaign

Today I announce a grandmothers’ prayer campaign. Of course, anyone can join in. It is a prayer campaign for our children. So often summer was the time when young people got into trouble. Now…. well, maybe they are safer with the regular trouble than what they might get in school? So often summer vacation was the time that families looked forward to going to places like xyz. We can’t even think of that place anymore. Then, more recently, looked forward to sending their children back to school. Wow! I never did. School was hell for my daughter. Summer was a time to rest and to learn.

But now, there seems to be no break from the waves of horrible news. Well, let’s be a force back. When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Lord raises a standard. That would be a standard like in the Roman army of the time. Tall flags led the men into battle. We have a spiritual battle. The grandmothers can lead in prayer. Thanks to the fathers who lead in politics and security. Thanks to the mothers who do double duty home-making, educating, and even being employed. So much for women’s liberation! LOL Thanks to the young people who are standing up for doing right and speaking the truth.

Everything is so bewildering, I know. It is hard for the common young person to distinguish between right and wrong. It is hard for the average public official to admit that he or she can tell. It hard for the older person even to believe what they hear. And the legacy news media…. well.

So, instead of on and on and on, let’s pray. It is announced. God will win. This is how we partner with God.  So, I am announcing a Grandmother’s prayer campaign. Maybe just for the summer. Certainly until we see results. Please pray with us.

Ultimate Secret to Day of Trouble

In a 3 part series, we have been gathering the secrets to success from an ancient situation. King Hezekiah faced an onslaught by the ruthless emperor Sennacharib, and his lying captain Rabshakeh. He appeals to the LORD, both directly and through the prophet isaiah. This situation is recorded 3 times in the Bible. Today, we look at Isaiah’s memory. The good news is that the Lord intervened on behalf of his people; one angel overcame 185,000 men in one night.  Here is the ultimate secret to the day of trouble.

No doubt we too have a day of trouble, rebuke and blasphemy. The same strategies of manning the wall, sorting out truth from falsehood, praying, and looking to God will help us win. This is the ultimate secret to the day of trouble. God will allow us to be challenged to strengthen us, but in the end, God will fight for us.

In the time it took to receive, record and post this series, we have seen some turn around. We have turned the corner. Lies are exposed. the captains are backing up, trying a little more. The dark kingdom is imploding. Take courage. Be strong. Overcome. Recover all.

Indeed, I am encouraged. I am beginning to see more than just a very few alternative media people share the truth. Common people are not being intimidated. They can’t fire half of all workers. They can say that they will replace nurses and air traffic controllers, but that is entirely unreasonable. They can make gas prices higher, inflation severe, taxes worse — but all that will be noticed by the people. They are not just fighting among themselves, they are shooting themselves in the foot. Intecessors and prophets are proclaiming turn around — and so do the headlines.

Let us take heart. Let us man the walls. Let us not believe the lies. let us stand with Love, Truth, and faith.   Let us go out, pursue, overtake, recover all. Meaning, no longer be locked up with fear, based on lies, with our God-given rights taken, nor our children taken, nor our health taken. We can stand together.

Harvard prof: Children SHOULD NOT be vaxxed

Revival Today reasoned resistance :

Now from the folks on the Left:

Finally, today:
