Category Archives: Child rearing

Financial Freedom

Books for children and youth on finances:

Financial Focus for Kids: Discovering God’s Amazing Plan for Our Money
Financial Focus for Youth: Junior High Edition
Financial Focus for Youth: Senior High Edition
all by by Debt Free army with Joyce Simmons

for more information, see :

My episode on how to teach your children about finances from last Spring is still on the player. Just select “Listen Now” above and scroll down.

Annoucning a new American Primer

While working on the upcoming series for July the 4, celebrating our Independence and focusing on high achievement for our children, I came across the New England Primer, used from 1690 to 1930. The founding fathers learned to read and were formed by it. In turn, they made certain it was reprinted for subsequent generations. Yet it is very different from what we find in public schools today. For my partners, I have made a shortened, slightly updated version. It includes the 10 Commandments and also the shortened poem version for children, the alphabet poem complete with Scripture verses, “The Offices of Humanity” meaning the duties every human has, and more. You will be edified and you will want a copy for every child in your family. Send $7.00 with your continental U.S. address or $7.00 plus postage for a CD.

The Blessing Economy

Finishing up our series on The Blessing, on May 27, 2012, I am running the episode from 2008 on the economy of blessing. I unpack the Scriptures on how we should model, train and invest in teaching our children about financial stewardship.

I mentioned the book by David Walsh entitled NO. Here is a link to it: No: Why Kids–of All Ages–Need to Hear It and Ways Parents Can Say It

Please pray about investing in children through supporting The Great Shalom. We need rebranding, reformating, a new professional website, audio editing, and air time money. This ministry offers something vital and unique. Can you see the vision? Most young people will not, unless it comes in a more professional package and over more airwaves. More than 50% of the children today are broken in some way, 43% of them are born in families with no father, and een families with 2 parents are often very strapped financially. Can you see to help? This is the most needful mission field. Yet, GSB is not supported by any denomination, congregation, or larger ministry. I do not make emotional appeals, pressure or cry. I am trusting God. But God is relying on you. The hour is late. Please act on the prompting of the Holy Spirit. — Thanks, Sharon Sarles