Mis-education in American universities??

Sounds far fetched, I know.
Today I was asked where “separation of church and state” came from. “Did that come from the Constitution?” I was asked.

I answered, “you know what the Bill of Rights says….”, and why, the historical context. I answered about Jefferson’s letter to the Danbury Baptists. Then I concluded. Then I went on to talk about to what extent the founding fathers were Deists. Then I realized that none of this had I been taught, but rather the reverse. Neither had the 40 year or the 20 year olds present.

What? could there have been a concerted, mass attempt to train people in something false? Of course, that couldn’t be. To say something like that you have to be some sort of crazy, wild-eyed subversive. Probably dangerous. But wait, isn’t that communist rhethoric: subversive? Or not, wait, was that a McCarthyism term? Oh, it is sounding confusing.

Take a look at this.


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