Category Archives: Practical health measures

Facts on Pregnancy Risks

Miscarriages, fetal deaths, uterus shedding are all known risks of the jab. LIkelihood of later death and autism and learning disabilities for those babies who do survive is totally unknown.

Not only is there a 40% rise in the death rate among working adults, but there is also a very high miscarriage rate among those who had the “vaccine” actually the mnRNA gene jab. This was known to be dangerous before it was rushed out for humans. It continues to have scientificly known extreme dangers. It continues to be pushed both by the profiting companies and that current federal administration.

There continues to be no evidence that children are at any danger from covid-19. The death rate from the engineered disease for all people  (up to maybe 0.01) never was nearly as high as the figures for the death rate from the jab (>40%). Of course, the rate of death for children is much less than 0.001. The long term effects of the jab are admittedly completely unknown. The death rate is figured on only deaths that occurred within 48 and are reported.

Epoch Times has proven to be one of the most reliable sources for news. Not surprising, since the founder risked his life to start the paper when he was in communist China. Maybe he and his reporters are risking their lives now. We owe them a great deal of thanks. And subscriptions! These cost very little, either by daily emails or by weekly paper.

Please consider and don’t risk your life or the lives of your children by foolish, uninformed decisions. Facts matter. Science is based on facts. Spirituality and science agree. Don’t be fooled.



Driving around, I am shocked to see advertisements for Covid-19 testing, for covid-19 vaxxes, etc. What? Covid-19 left with Omicron. It did. Vaxxes are now widely known to have killed more  people, even immediately after taking it than covid did.  There is a concerted pushback from all quarters of society, even in the delayed and slow court system. And the courts are belatedly siding with the citizens. How is it, then, that some corporations are still advertising these things? Are there really some people so benighted that they are still participating? Is there profit in in some way? Or is the corruption money still flowing? Yikes. Protect yourself. And your children.


Well, yes, people are still dying in hospital from covid treatments. Please try to think straight. From covid treatments, not from covid. I know of a man who never had any covid symptoms and is now dead from the treatment.  Medical power of attorney was not honored. Several cases around the country are reported, and more are being litigated. Here is help.

check Rodney Howard Browne’s words about the near future, based on knowledge, at, during Sunday evening services.

BTW, there are many stores I no longer shop in. I am finding that this is very beneficial, as I now patronize local businesses more.

OTHER EVEN MORE UNBELIEVABLE —  REPORTED BY MORE THAN ONE SOURCE  (Also entitled “How to Avoid the Mark of the Beast.)

DISCOVERING  Recent ANTI PARENTAL MOVES by Government Colluding with Medical Industry

I am hearing repeated moves by elites, through the government, to take over the ownership of children in contradistinction to parental rights, to abuse them, and to endanger their health. There is so much news, it is hard to see patterns, but there is a definite pattern of aggression against the safety of children and the denigration of parental rights.

First, we are discovering that there is child sex trade to a level that has never been before. The regular police don’t even try to address it. Finally, some independent ctiizens are addressing it. Covert reports suggest moves against covert trade. We do know from conventional news that there was official action in the Trump administration and is the Abbot administration.  At the national level, however, the efforts were stopped with the new administration. We also know from conventional news sosurse that a new influx of immigrants, including many unaccompanied children, that have come in … and disappeared. i worry.

Now, I am hearing, as are you, even in the most conservative states, citizens having to struggle against fait d’accompli of legal destruction of parental rights.

3 Republicans Sneak In Vaccination Without Parental Consent Amendment (Update 4.1.22)

Mother testifies about her family’s experience at about minute 45…-the-truth-parental-rights-and-hunters-laptop-paul-cr.html


The Great Shalom has never been political. I even tried to restrain the Patriot Academy having the one word “conservative” when they came on in 2009.  We are focused on overcoming learning problems of children. However, that is inevitably connected with health and safety. Notice what happened to the founder of Focus on the Family?


Yes, we are continuing to have unexplained technical problems. We fix the problems we see. if you are having trouble contacting us, please keep trying. You should be able to type in a comment box below this post and you should be able to email me at If you are unable to buy product, please contact me, for sure!!! Life is also happening. We are continuing to work for you.

(And btw, a number of the videos I was going to post here are now labeled private or unavailable.)

