Category Archives: The Great Shalom Broadcast

How to Change the World – Starting in Your Neighborhood

We all talk about changing the world. The folks are changing the world for their children, their families, their neighborhoods. They have a workable model.

I have another, similar model: church affiliated preschools. My free gift this month is an ebook, now entitled Preschool: Your Most Important Mission. Just fill out the form and I will send it to you. Please get one for your pastor. Or start a committee. Or just start your own business if your church’s building just won’t do. Please consider this idea. Our nation’s children need it. Think about it when you are planning foreign missions too! Get the book. It will help you start!

We begin a series on homeschooling today, going for the next few weeks — because my most important young mother advisor told me that the number one help that young mothers with children who have special needs is: how to do homeschooling (better). So home education. in our next series. Basic foundational facts covered briefly at the end of today’s ‘cast.

It will be the next big product too. Step by step instructions on how to cover everything your child needs and how to decide which curricula and which path to take. See more info on the Project tab above.

Two big announcements:
1) Mom to mom support, idea swap, and pamper event. March 31st 2017 Friday night and Saturday. I announced it as being in Austin, but found my favorite eco-friendly hotel is booked up. So going to the historic Menger Hotel in San Antonio. (You could bring the whole family, but out time is girlfriend time. Your husband would have to take the kids to the Alamo and promise not to bother you. $97 for the group activities and the Menger reservations are on you. However, if you book with our group, you get a significant discount. Call me for details. 512-249-7629. MOMS only.

2) How to start a preschool for pastors and lay leaders on Saturday, May 13th, 2017 in south Dallas. $97 For more info email me at

Answers to Other Religions and Challenges of Education Answer 5

This is primarily a broadcast about the healing of children. Right now we are in a series that answers challenges to the faith. This is important because parents want to equip their children in the modern world so they don’t lose their faith and also because young parents themselves may be wavering in their faith. Wavering in faith does not help getting prayers answered!

However, I am interspersing the”Answers” series with other topics because I have about 9 episodes and do not want to leave behind the original goal of preaching healing and promoting natural health. Originally I felt that the greatest need was healing for learning disabilities. No one was teaching that. I was uniquely positioned to do so. Since then, I have discovered that there is less knowledge about that need because the standards of public school are so very low, and lowering and lowering, although it seems entirely hidden. So what would have been recognized as a painful learning disability even 20 years ago remains unknown. But there is lots of pain — but mostly covered by confusion — these days. So GSB continues to address those pain points with truth, which is truly good news.

Next week we will have a prayer time for our children, and also for the election, as it relates to children. This broadcast, in primarily being about healing never has gotten into politics, and will attempt to continue in that vein. If you are desirous of discussion education policy, please come to

Also, since practical health measures, based on the idea that God created the world good and wishes health more than even healing, I have shared good ideas for moms. Then I see and hear so much desire for that among the grandparent generation. Please notice at the top of the page are “tabs” where you may select the GSB 4 Grands page and listen to those episodes. If you would like more of this, and if I get enough response, then it may be worth making a separate podcast and a separate website for we the grandparent generation. Remember, “We will stay fresh and green, bringing fruit forth, even in old age” — which I read is 120 years old.

For today the answers (apologia) have to do with the challenge that all paths lead to the same place, that faith is for the uneducated, and that faith makes one less able to be successful. NOT NOT NOT LOL.

Please go to for my book on How to not lose your faith in college. Please write me directly at P.O. Box 971 Cedar Park, Texas 78630 if you want all 9 episodes on CD.

GSB Almost in Audio for 2016

Happy to announce that we are in audio again, for 2016. Please subscribe through WordPress (to the right on this page). In 15 minute format now, because I understand this is the most popular podcasting format these days. This week a little explanation and a prayer of blessing. Next week, how to change your atmosphere with singing.

First Audio of 2016

Double click on this and then look for the black bar. That is your player. Press the little triangle because that is your play button.

Now, I have to remember to put text into WP, then make a link, then put code in, being sure it is right with no trash AND THEN to eliminate the “http://” because WP will automatically put that in. Aha. (And never mind that WP just added some code to this text! OY Vey!)

Apologies to those of you who came early and found a bit of coding trash. I was obviously technical difficulties. Our sound file hosting friends had an unavoidable change in servers. WordPress as decided to make several changes too, which in our view were all poor choices. But I also was having some difficulty getting my code up right. So I was getting changes or eliminations of the code from my server support. Struggle. It would be better if I could devote myself to my calling to creating the content and that I had someone whose calling and talent was to do the tech. I need some volunteer tech help or money to pay tech help. Audio files are ready to go, with good server support (we really like NetBroadcasting — great for churches.) Contact me if you have help.

First Audio of 2016

Ready to Broadcast Again – With Partners?

The Great Shalom, whether as a broadcast or a blog or a publishing house, seeks to encourage parents and educators. We encourage you to have faith for the success of your child. We continue to have a lot of interest and we would like to serve you. We want to get out information that will support you in your faith for the well-being of your child, both spiritually and practically.

(This is Christian broadcast focused on the needs of children. We are not a Jewish, Messianic, or political a enterprise. We have no malice and only blessings for anyone. We do, however, get a lot of hits and calls for people looking for these things. I just chose “shalom” because there is not English word that covers all that Shalom covers: total well-being.)

We would be delighted to once again record weekly broadcasts and buy air time on radio stations, Christian or secular — when we have funding. WE are in prayer about that, and invite you to pray for us. Until then, I will blog and post files when possible around a full schedule serving children through serving educators. Under the “Listen Now” tab there is a selection of the best of The Great Shalom Broadcast, including testimonies, interviews, and a sampling of our series. Please check under “Sarles” for available books.
For discussion of governmental policies, feel free to enter into discussion at

For teacher training or business consulting or coaching for the professional, go to We are recognized by the State of Texas for ECD training for staff and directors. In business consulting, I specialize in small businesses, churches, and church affiliated schools. Coaching, I specialize in customer service adn time management for salespeople and entrepreneurs. See offerings at