Tag Archives: parenting

Books for Christmas for the Whole Family 2017

Here are my book recommendations for the year. Something for the whole family.

Korie Robertson
Strong and Kind: Raising Kids of Character

David MacAlvany The Intentional Legacy

John Rosemond, PhD

The Well-Behaved Child: Discipline That Really Works!

Parenting by the Book: Biblical Wisdom for Raising Your Child

James Dobson

The New Strong-Willed Child

The New Dare to Discipline

Dobson Collection by Tyndale Momentum
The Dr. James Dobson Parenting Collection

Dani Johnson Grooming the Next Generation for Success: Proven Strategies for Raising the Next Generation of Leaders

Blair Adams
Building Christian Character – A Devotional Guidebook Through the Elements of Christian Character for Children and Adults

Dr. Craichy
Diet : The Super Health Diet: The Last Diet You Will Ever Need by Craichy, K.C. (February 16, 2011) Paperback

Super Health
Super Health: 7 Golden Keys to Unlock Lifelong Vitality

The Bible Cure for ADD and Hyperactivity: Ancient Truths, Natural Remedies and the Latest Findings for Your Health Today (New Bible Cure (Siloam))

Eat This And Live For Kids: Simple, Healthy Food & Restaurant Choices that Your Kids Will LOVE!

La Cura Biblica (Spanish)
La Cura Biblica Dda (New Bible Cure (Siloam)) (Spanish Edition)

Ellie Phillips Kiss Your Dentist Goodbey
Kiss Your Dentist Goodbye: A Do-It-Yourself Mouth Care System for Healthy, Clean Gums and Teeth


Cancer Prevention Diet Kushi
The Cancer Prevention Diet, Revised and Updated Edition: The Macrobiotic Approach to Preventing and Relieving Cancer
Basic Macrobiotic Menus & Recipes: Simple, Natural, Beautiful Food To Balance Body & Mind (Basic Macrobiotic Book Series) (Volume 3)

Modern-Day Macrobiotics: Transform Your Diet and Feed Your Mind, Body and Spirit

The Edge Effect: Achieve Total Health and Longevity with the Balanced Brain Advantage

Younger Brain, Sharper Mind: A 6-Step Plan for Preserving and Improving Memory and Attention at Any Age from America’s Brain Doctor

Carl Sommer
With CD read along
Another Sommer-Time Story: Three Little Pigs (with CD Read Along)

School Schools In Crisis: Training for Success or Failure?s in Crisis

Learn at Home for Great Shalom
How to Contend For Your Children
Legacy Workbook: Leaving a Legacy In Our Children
How to Win the Game of School
Don’t Lose Your Faith in College
God Wants You Healed
Prayers for Great Shalom


Series on Loving Your Children Begins Today

Love Wisely.  We are commanded to teach younger mothers how to love their children. It is obvious that this is needed in our world.  How does one love? What is love? Is it possible to love too much?  Answers. Audio cast for February 8, 2015.

Spoiled.  What “spoiling” a child is and how to avoid it. ‘Cast for February 15, 2015.

Newest Audio Edition of The Great Shalom Now Posted

Good news! Blueprints for a happy life, for good parenting, prosperity, and a strong nation. Yes, really. Time tested and scientifically proven. And explained right here on The Great Shalom Broadcast.

Newest edition, recorded 7-14-14 and news of a direct commission from God. You will want to hear it and share it.

Transformational. And GSB is participating in that transformation. New ‘cast posted. New look. New mandate. New enthusiasm. New fire.

Coaching as a metaphor for parenting, teaching, or pastoring

What do great coaches do that poor coaches do not? I talk about that on this week’s GSB.

Here are the citations I promised:
Cooper, Casey (2011, June). MOntior on Psychology, 13.

Cangemi, J. (2000). Leadership and mciro-managing: What are the consequences?

Caongemi, J, and Kowalski, C, 2012, Ap.May). “Coached up,” Mensa Bulletin/

Wolf, A. (2010, June 14). remembering the wizard – Johnny Wooden 1910-2010. Sports Illustrated, 32-37.

Cangemi, J. (1992). Some observations of successful leaders and their use of power and authority. Education. (112)4,499-505.