Category Archives: PRACTICAL HEALTH



Driving around, I am shocked to see advertisements for Covid-19 testing, for covid-19 vaxxes, etc. What? Covid-19 left with Omicron. It did. Vaxxes are now widely known to have killed more  people, even immediately after taking it than covid did.  There is a concerted pushback from all quarters of society, even in the delayed and slow court system. And the courts are belatedly siding with the citizens. How is it, then, that some corporations are still advertising these things? Are there really some people so benighted that they are still participating? Is there profit in in some way? Or is the corruption money still flowing? Yikes. Protect yourself. And your children.


Well, yes, people are still dying in hospital from covid treatments. Please try to think straight. From covid treatments, not from covid. I know of a man who never had any covid symptoms and is now dead from the treatment.  Medical power of attorney was not honored. Several cases around the country are reported, and more are being litigated. Here is help.

check Rodney Howard Browne’s words about the near future, based on knowledge, at, during Sunday evening services.

BTW, there are many stores I no longer shop in. I am finding that this is very beneficial, as I now patronize local businesses more.

OTHER EVEN MORE UNBELIEVABLE —  REPORTED BY MORE THAN ONE SOURCE  (Also entitled “How to Avoid the Mark of the Beast.)

DISCOVERING  Recent ANTI PARENTAL MOVES by Government Colluding with Medical Industry

I am hearing repeated moves by elites, through the government, to take over the ownership of children in contradistinction to parental rights, to abuse them, and to endanger their health. There is so much news, it is hard to see patterns, but there is a definite pattern of aggression against the safety of children and the denigration of parental rights.

First, we are discovering that there is child sex trade to a level that has never been before. The regular police don’t even try to address it. Finally, some independent ctiizens are addressing it. Covert reports suggest moves against covert trade. We do know from conventional news that there was official action in the Trump administration and is the Abbot administration.  At the national level, however, the efforts were stopped with the new administration. We also know from conventional news sosurse that a new influx of immigrants, including many unaccompanied children, that have come in … and disappeared. i worry.

Now, I am hearing, as are you, even in the most conservative states, citizens having to struggle against fait d’accompli of legal destruction of parental rights.

3 Republicans Sneak In Vaccination Without Parental Consent Amendment (Update 4.1.22)

Mother testifies about her family’s experience at about minute 45…-the-truth-parental-rights-and-hunters-laptop-paul-cr.html


The Great Shalom has never been political. I even tried to restrain the Patriot Academy having the one word “conservative” when they came on in 2009.  We are focused on overcoming learning problems of children. However, that is inevitably connected with health and safety. Notice what happened to the founder of Focus on the Family?


Yes, we are continuing to have unexplained technical problems. We fix the problems we see. if you are having trouble contacting us, please keep trying. You should be able to type in a comment box below this post and you should be able to email me at If you are unable to buy product, please contact me, for sure!!! Life is also happening. We are continuing to work for you.

(And btw, a number of the videos I was going to post here are now labeled private or unavailable.)

I would also gratefully take donations. As I give work, word, and encouragement to you, sharing money with me — especially so I might be able to hire some tech help to get more goodies to you — would be a good thing.

Above all, please share with any who would listen. You will be saving lives. Apparently, some people still don’t know. Have mercy on those who can’t think well, for whatever reason.

Nuclear Fallout? Blast?

Many are worried about nuclear fallout. I do not know if this is a justified worry, given that most of what we are hearing about the conflict in Ukraine are lies. (Reflect and you will realize that you know that every war is a failure of diplomacy and every government in time of war resorts to propaganda to whip up support for their side. ) I recommend you seek information from colleagues, missionaries and families who are there. You will find that reports differ by region, and that the history is more complicated than we know. Indeed, our own leadership’s recent involvement is more complicated than most of us can follow. Witness the Biden laptop.

Notice, The Great Shalom is not weighing in, but is relaying what we can in terms of training in how to figure out what is true. Now, back to the health worry.

In case you feel it is prudent to prepare for nuclear fallout, there are things that can be done.

  1. There are supplements that provide some protection, according to the FDA.
  2. My understanding is that seaweed and miso offer the same protection. it is reported that Japanese monks whose livelihood it was to make miso and who ate seaweed did not experience the same negative effects of the nuclear bomb detonated in Japan in World War II.
  3. It is possible to build a fallout shelter.  The best ones have sophisticated air filtering systems. There are some that are cheap and home-made that offer some protection.  Will try to get you links.I have no direct knowledge of any of these companies. I do not see the company I found a year ago. will see, they are expensive. The best would have a shower at the door and a sophisticated air vent system. Without this, you could be in trouble. Most are underground and hidden.


Bomb Shelters For Sale

The Lost Herbs/ Ask a Prepper company does have a digital/book that shows how to dig a shelter, and make a entry way that reduces the contamination coming in. I think you still need a ventilation system.


