Category Archives: Learning Disabilities

Grandmother Tells How She is Getting Baby Grandson Healing Miracles

Baby Kai was born with so many problems the doctors didn’t think he would live. Grandmother prays and never gives up. At 13 months, baby Kai is only 3 months delayed. And he is closing in!

Hear how Grandmother shares her faith journey. She says, “Never give up.”

Rescue from the Hell of Having a Messed Up Kid

This ministry is about faith and action, for wellbeing, especially for your children. I know. I have been there. More than once. The Word works. And so can you.

Dr. and Mrs. Colbert Weigh in on Starting the Day Right with Your Child

Dr. and Mrs. Colbert graciously called in for an interview in 2009, Here is the replay.

Dr. and Mrs. Colbert Wonderful guests on an early broadcast of GSB. Be inspired about breakfast!

Here is a recent book from Dr. Colbert:
Let Food Be Your Medicine: Dietary Changes Proven to Prevent or Reverse Disease

Leaving Some Behind

The Wall Street Journal has an guest editorial today from a teacher of special education who says that Common Core Testing is leaving her students behind. Apparently they are required to be testing according to age and not according to reading level. Therefore, the tests do not show improvement or lack thereof, and serve only to demoralize, frustrate, and humiliate the children who are by definition having trouble if they are in her class.

I remember when parents of Learning Disabled students sued the State of Texas to be exempted from the TAKS test — and lost.

You know, from one point of view measurement is a good thing. But it has to be smart. Anybody remember valid and reliable?  Oh, sorry, that wasn’t in the curriculum until Introductory Sociology — and there is no more funding for that.