Tag Archives: salvation

Praying Powerfully for our Children

Wrapping up our little series on prayer, having covered a lot of territory, here is the final blow to the enemy of our souls. Don’t let satan have your children. Pray and win. Here is how to pray powerfully. We start in Isaiah 54:13, our foundational scripture verse: great shalom/well-being for all your offspring.

How can the whole household be saved? What is this hedge of protection around your household? Are there really guardian angels? Explained here.

Jesus Showing Up for Children and Youth – April

Resurrection Consider how the Resurrection applies to your children and their problems

Mission to India Jameson Titus relates the history and ongoing success of his family’s orphanage, school, college, seminary, and women’s vocational training in India.

Testimony of Youth OFF Drugs Shelby Ring gives her testimony of getting off drugs, getting saved, and going off to Bethel Training School to serve God.

HSLDA Home School Legal Defense Fund relays basic information about rights to educate one’s children at home for Texans. Also shares a little about the founding. Two lawyers wanted higher quality education for their children with learning disabilities than was available in public school and therefore founded HSLDA.

Working out your salvation

Here is how what you do and what you believe go together! Don’t be baffled or stymied in your quest to receive healing for your child!

WOW! How many controversies settled! How many questions answered! And I found it right there in context in Philippians 2.

Hear it all in this week’s broadcast on www.greatshalom.org, or subscribe in iTunes or on www.podbean.com. Next week specifically about obtaining healing.