Tag Archives: Healing

God Wants

Been thinking about that title, used for a series. I took it from my book title: God Wants You Healed. (BTW, although some other authors used it recently, I did think that up all on my own. No, I don’t think they stole it from me; it think that is just what God was saying.)

But God wants? Does God want? Well, we know this is the will of God, that we be saved, filled, delivered, healed, prospered. That is what I was saying. In all these places we could just say, “Yes, this IS God’s will for you….” It is important that people not accept some story that it is God’s will that their children are broken. No, it is God’s will for everyone to be whole and do wonderful. The problem is not God’s will. The story circulates because people either don’t understand or just don’t want to take responsibility.

Okay, so that is what I was saying. But does God want anything? Well, maybe so. To the extent that God wishes that none of us should perish, but some choose to do so, then I guess God wants. Dear Lord help me, for talking about such things.

I just do know that God wants health for your child. Sure, God’s got the power, so let’s receive it.

I pray blessing over you, over your child, over your household, over your classroom. Lord, give us understanding how to walk in faith. We commit our will to your will. Amen.

Blessed Resurrection Day

May you have a blessed Resurrection Day. That is more precise than “Happy Easter.” Today I am talking about how to tell which story to believe. And how the Resurrection story connects with your child’s story. It is good. Power that can raise someone from the dead can heal us, raise us up, and give us joy & peace. Believe it!

Check out Isaiah 53, depicting Jesus on the cross. He was one big wound. That was for us. Evil really beat up on him. The Messiah was “cut off from the land of the living.” Ah, but he will see his seed, he will justify many, and he is dividing the spoils with the strong — the strong in faith. Read onto Isiah 54: SING all you who have not borne fruit, who are discouraged, downtrodden, down & out, hopeless, because you are now rescued, healed, and have a covenant that is stronger than the mountains.

And your children too! WOW! That is what it is all about.

Prayer Lists

Just posted a teaching on Isaiah 53:5 “By His wounds we are healed.” This is the passage from which we know that God wishes to heal us and our children. Yet many of our customers around praying show we have don’t realize, have forgotten, or have let our faith go stale. Of course people ask to be on the GSB prayer list, and I am happy for that, but I start asking if we are really believing for God to heal. We should. If, for instance, your best friend promised to buy you lunch, would you talk about it like you didn’t expect it to happen? No! Yet we often act like that to God.

Lord help us all. If faith comes by hearing, let us listen carefully to God’s Word and Spirit.

And btw, thank you, Lord.