I would also gratefully take donations. As I give work, word, and encouragement to you, sharing money with me — especially so I might be able to hire some tech help to get more goodies to you — would be a good thing.

Above all, please share with any who would listen. You will be saving lives. Apparently, some people still don’t know. Have mercy on those who can’t think well, for whatever reason.

Covid is over – or should be

Did you question my assertion that God gave us some great Christmas gifts? Well, lets hear some scientists and doctors. Politicians may already be changing their mandates –maybe.


Dr. McCullough and Dr. Jackson discuss the science or whether the covid crisis is over. What is the logic of vaccines? Where are we now? en days  or 2 weeks and we will know if Omicron is the last variant.

Are masks useful? No, not useful, neither cloth nor paper masks protect at all from virus. However, there is evidence that they cause headaches, attention problems, and other problems for children because of increased CO2.

The way we do science is to question science! -Lance Wallnau

Gives common measure to be safe: nasal washes with iodine or hydrogen peroxide!

Omicron is very mild.     Flashpoint 1/20/22

Authorities say V@x Not useful

Apparently, the world authorities think that the covid crisis is over.

UN says children should not be v@xxed.

CDC says that natural immunity better than the jab.

Politicians drop mandates – Why?

It looks like the political authorities  make it look like they think covid s over. Can we trust this?

UK says no more restrictions

Here is a video that seems to be indication of the International Criminal Court investigating the scam=demic as criminal behavior.

Canadian truckers warn that the shelves will be bare, since many are resigning over the vax mandate. One claims Trudeau’s aim is starvation  of 38 million.

Really? Can We Trust This?

Cov!d was never isolated in a lab… so does it exist, really?

Flashpoint,after interviewing the doctors, turned to interview a prophet, who quoted a passage from the Revelation of Jesus Christ according to John. He urged  building up Truth of God in your heart by reading the Bible so you are immune to the Big Lie. He answers the suggestion about the idea that the “overness” is also a trick. Given what others say, from published documents of the “big guy” maybe he is right – just wait for another onslaught  Finally, however, since we hae read the end of the story we know that Rabsheka lose,  God wins. The God who is Love and is Truth. Endeavor to be on that side.


Should Children Get the Jab?

Here is what the world’s expert on the jab says: THINK TWICE.   Dr. Malone is the one who invented the mRNA vax.

“He pointed to information compiled on his website, which includes a list of peer-reviewed studies related to COVID-19 vaccine adverse events in children, the main one being myocarditis. The website also includes a collection of adverse events reports as well as death reports in the pediatric community, submitted to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).” Epoch Times ibid.

Here is what Dr. Mercola has to say on the matter: NO! More likely to face long-term health risks from the jab than from the disease it purports to address. Mercola says jab bad for children.

Mercola is a well known wellness expert of long standing — rather than a conventional doctor on big pharma or government payroll.

Notice, it is based on the VAERS the official list of adverse affects. I have heard it reported that the VAERS are low; that nurses have been told not to report. I heard Dr. Wakefield says that the adverse affects of this jab are higher than all the adverse affects of all immunizations heretofore recorded.

Notice that there is an typographical error in the Epoch Times article. It says “no previous ideology”, when it means “no previous etiology”. Pretty hilarious under the circumstances.


The CDC says otherwise. But comb thru the article. Do they have evidence? Is Covid-19 dangerous for children? If death rate is less than .001 for adults? With over reporting?  If nearly everyone one who dies has a co-morbidity factor? If proper treatment was denied? Is there any evidence at all about children? Certainly there are no safety trials for kids if not for the vax for adults! Learn to figure out which claims are true.

The only hope to ending the pandemic? Who would be so irresponsible to say such a thing? Someone on a payroll, who didn’t have any knowledge of viruses, who didn’t care who they killed. Notice dates too. After Omicron, does a dangerous vax for the original virus make sense? (And you do know about Farr’s Law.  you do know how effective the flu vax is. You do know how safe other vaxxes have been — and they did have at least some safety testing.) THINK!

Any addressing of the hug spike in menses dis-regulation?

Look for scientific data, not mere comforting assertions! Be worried when you find deception. No-do-overs.


1/20/22 Here is what the chief scientist for the UN says: