Category Archives: Autism

HR 9828 Would Return Liability to Vaccine Manufacturers

In late September, Republican Congressman Paul Gosar of Arizona’s 9th District introduced H.R. 9828 in the US House of Representatives. Titled “The Public Health Service Act to end the liability shield for vaccine manufacturers, and for other purposes,” the bill serves to overturn aspects of the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act. These changes would allow victims of vaccine-induced injuries and deaths to obtain legal compensation from vaccine manufacturers by stripping these corporations of the immunity from liability afforded to them by NCVIA.

The bill boasts an impressive list of 30 cosponsors, including five from the Texas congressional delegation. Interestingly, not one Democrat has signed on to this vital legislation.

Texans for Vaccine Choice ardently supports this bill, which would allow for much needed justice for victims by restoring liability back to the vaccine manufacturers, and we applaud Representative Paul Gosar in his pursuit. We would also like to remind you that 99% of vaccine policy is set at the state level, and if this bill were to pass, it would be just ONE step towards holding Big Pharma accountable, after years of their relentless pursuit of medical mandates.

The Case of Amos Miller and Food Safety for the Prevention of Learning Disabilities


I think our band of lionesses, interested in overcoming learning problems will be vitally interested in the case of Amos Miller, Amish farmer, who is being harassed, prosecuted and downright persecuted for being a good Amish farmer. After being harassed by the FDA fro decades, he prevailed. Now the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture has gone beyond their legal mandate, lied to the court, seized property, dictated destruction of food that even their own tests showed was perfect. They would not let the food, some of which had already been purchased, even be sold to pigs. They even went so far as to ration food to the Miller family they that they themselves had grown.

Never over 20 years has anyone complained or gotten sick from Amos Miller’s food. Not one. He runs a club, and not a retail operation; so everyone knows how he farms. Indeed,that is why they buy from him. In court last week, families testified under penalty of perjury that they and their children needed this food for their health, in on at least one case, their very life. One family said that their child was autistic and after depending upon the natural Amish food, he was no longer autistic. They testified that even in the interim during the seizure of the food during the investigation and court proceedings, their life and health was at risk. They pleaded with the judge to permit their children this food. The prosecution thought he had them, when he questioned who paid for their trip. He had. Defense attorney has already drastically reduced his fee; his firm is working on donations.


The Dept. of Agriculture of Pennsylvania had to lie to the court to be able to start this mess. They continue to lie.To the court. To the media. Who doesn’t even check the other side, but merely publishes the lies of the government. Indeed, whent hey lie so egregiously on the stand, the Amish just couldn’t process it. They are not used to lying in their society. However, the witnesses for the Dept of Ag lied so egregiously that the Prosecutor had to several times redirect.

It was kind of like this: “It is not like you want to be in charge of all food that everyone everywhere eats, is it? Oh yes!”

The First Amendment, guaranteeing the right to freedom of religion has been abridged. The fourth Amendment, protecting warrantless and unreasonable searches has been violated. A number of other rights in the 10 Amendment have been violated.  The State Constitution of PA has been violated. Due process has been violated.

The Court likes privacy (which is a violation.) The Bailiff, with guns, told even reporters that if they took notes in the courtroom, they would be imprisoned.


Media passes on the idea that Amos Miller is just resisting getting a permit. This is a misunderstanding at best. You know how it goes: when a big bunch of lies is discredited, the most likely more reasonable sounding one is picked for a last stand.  In the first place, anything that is permitted is restricted by law; this is a dimunition of freedom. Secondly under PA law, a permit for selling raw milk includes the promise that sales of other raw milk products like raw milk cheese will not be sold. Thus, such a permit would drastically reduce the Miller business. However, given that Miller is not a retail operation, then permitting is not required. Further, labeling laws do not apply.

It is not clear how the case will be decided. According to Mr. Barnes, it appeared to him that the judge did care about the (only 4 he permitted) children;s health, the past behavior of the court is to side unthinkingly with government actors.  Not just these children’s lives and learning ability will be at risk. This case will set a precedent against food freedom, religious freedom, and the well-being of our country in general. The FDA is watching. They pick the perfect, literally, case.


Please register your opinion

Please vote with your dollars

Please check out food safety as a potential underlying problem for your children

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Lancaster Patriot newspaper

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Weston Price Foundation (about better nutrition)


Oops! I just heard Mr. Barnes say that being a private club is not a defense. What? At any rate, I am sure I did hear him say previously that Amos Miller’s operation is NOT a retail operation. So, this detail I do not fully understand, but given the extent to which I have listened to Mr. Barnes, his evident high reputation, and obvious legal credentials — this must be the way it is.



He USED TO have Asperger’s?

Dave Asprey says he “used to have Asperger’s.”  Check out his podcast this week  
on glutathione. Remember, that book my doctor recommended back in 2006 that at that point knew that something was up with glutathione re-uptake and digestion problems with gluten and caisein? They didn’t know what caused Autism, but of all the therapies tried, at that time, the one that worked the most often was…. cheltation therapy (according to aggregated data on the back cover.) So, toxicity must be the problem.  (yay! Now available without cloak, dagger, or secret code!)

Well, science has marched on, and we know a little more about cell function. Dave Asprey, as is fairly usual for him, is talking with a cutting edge researcher,  however, has already taken a deep dive (in more ways that one LOL) and tried out experiments of his own. Listen carefully and you will hear him say that he “used to have Asperger’s) which often is considered “on the spectrum” or a part of autism.

Most people want you to believe that autism is incurable and “just happens.” Probably not so. And good.

