Tag Archives: faith

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas. Make it, by faith, the best Christmas you have ever had.

The economy and your finances should not have control over your Christmas. Take control by faith. And have fun. Laugh, love, and live. That is what faith is for. Believe the Love. Recieve the love that God sent you in Jesus. Then believe the love that is the Holy Spirit in you. And speak love, by faith out into your family and world.

Then your Christmas will be merry! Love and blessings to all.

Sister Sharon

Authorities considering how to get kids before parents and religion does.

A lecture by Austin public school superintendent about her efforts to improve educational outcomes was followed by Tom Spence, CEO of I*ACT. Tom Spence is a broadcaster with no religious commitments. I*ACT was once Metro Ministries, protestant shared charity efforts but is now an interfaith group focused on dialog and joihnt celebration as well as charity. Question time included: “What can we do to reach children early enough to prevent the religious impact on their lives.” Response?

Working out your salvation

Here is how what you do and what you believe go together! Don’t be baffled or stymied in your quest to receive healing for your child!

WOW! How many controversies settled! How many questions answered! And I found it right there in context in Philippians 2.

Hear it all in this week’s broadcast on www.greatshalom.org, or subscribe in iTunes or on www.podbean.com. Next week specifically about obtaining healing.

Mis-education in American universities??

Sounds far fetched, I know.
Today I was asked where “separation of church and state” came from. “Did that come from the Constitution?” I was asked.

I answered, “you know what the Bill of Rights says….”, and why, the historical context. I answered about Jefferson’s letter to the Danbury Baptists. Then I concluded. Then I went on to talk about to what extent the founding fathers were Deists. Then I realized that none of this had I been taught, but rather the reverse. Neither had the 40 year or the 20 year olds present.

What? could there have been a concerted, mass attempt to train people in something false? Of course, that couldn’t be. To say something like that you have to be some sort of crazy, wild-eyed subversive. Probably dangerous. But wait, isn’t that communist rhethoric: subversive? Or not, wait, was that a McCarthyism term? Oh, it is sounding confusing.

Take a look at this.
