Tag Archives: daycare

Be the Village

One side says, “It takes a Village to Raise a Child.” The other side said, “NO! It takes 2 parents!” Well, here is the truth about rearing children. Leaders know that we need to help children and help parents rear children. However, all out efforts are resulting in worsening statistics. So maybe we need a new plan. Let’s first get some correct, scientific facts. Then let’s consult some time-tested wisdom. If we keep wandering around in “left field” or “gridlock” our kids will continue to falter. There is a way through the wilderness to the Promised Land. I’ll give you a map in less than 30 minutes.

Also, if you like, you may sign up for a free ebook on how to start a full time preschool — as mission. I know of no other mission that can change the world so dramatically or so quickly. I know of no other mission that can pay for itself. Please consider this and please pass the ebook around!

Early Brain Development


Thanks for alerting us to this blog:

Teach_Preschool Early Childhood
Children’s brain needs support! http://ow.ly/3Ch6C #ece #preschool #teachpreschool via @braininsights

It is worthy of looking at in more depth. Just let me say 1) YES we need to understand early childhood brain development. and 2) but also bit units are not as likely to encourage that as real live care givers, primarily mothers.

So yes, more understanding of early childhood brain development. When I was in a poor country, and saw most children growing up in a dusty road with maybe a stick to play with, I connected that with the fact that there was a shortage of people who were competent enough to be managers or traveling salespeople. Early childhood brain development is a Development issue. Therefore we have visioned teachers’ colleges.

And yes, as this site has recognized, big unit (whether government or corporate) responses to improved academic achievment are often completely wrongheaded. Unfortunately some progressive, some open&free programs have also been poor.

So how do you foster early brain development? Really it is no mystery. You encourage the child to safely explore reality through their senses, and you foster rich and healthy social interactions.

An intelligent and attentive mother is the key. Failing that, a replacement caregiver.

What is difficult is how to make sure that happens. What happens if the mother is inattentive? Is so poor that her own environment is far from enriched? Some education might work, but how quality is that? Really, it is not hard. a set of pots and pans can substitute for a Montessori didactic apparatus. They can stack. They can teach in and out. They can surely be used as instruments.

What happens when the group care has rotating staff? Pressured staff? or worst of all, worksheets to meet imposed standards?

Mandates are well-meant, but often fail in execution. Let’s do build the teacher, let’s do include the parent.

I know you are working on it. Go with God’s blessing. Let’s pray daily for a widespread “enlightening of understanding.” (Yes, I mean really. I pray this daily from Ephesians 1). Love and blessings!