My gosh! Dave Asprey has addressed this directly! A real find!


A brilliant man, no doubt, even if one disagrees with much of what he says, Dave Asprey has offered us a great deal in publishing so many interviews with cutting edge scientists. Absolutely, I think most parents and even most educators will want to check out what he has to say. And for this, he said it clearly : “Liposomal glutathione is the form we used during both our pregnancies, and we still take it regularly as it helps with inflammation and aids in detoxification of your body.” Imagine! take a supplement and boom!  Better than suffering for a lifetime, eh?


Andy Wakefield on Autism ca 2009 and New Evidence of …

Here is evidence of how the British Journal of Medicine deceived the public. Given the more recent deception about “safe and effective” here in the States, you might want to see this: Euripides has an 19 part series on how the case against Andrew Wakefield was “fixed.”


Last week, you my listeners, showed more than average interest in my re-run having to do with autism, which is of course, a serious learning disability,( even if academics isn’t hindered. )Because of that interest, I thought I would post one of my most favorite reruns: the interview with Dr. Andy Wakefield. Back in 2009 he came into the radio station studio to answer questions. He was in the middle of being persecuted at the time. His publications, which were world class were being discredited, and for a time the British did not accept his license. All that since, of course, has been undone. He has been exonerated. But he no longer practices medicine nor holds a university post. The world is poorer for it. But the clinic he founded continues with someone else’s name. Notice how calm and rational and even, and measured what he says is — even though I was more enthusiastic that usual. Telling.

Before we went on air, he confided in me that he really wondered why people would do this to him. I reminded him that the Bible says “WHEN people persecute you for righteousness sake, then rejoice.” I imagine that he, being an Episcopalian at the time, like me when I was a Presbyterian, had seldom heard that verse. Today, we might have more fulsome explanations of why many varied powers all together were pushing vaccinations that hurt children, but still, the verses apply. And really, in my mind, only Biblical, even apocalyptic explanations are sufficient.


Shortly after this interview, I saw discussion in social media that was slightly disturbing. On Twitter, it seemed that some  young women were conducting a smear campaign. They were fussing about why a doctor like this would hurt children. Finally, I “spoke” to the ring leader. I asked how she thought a researcher could hurt children. He was researching questions that parents had brought to him. That stopped the whole campaign.

Do you see? There was no logic in the argument (even had she had correct facts). She was promoting the idea that because he cast some doubt on the safety of vaccines, that he was stopping children from being safe, therefore somehow hurting children. Obvious nonsense, especially since he was already established as a world class gastro-enterologist. The autism question came to him because there were nearly always digestion issues around gluten and caseIn, or in other words, methionine re-uptake problem. Further, research doesn’t directly or immediately DO anything,  per se. So, it is not like research, even if were bad, immediately could harm some individual not connected.

Further, it was not the research or the researcher that had any pecuniary motive; but the opposition surely did. Perhaps I brought this up as a question.

Today, I wonder if this ring leader was really a concerned mom, or a paid social media hit man. In any case, some simple questions, rather than substantial claims, seemed to work to shut down a vicious conversation. Clearly, it was aimed to maim.


So, here is the re-run. Of course, in the light of more recent incidents, it is greater food for thought than it was before. Dr. Wakefield has said some things about current issues, which you will have to search for. I remember him comparing the harm of you know what, and saying it was greater than the reported harms from all previous ones. I assume that would have to have been based on VAERS data, which is admittedly …. limited.



More recently, the discussion has moved to the courts. Robert Barnes, Constituional attorney of note, considered proponent for “the common man” and occasional online didact, had something to say about vaccines on  minute 38.45 of this recent comment:  

(Barnes in the episode said this was free, but I can not see where it is posted beyond this link. To find more of similar, go to Rumble and search for Bourbon with Barnes. Both he and Viva Frei also have accounts on Twitter. )

Stew Peters, fearless commentator (and anti-semite which I strongly disclaim) also recently had this to say:  Guest: Dr. Ben Tapper. (Btw, I found RFJ.Jr’s book on Amazon, yesterday but not today. There are other similar works available, too.)

I do know that political opinion is very divided among Jews both in the USA and in Israel, so I think we can safely discount his anger at Zionism, which I take to be misplaced anger at the W  E  F  . I do not know if Stew Peters and crew is right on even his more well established claims, but I do know that hearing fringe claims has proven useful.  Judge for yourself.


Follow Barnes’ saying one we had very few cases of autism. We subsequently had a very geometrical increase in number of  (you know what) and now we have a very high number of diagnoses of autism. Autism is a kind of learning disability.  I am not a doctor, and I notice that world class doctors get highly persecuted for even researching the question. So, I am not going to give anyone advice. I will say that for my own life, I like the proverb: “An once of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”  Especially where there are no cures. But I do believe in seeking cures. I also believe in miracles.

While I am at this, let me relate to you that I had some friends during this period who were very excited about a shaman “curing” a little boy of autism, and wanted to give money to ??? a horse farm. Well, yes, equine therapy has helped some people and great. However, about that shaman, I wonder if being in an environment with if not not poulltions, at least very different ones, was not the cause of the boy’s improvement. Further, the shaman was aiming at getting the boy to poop. This sounds like de-toxing. Exactly! De-toxing is exactly what that clinic does, I think. (But they don’t seem interested in granting an interview. I got a lot of nose sniffing when I called years ago.)  I guess the clinic costs more money that I look like I could related to — maybe? Anyway, judge for yourselves.  If you are asking about strong detox therapies, ask about chelation therapy. Just fyi.