Tag Archives: authority

Healing, as Taught by Jesus

Jesus heals. Matthew cites Isaiah 53 as an explanation of the miraculous healings that Jesus did. We believe in healing and will take is any way it comes. We don’t believe the stories that God wants our children to suffer.

Please enjoy our little mini-series on healing.

Please know that you may subscribe to the whole podcast or to just a portion: the Bible, the practical health measures, or the innovative education part.

Lessons from Jesus a hit

Jesus teaches us about praying for healing in Matthew 8 a couple of times at least. Last week we considered Matthew 8:16 that clearly indicates Jesus is fulfulling Isaiah 53, in healing people physically.

This seem to be a very popular episode, judging by the jump in podcast subscriptions. Talk to me.

Upcoming is another lesson in praying for healing from Matthew 8; this time from Jesus chat with the centurion. Jesus was impressed with his knowledge of authority. Find out in the upcoming episode how we have authority in prayer.