Where To Hide In Case of A Nuclear Attack

Salt mine under Houston or Detroit? What?

What Happens If You Eat Food From The Civil Defense Emergency Kit?


Summary: Don’t panic, do prepare for general disaster

Are You Living in a Nuclear Death Zone? Find Out with the U.S. Nuclear Target Map

History and Questions on the Vxx

I am still hearing that there are questions about the injections. This is such an important decision, and I am so surprised that still, at this late date there is confusion. the health of your child is so very important, is it not? You wouldn’t sacrifice the long-term well being of your child to be in the right “in-ground” — would you? to prove a point? To save yourself time? Or a little cognitive dissonance — meaning that uncomfortable feeling knowing that you might have been wrong.

Check out the history of the small pox vaccine usage against the poor. Check out what was said early on. Check out the flu shot. Check out the whole mask thing.  Check the archive of what happened with covid e.g.g Check the News on  .  Check out what teh WHO and the CDC say. Check out what virologists/doctors/scientists who don’t have a conflict of interest say?  Finally, to put this into a big picture, check out what Jesus had to say.

The statistics n covid were actually available from conventional sources fairly early on. There was a pretty good study just in the Diamond Princess. But to figure out what those numbers meant, you had to actually look at the numbers, use critical reasoning, and ignore the voices of the mainstream media the “the authorities.”  but it wasn’t very long before people who were very skilled in the issue risked their lives and livelihoods to tall you that there was a huge huge risk in going along with the narrative. Their voices were suppressed, which in itself was a red flag.

Please hear the evidence. I lay it out for a normal person on the episode. Thinking won’t hurt you. it could save your life, your child’s life, and maybe even a life of disability. Please!

Logic, history, science, Bible — please consider, won’t you? Your child’s life and health is on the line.

Here are some more resources:  6 year old disabled by vax because doctors pressured mother


Australian Nurses Spill The Beans On Vaccine Injuries And Deaths—Does Anyone Think This Is All Lies , All Made Up?

Australian Nurses Spill The Beans On Vaccine Injuries And Deaths—Does Anyone Think This Is All Lies , All Made Up?

Simply do a search on or or any other platform that is not censored, use your own judgement to filter out nonsense, find real experts who are risk themselves to help you and then listen. It will be eye-opening. And good news: there is good news. Just imagine  — it could have been that we would not have known. That is why there has been irrational hate stirred up against … those who came out well-meaning and helpful. That is why.

If you want more:

In most states the legislature is hearing now from constituents who have had children and elders killed from these psuedo-immunizations. Doctors are testifying — when permitted. See if your state has a livestream or an archive. Look for the House committee on health. Realize that at least some of the members of those committees get their campaign money from Big Pharma and Big Hospitals, that are right now desparate for money.  Yes, right now desparate for money. Pharma companies valuations just went down because proof of fraud will negate the immunity from liability that they enjoyed. Hospitals were having financial difficulty before the pandemic — perhaps because a larger percentage of the population were using alternative treatments, rather than using patented and violent methods to die and transfer their estates. Further, the wild inflation in the field of medical industry over the past decades meant that a large part of the population simply couldn’t afford the treatments. Every potential solution had to include oversight and restraint. So, yes, thousands of dollars was attractive, even if it meant killing patients outright. But that is another episode — the violation of law and norms to snatch otherwise reasonably healthy elders, isolate them, put them on ventilators that are completely without merit and always dangerous, and then finally starve and neglect patients — who predictably diy. But hospitals get a financial reward for anyone who dies and is labeled “covid.” We do need to talk about advocacy in the hospital and in the legislatures, but for now — we are very much upstream from that: education for the moms.


Summarize the Science to Now

What does “science” say about covid-19 and the “jab” at this point?

Well, science is defined as what is published in peer review journal.    See if this guy doesn’t have that! Often these periodicals are published at prestigious university. See the Barrington statement was a partnership of Stanford, Harvard and Oxford.

Beyond that, one  must look at the study, which ethically must relate who the study was done, to see if the study was done well, fairly, not biased, etc. If it is not done well, it is said “the study was flawed.” Beyond that, science is always open — open to the next experiment that we hope will teach us something new.  This is how science works.

Here is what we know now. Not potlitics. Not greed. Not narrative. Not hysteria. Well, maybe some concern. 1) How did we get here? 2) What will the future be, given the present?


Oh? The headline: Stop Vaccinating Now. The jabs have limited good effect. The future is concerning because the new alterations of genes will not be genetically diverse. Surely, we have heard everything?

To recap: Since the vaccinated are prey to Omicron more than anyone else. The vaccinated could be set up for the next wave. However, like GSB said, Omicron has been effective in immunizing against Delta. Fifty studies show ivermectin as a useful treatment; the one outlyer, JAMA, is a flawed study.